Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class wtt

    broader class

          wtt            Christianity  ≈ DDC 230 240 250 260 270 280
          wtt3p                      Christian priests  ≈ DDC 250
          wtt3po                           bishops
          wtt3pt                           archbishops
          wtt3pw                           the pope
          wtt3xe                           Jesus; Christ
          wtt3xs                           Christian saints
          wtt7h                      Christian symbol Christian cross; dove
          wtt7sb                           Christian Bible  ≈ DDC 220
          wttb                 primitive Church  ≈ DDC 281
          wttc                 Melkites; Melchites; Eastern patriarchates  ≈ DDC 281
          wttd                 Orthodoxes  ≈ DDC 281
          wttf                 Monophysites; Eastern churches  ≈ DDC 281
          wttfb                      Armenian church
          wttfc                      Coptic church
          wttfd                      Nestorian and Chaldean-catholic churches
          wttfe                      Ethiopian church
          wttfm                      Maronite church
          wttfs                      Syrian church; Jacobite
          wttft                      St. Thomas Christianity; Malabar; Mar Thoma Syrian church
          wtth                 Roman Catholicism  ≈ DDC 282
          wtti                 non-Roman Catholicism
          wttii                      independent Catholic churches
          wttio                      old Catholic church
          wttn                 Anglicanism  ≈ DDC 283
          wttp                 Protestantism; Reform churches
          wttpe                      Born Again incl' fundamentalism, revivalism, puritain free
          wttpeb                           Anabaptism; Mennonites
          wttpec                           Baptism  ≈ DDC 286
          wttped                           Darbysm
          wttpef                           Frères Larges
          wttpei                           Anglican evangelism
          wttpeɭ                           free churches
          wttpem                           Methodism  ≈ DDC 287
          wttpep                           Pentecostism
          wttpeq                           Quakers; Religious Society of Friends  ≈ DDC 289
          wttpes                           Salvation Army
          wttpev                           Adventism  ≈ DDC 286
          wttpew                           Reformed Evangelism
          wttph                      Hussites
          wttpk                      African churches; Kimbangism
          wttpɭ                      Lutheranism  ≈ DDC 284
          wttpɭɭ                           Presbyterianism; Calvinistic methodism  ≈ DDC 285
          wttpm                      Moravian Church; United Brethren; Unitas Fratrum; Herrnhuters  ≈ DDC 284
          wttpn                      Calvinism; Reformed Presbiterianism including Calvinists, Huguenots  ≈ DDC 284
          wttpnc                           Congregationalism  ≈ DDC 285
          wttpnr                           Arminiens; Remontrants
          wttpnu                           Puritanism  ≈ DDC 285
          wttpnw                           Walloon Church
          wttpp                      Pietism
          wttpv                      Waldensians; Waldenses; Vaudois; Valdesi
          wttpw                      Lollards; Wycliffites
          wtts                 Mormons; Latter-Day Saints
          wttt                 Moonism
          wttu                 Neo-Apostolism
          wttv                 transversal theological groups
          wttvb                      Barth theology; Neo-Orthodoxes
          wttvc                      Charismatic movement
          wttvf                      Liberation Theology
          wttvɭ                      Theological Liberalism
          wttvɭd                           Death of God theology
          wttvm                      modern theologies
          wttvs                      social Christianity
          wttvzs                 Christian Science; Scientism
          wttw                 Jehovah's Witnesses
          wttwzs                 Antitrinitaires; Socinians; Unitarians; Christadelphism
          wttwzu                 Universalism; Armstrong  ≈ DDC 289
          wttwzw                 Swedenborgians
          wttx                 Apostolic churches
          wtty                 African indigenous sects
Connected classes:
                 tysm                Byzantine civilization; Byzantium  ↞ wttd tyrrt 
                 tyth                Western Christendom; Holy Roman Empire civilization  ↞ wtth 

current: 99 



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Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class wtt / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2021.12.09 -