Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class t7

    broader class

          t7        age group
          t70   [s]           occupied in job; occupation
          t70ri   ⋄                     fishing fishers
          t70rɭ   ⋄                     farming farmers
          t70rt   ⋄                     industrial plant industrial workers
          t70sr   ⋄                     retail shop retailers
          t70x                 art artists
          t73   [an89]            wealth class  ↞ v7 owing
          t73f                 poor
          t73q                 middle class; wealthy
          t73u                 rich
          t74   [mU7]           having ill organ
          t748   [mU48]                 health condition
          t748c                      healthy
          t748m                      ill; disabled
          t74ih                      heart cardiopathic
          t74oe                      eyes blind
          t74oh                      ears deaf
          t75   [an89]            literacy class  ↞ sw schools
          t75f                 uneducated; ignorant
          t75u                 learned
          t76   [wt]           adhering to
          t76s   ⋄                Judaism Jew
          t76u   ⋄                Islam Muslim
          t77   [mU689]            members' skin colour
          t77b                 white skin
          t77f                 olive skin
          t77i                 dark brown skin black
          t796   [pj]                 members' sexual orientation
          t796e                      heterosexual
          t796o                      homosexual
          t7XX                  gender  ↞ pi gender identities
          t7Xx                 male; masculine
          t7Xy                 female; feminine
          t7d            being born  ↞ m5e birth
          t7e            infants; babies; newborn  ↞ mU8e human infant
          t7i            children  ↞ mU8i children
          t7ix                 male children
          t7iy                 female children
          t7ɭ            adolescents; kids  ↞ mU8l kids
          t7ɭx                 boys
          t7ɭy                 girls
          t7n            youth; young people  ↞ mU8n young humans
          t7nx                 young men
          t7ny                 young women
          t7p            adults  ↞ mU8p adult humans
          t7px                 men; adult men
          t7py                 women; adult women
          t7v            old people; third age  ↞ mU8v old humans
          t7vx                 old men
          t7vy                 old women
          t7x            dead people  ↞ m8x dead
Connected classes:
                 000003  [t7]                          as accessed by people class
                 006  [t7]           treated for target; public
                 073  [t7]           among discourse community; social domain
                 36  [t7]      for beneficiary; patient; assistee; addressee
                 p96  [t7]           of person class
                 q336  [t7]                spoken by speaker class
                 r36  [t7]           for user class; people
                 s36  [t7]           for customer; patron; consumer; buyer
                 sgc           childcare  ↞ t7i 
                 sge           elderly care  ↞ t7v 
                 sh96  [t7]                for patient
                 swn           nursery schools  ↞ t7i 
                 swp           primary schools  ↞ t7i 
                 swt           high schools  ↞ t7l 
                 swu           universities  ↞ t7n 
                 sww           adult schools  ↞ t7p 
                 t36  [t7]           for beneficiary; social group
                 t4pc                male chauvinism; antifeminism  ↞ t7Xy 
                 t4pg                ageism; agism  ↞ t7v 
                 w36  [t7]           for recipients
                 x36  [t7]           for audience; target
                 y36  [t7]           for audience; target; pupil; student; public

current: 99 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class t7 / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2021.12.09 -