Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class v6

    broader class

          v6       according to; under regulation; institution; legal order; law; norm; rule; act  [jurisprudence; legal theory]  ≈ DDC 348
          v66   [p6]           having right
          v69             economic system  ≈ DDC 339
          v69b                 domestic economies; internal consumption  
          v69c                 reciprocity economies; symmetrical exchange
          v69g                 redistribution economies; centralized exchange
          v69k                 market economies
          v69kf                      feudal systems
          v69kp                      capitalism
          v69kpɭ                           laissez-faire
          v69m                 mixed economies; compromise systems
          v69mm                      mercantilism; mercantile systems
          v69mq                      liberalism
          v69mr                      dirigisme
          v69p                 planned economies; hands-on systems
          v69pc                      socialism  ≈ DDC 335
          v69pcc                           communism
          v69t                 participatory economies
          v6e            law of property  ↞ v7 owing
          v6g            succession law  ↞ m5x death
          v6i            conflict of laws; private international law
          v6j            corporate law; corporations law; company law  ↞ v legal entities
          v6k            competition law
          v6ɭ            labour law  ↞ v7b labour   ≈ DDC 344
          v6m            commercial law  ↞ v5k trade   ≈ DDC 343
          v6n            intellectual property law  ↞ x creative arts y scholarship
          v6nc                 copyright
          v6ne                 patents
          v6nm                 trademarks
          v6nr                 industrial design rights  ↞ rt factories
          v6ns                 trade secrets
          v6oWy            public law
          v6p            penal law; criminal law  ↞ u4 committing   ≈ DDC 345
          v6s            constitutional law  ≈ DDC 342
          v6t            administrative law  ↞ u7l civil service   ≈ DDC 342
          v6w            international law; public international law
Connected classes:
                 u5e           regulation development  ↞ v6 
                 u69ts                     socialist law  ↞ v69pc 
                 v5p           inheritance  ↞ v6g 

current: 99 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class v6 / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2021.12.09 -