Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class ty

    broader class

          ty       civilizations  [history]  ≈ DDC 913
          tyb            Mesopotamian civilization  ↞ jUjy Tigris & Euphrate basin   ≈ DDC 935
          tybe                 Sumer
          tybeb                      Ubaid period
          tybec                      Uruk period
          tybee                      Jemdet Nasr period
          tybeh                      Early Dynastic periods
          tybek                      Akkadian Empire period
          tybeo                      Gutian period
          tybeu                      Ur III period
          tybew                      Dynasty of Isin; Amorite states
          tybɭ                 Babylonia civilization
          tybɭf                      First Babylonian dynasty; Amorite Dynasty
          tybɭfh                           Empire of Hammurabi
          tybɭk                      Kassite Dynasty
          tybɭn                      Native Rule; Second Dynasty of Isin
          tybɭo                      Period of Chaos; 1026-911 BC
          tybɭr                      Assyrian rule  ↞ tybt Assyria
          tybɭu                      Chaldean Era; Neo-Babylonian Empire period
          tybɭx                      Persian Babylonia
          tybt                 Assyria; Assyrian Empire civilization
          tybtd                      Old Assyrian Empire
          tybtm                      Middle Assyrian Empire
          tybtt                      Neo-Assyrian Empire
          tyc            Ancient Egypt  ↞ jUkc Nile basin   ≈ DDC 932
          tycd                 Early Dynastic Period
          tycg                 Old Kingdom
          tyci                 1st Intermediate Period
          tycm                 Middle Kingdom
          tyco                 2nd Intermediate Period
          tycq                 New Kingdom
          tyct                 3rd Intermediate Period
          tycu                 Kushite Egypt
          tycw                 Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt
          tyczk            Kerma culture; Kerma kingdom ~2500-1500 BCE  ↞ jUkc Nile basin
          tyczu            Kingdom of Kush ~785 BCE-350 CE  ↞ jUkc Nile basin
          tyd            Canaan  ↞ wts Judaism   ≈ DDC 933
          tydi                 Israelites
          tydt                 Second temple Judaism 516 BCE-70 CE
          tye            Elam; Elamites; Susiana
          tyg            Achaemenid civilization; Iranian civilization
          tyi            Ancient India; Hindu and Buddhist civilizations  ↞ wtc Vedic Brahmanism wtd Hinduism wth Buddhism   ≈ DDC 934
          tyie                 Pre-Harappan; Mehrgarh
          tyih                 Indus Valley Civilization; Harappan Civilization  ↞ jUjx Indus basin
          tyihe                      Early Harappan; Mughal; Kenoyer
          tyihm                      Mature Harappan
          tyiht                      Late Harappan
          tyik                 Vedic Period
          tyiq                 Second Urbanisation
          tyit                 Pre-Classical Indian period
          tyiu                 Gupta Empire; Golden Age
          tyiw                 Late-Classical Indian period
          tyj            central Asian civilization
          tyjb                 Tibetan civilization  ↞ wths Lamaism
          tyjbg                      Zhangzhung
          tyjbj                      Yarlung Dynasty
          tyjbm                      Tibetan Empire period
          tyjbo                      Era of Fragmentation
          tyjbr                      Tibetan Renaissance
          tyjbt                      Tibet under Yuan rule
          tyjbu                      Phagmodrupa Dynasty
          tyjbv                      Rinpungpa Dynasty
          tyjbw                      Tsangpa Dynasty
          tyjbx                      Ganden Phodrang
          tyjby                      recent Tibet
          tyjbyq                           Tibet under Qing rule
          tyjm                 Turkic and Mongol civilizations
          tyjmm                      Mongol Empire civilization
          tyk            East Asian civilizations
          tykc                 Chinese civilization  ↞ jUjp Huang He basin jUjq Yangtze basin   ≈ DDC 931
          tykcc                      Xia dynasty
          tykcd                      Shang dynasty
          tykce                      Zhou dynasty
          tykcf                      Spring and Autumn period
          tykcg                      Warring States period
          tykci                      Qin dynasty
          tykcj                      Han dynasty
          tykck                      Three Kingdoms
          tykcɭ                      Jin dynasty
          tykcm                      Northern and Southern dynasties
          tykcn                      Sui dynasty
          tykco                      Tang dynasty
          tykcp                      Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms
          tykcq                      Song, Liao, Jin, and Western Xia dynasties
          tykcr                      Yuan dynasty
          tykct                      Ming dynasty
          tykcu                      Qing dynasty
          tykcv                      Republic of China
          tykcw                      People's Republic of China
          tykk                 Korean civilization
          tykn                 Vietnamese civilization
          tykp                 Japanese civilization  ↞ jUx Kyushu jUy Honshu
          tykpd                      Jōmon period
          tykpe                      Yayoi period
          tykpf                      Kofun period 250-538 CE
          tykpg                      Asuka period 538-710 CE
          tykph                      Nara period 710-794 CE
          tykpi                      Heian period 794-1185 CE
          tykpk                      Kamakura period 1185-1333 CE
          tykpɭ                      Muromachi period 1333-1568 CE
          tykpm                      Azuchi–Momoyama period 1568-1600 CE
          tykpn                      Edo period 1568-1600 CE
          tykpo                      Meiji period 1868-1912 CE
          tykpp                      Taishō period 1912-1926 CE
          tykpq                      Shōwa period 1926-1989 CE
          tykpr                      Heisei period 1989- CE
          tyɭ            civilizations of South East Asia
          tyɭc                 Funan and Chen-la
          tyɭg                 Angkor Cambodia
          tyɭm                 Champas
          tyɭt                 Sri Vijaya, Singhasari and Majapahit
          tyɭu                 Burmese, Thai and Lao
          tyn            New World civilizations
          tync                 Norte Chico; Caral-Supe
          tyne                 Olmec
          tynh                 Toltec
          tynk                 Aztec civilization
          tynm                 Maya civilization
          tynn                 Inca
          tynp                 Zapotec
          tyr            Mediterranean civilization of the Classical period
          tyre                 Phoenicia
          tyrg                 Minoan civilization  ↞ jUizr Crete
          tyrh                 Hellenic civilization; ancient Greece  ↞ jUe Cuba   ≈ DDC 938
          tyrhc                      Archaic Greece 750-500 BC
          tyrhɭ                      Classical Greece 500-323 BC
          tyrhn                      Hellenistic Greece 323-146 BC
          tyrr                 ancient Rome civilization  ↞ jUjgzn Tevere basin   ≈ DDC 937
          tyrrk                      Roman Kingdom civilization
          tyrrr                      Roman Republic civilization
          tyrrt                      Roman Empire civilization
          tyrrtb                           Augustus empire 27 BCE-14 CE
          tyrrtc                           Julio-Claudian Dynasty 14-68 CE
          tyrrtf                           Flavian dynasty 69-96 CE
          tyrrtg                           Five Good Emperors 96-180 CE
          tyrrth                           Commodus and the Year of the Five Emperors 180-193 CE
          tyrrti                           Severan dynasty 193-235 CE
          tyrrtj                           Crisis of the Third Century 235-184 CE
          tyrrtɭ                           Diocletian and the Tetrarchy 284-301 CE
          tyrrtn                           Constantinian dynasty 305-363 CE
          tyrrtp                           Valentinian dynasty 364-392 CE
          tyrrtt                           Theodosian dynasty 379-457 CE
          tysm                 Byzantine civilization; Byzantium  ↞ wttd Orthodoxes tyrrt Roman Empire civilization
          tyt            Medieval civilizations  [Medieval history]
          tytc                 Islamic Golden Age ~800-1258 CE  ↞ wtu Islam
          tytg                 Georgian and Armenian civilizations
          tyth                 Western Christendom; Holy Roman Empire civilization  ↞ wtth Roman Catholicism
          tyto                 Ottoman civilization  ↞ wtu Islam tysm Byzantine civilization
          tytr                 Russian civilization
          tyu            Sahelian kingdoms civilization  ↞ jUi Sicily   ≈ DDC 960
          tyug                 Ghana empire civilization; Awkar ~700-1240 CE
          tyum                 Mali empire civilization; Manden Kurufaba 1230-1670 CE
          tyut                 Songhai empire civilization 1464-1592 CE
          tyv            civilizations of south-Sahelian empires 15th-19th centuries  ↞ jUi Sicily   ≈ DDC 960
          tyvw                 Great Zimbabwe civilization; Mutapa empire civilization 1450-1629 CE
          tyw            modern Western civilization; Occidental culture; Modern Era  [modern history]  ↞ jUj Eurasia rt factories   ≈ DDC 940 970
          tywd                 Age of Discovery; Age of Exploration ~1400-1800 CE  ↞ stlh ships
          tywn                 Age of Enlightenment; Age of Reason; scientific revolution  ↞ yss empirical sciences
          tywni                      Industrial Revolution ~1760-1870  ↞ rt factories
          tywo                 Belle Époque 1871-1914 CE
          tywp                 World War I; First World War; WWI; WW1 1914-1918 CE
          tywq                 Interwar period 1918-1939 CE
          tywr                 World War II; Second World War; WWII; WW2 1939-1945 CE
          tyws                 Post-War Era; Postmodernity 1945- CE  [contemporary history]
          tywsc                      Cold War 1945-1991 CE
          tywsd                      Information Age; Computer Age; Digital Age; New Media Age  ↞ suu computers
Connected classes:
                 026  [ty]           as known in culture; civilization
                 r91  [ty]           used in historical civilization
                 sh6d                ayurveda  ↞ tyi 
                 sh6i                traditional Tibetan medicine  ↞ tyjb 
                 sh6j                traditional Chinese medicine; TCM  ↞ tykc 
                 sh6k                traditional Korean medicine  ↞ tykk 
                 sh6s                allopathic medicine; biomedicine; Hyppocratic tradition  ↞ tyw 
                 tybɭr                     Assyrian rule  ↞ tybt 
                 tysm                Byzantine civilization; Byzantium  ↞ wttd tyrrt 
                 tyto                Ottoman civilization  ↞ wtu tysm 
                 u919  [ty]                of historical period
                 uUc91po                               states in the Holy Roman Empire  ↞ tyth 
                 uUi           Egypt; Arab Republic of Egypt  ↞ tyc 
                 upn           colonial empires  ↞ tywd 
                 ut      modern nation states; countries; sovereign states; unitary states  ↞ jU tt tyw 
                 x61  [ty]           set in epoch
                 ysv           history  ↞ ty u 

current: 99 



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Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class ty / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2021.12.09 -