Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class c

    broader class

          c  spacetime; space-time; events; pacha  [special relativity]  ↞ bg gravitational field alo groups   ≈ DDC 530.1  
          c5   [X]       spatiotemporal transformation
          c6   [X]       spatiotemporal property
          c7   [X]       spatiotemporal element
          c8        spatiotemporal quanta; spin network
          c88             spatiotemporal curvature
          c9   [X]       spatiotemporal kind
          cY       present; here and now
          cYb            this; here proximal
          cYd            that; there distal
          cYt            that yonder
          cb       time  [chronology]
          cbX   [an]            time years
          cbY            present, past and future
          cbb            Big Bang time; Planck epoch
          cbs            hundreds of thousands years
          cbv            hundreds of millions years
          cbw            billions years
          cbx            more than billions years
          cc       space; extension  [geometry; algebraic geometry; topology]  ≈ DDC 514 516
          cc6   [X]            property
          cc7   [X]            element
          cc9   [X]            kind
          ccX            dimensions  ↞ ann units
          cca            points
          ccb            straight lines; one-dimensional space
          ccc            surfaces; two-dimensional space; 2D
          ccd            solids; three-dimensional space; 3D
          cce            four-dimensional space; tetradimensional space
          cp       processes; occurrents; changes  [dynamics]  
          cp5            becoming; changing into
          cpc            continuants; objects; things
          cpe            states; properties  ↞ ae8c binary
          cpo            continued events; durative events
          cpv            events; concluded events; done perfect  
Connected classes:
                 065  [cpo]           theorized as undergoing path; process
                 188  [cc]           in absolute time
                 566  [an]           tending towards; regulating to equilibrium value; homeostasis; health  ↞ cpoh 
                 aqk           dynamical systems  [ergodic theory]  ↞ cp 
                 d particles; wave-particles; wavicles; quantons  [quantum physics; high energy physics; particle ph.]  ↞ b c 
                 h5c           circular motion  ↞ ccccc 
                 i1      in era; period  [geochronology; stratigraphy]  ↞ cbx 
                 j8      latitude degrees; primes  ↞ ccdyau 
                 j89           longitude degrees; primes  ↞ ccdyau 
                 t5       social event; social dynamics  ↞ cp 
                 w5       rite; worship; ceremony; liturgy; divine service  ↞ cp 

current: 3 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class c / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2021.12.09 -