Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class q

    broader class

          qWy  culture
          q  language  [linguistics]  ↞ ou communication p consciousness mU human organisms   ≈ DDC 400 410  
          q0       as related to
          q03cr                      comparative linguistics
          q07h                 philosophy of language
          q07m                 mathematical linguistics
          q09            studied by theory  [general linguistics]
          q0p            mind  [psycholinguistics]
          q0s            economy  [economical linguistics]
          q0t            society  [sociolinguistics]
          q0tt                 nation  [ethnolinguistics; anthropological linguistics]
          q17   [w1]           in time  [historical linguistics; comparative linguistics]
          q173   [w1]                originated in epoch
          q1734   [w1]                     extinct in; dead in epoch
          q27   [uU]           of; originated in; diffused from region
          q31   [q]           deriving from original linguistic element  [etymology; philology]
          q319                  etimological type
          q319ɭ                      loan
          q319q                      calque
          q32   [q]           within linguistic context
          q33   [U]           by speaker; sender
          q336   [t7]                spoken by speaker class
          q36   [U]           to addressee; receiver
          q4        error; mistake  [error analysis]
          q45e                 interlingual error
          q45r                 intralingual error
          q4g            overgeneralization
          q4gd                 developmental error
          q4gdi                      induced error
          q4gdɭ                      error of avoidance
          q4gdo                      error of overproduction
          q4s            simplification
          q4so                 omission
          q4st                 addition
          q5        language change; evolution
          q5c            conservatism
          q5q            revival
          q5r            reformation
          q6        formalization
          q60             language level  
          q60r   ⋄                technical
          q60t   ⋄                familiar; common; spoken; vernacular
          q60u   ⋄                institutional
          q60w   ⋄                liturgical
          q60x   ⋄                literary
          q60y   ⋄                scientific
          q669                 style; rhetorical strategy
          q669g                      logical style; logos
          q669o                      authoritative style; ethos  
          q669t                      emotional style; pathos
          q69             sense
          q69g                 argot sense
          q69j                 jargon sense; technical sense
          q69m                 metaphorical sense
          q69r                 rhetorical sense; so to speak
          q6aWt            natural
          q6b            jargon
          q6d            dialect; local variant  [dialectology]
          q6n            standard; national
          q6p            pidgin
          q6r            creole
          q6t            international
          q6u            constructed; planned; artificial
          q6x            formal
          q6xp                 programming; script
          q6xr                 knowledge representation; markup
          q7        transmission system; channel  ↞ ou5 
          q77   [q]           with element
          q79   [X]            structural type
          q7cWo            nonverbal communication
          q7d            interpersonal distance  [proxemics]  
          q7db                 public distance >360 cm
          q7dɭ                 social distance 120-360 cm
          q7dp                 personal distance 45-120 cm
          q7dt                 intimate distance <45 cm
          q7g            gestures; visual-manual signs; body motion; body language  [kinesics]  
          q7gc                 touch  [haptics]
          q7gcb                      slap
          q7gcc                      pat; caress
          q7gcg                      hug
          q7gch                      hand-shaking
          q7gci                      holding hands
          q7gck                      kiss
          q7ge                 body orientation
          q7gf                 posture; posturing
          q7gh                 chest gesture; thorax gesture
          q7ghb                      chest bending
          q7gho                      bowing; stooping
          q7ghs                      chest swelling
          q7gi                 pelvis gesture
          q7gm                 arm gesture
          q7gn                 hand gesture; manual gesture
          q7gne                      emblem; quotable gesture; symbolic gesture
          q7gnef                           clenched fist; raised fist
          q7gneh                           handwave
          q7gnen                           namaste; añjali mudrā
          q7gneo                           okay; OK; ring gesture
          q7gnep                           applause
          q7gner                           horn sign
          q7gnet                           thumbs up
          q7gneu                           thumbs down
          q7gnev                           V sign; victory hand
          q7gnex                           crossed fingers
          q7gni                      pointing; deictic; indexical gesture
          q7gnm                      beats; motor gestures
          q7gnx                      lexical gesture; iconic gesture; depicting gesture
          q7gt                 head gesture
          q7gtn                      nod
          q7gu                 gaze; glance; visual contact
          q7guf                      eyebrow flash
          q7gx   [pe]                facial expression  
          q7gxc                      fear expression
          q7gxf                      surprise expression
          q7gxi                      sad expression
          q7gxɭ                      disgust expression
          q7gxo                      angry expression
          q7gxu                      joy expression
          q7gxus                           smile
          q7o            non-verbal vocalization; non-lexical utterance
          q7oc                 cry
          q7og                 laugh
          q7oi                 sigh
          q7om                 vocal segregate; hmm
          q7s            speaking; speech s.s.; spoken language; orality
          q7se                 phones; segments  [phonetics]
          q7seX                      manners of articulation  
          q7seXX                           points of articulation  
          q7sebbm   ⋄                               [b]
          q7sf                 phonemes  [phonology]
          q7sfX                      manners of articulation
          q7sfXX                           points of articulation
          q7sfXXX                                phonation
          q7sfXXXX                                     airstream
          q7sfXXXc                                     click; lingual ingressive; velaric ingressive
          q7sfXXXi                                     implosive; glottalic ingressive
          q7sfXXXk                                     ejective; glottalic egressive
          q7sfXXXp                                     pulmonic
          q7sfXXc                                voiceless
          q7sfXXe                                breathy voice; murmur; whispery voice; soughing; susurration
          q7sfXXg                                slack voice; lax voice
          q7sfXXh                                half voiced; partially voiced
          q7sfXXm                                voiced; modal voice
          q7sfXXs                                stiff voice
          q7sfXXv                                creaky voice
          q7sfXXy                                glottal closure
          q7sfXbWd                           labial
          q7sfXb                           bilabial
          q7sfXc                           labiodental
          q7sfXd                           dentolabial
          q7sfXgWɭ                           coronal
          q7sfXg                           linguolabial
          q7sfXi                           interdental
          q7sfXj                           dental
          q7sfXɭ                           alveolar
          q7sfXmWo                           postalveolar
          q7sfXm                           palato-alveolar
          q7sfXn                           alveo-palatal
          q7sfXo                           retroflex
          q7sfXp                           prepalatal
          q7sfXq                           labio-palatal; rounded front
          q7sfXr                           palatal; front
          q7sfXs                           labioprevelar; rounded central
          q7sfXt                           prevelar; central
          q7sfXu                           labiovelar; rounded back
          q7sfXv                           velar; back
          q7sfXw                           uvular
          q7sfXxWy                           laringeal; guttural
          q7sfXx                           pharingeal; epiglottal
          q7sfXy                           glottal
          q7sfas                           aspirated; aspiration
          q7sfbWe                      occlusives
          q7sfbWj                      consonants
          q7sfb                      stops; plosives
          q7sfbbc                                /p/
          q7sfbbm                                /b/
          q7sfbɭc                                /t/
          q7sfbɭm                                /d/
          q7sfboc                                /ʈ/
          q7sfbom                                /ɖ/
          q7sfbqc                                /k/
          q7sfbqm                                /g/
          q7sfbrc                                /c/
          q7sfbrm                                /ɟ/
          q7sfbwc                                /q/
          q7sfc                      nasals
          q7sfcb                           /m/
          q7sfcɭ                           /n/
          q7sfe                      affricates
          q7sfebc                                /pf/
          q7sfeɭq                                /dʒ/
          q7sfeɭs                                /tʃ/
          q7sffWy                      continuants
          q7sff                      fricatives; spirants
          q7sffaɭ                                lateral fricatives
          q7sffas                                sibilants
          q7sffcc                                /f/
          q7sffcm                                /v/
          q7sffɭc                                /s/
          q7sffɭm                                /z/
          q7sfhWi                      rhotics
          q7sfhWɭ                      liquids
          q7sfh                      flaps; taps
          q7sfi                      trills
          q7sfiɭ                           /r/
          q7sfɭWo                      approximants
          q7sfɭWy                      vocoids
          q7sfɭ                      laterals
          q7sfɭɭ                           /l/
          q7sfo                      semivowels; glides
          q7sfoɭ                           /j/
          q7sfoq                           /w/
          q7sfqWy                      vowels
          q7sfq                      closed vowels
          q7sfqr                           /i/
          q7sfqu                           /u/
          q7sfs                      half-closed vowels
          q7sfsr                           /e/
          q7sfsu                           /o/
          q7sfsv                           /ø/
          q7sfu                      medium vowels
          q7sfut                           /ɘ/
          q7sfvq                           /y/
          q7sfvv                           /ɯ/
          q7sfw                      half-open vowels
          q7sfwr                           /ɛ/
          q7sfwt                           /ʌ/
          q7sfwu                           /ɔ/
          q7sfwv                           /œ/
          q7sfy                      open vowels
          q7sfyr                           /a/
          q7sfyt                           /ɑ/
          q7sm                 combined sounds; sequences
          q7smd                      diphthongs
          q7smh                      hiatuses
          q7ss                 syllables
          q7ss7C                           with suprasegmental
          q7ss7CiWu                                suprasegmentals; prosodic features
          q7ss7Ci                                stress; intensity; accent
          q7ss7Cib                                     unstressed
          q7ss7Cie                                     secondarily stressed
          q7ss7Cin                                     stressed
          q7ss7Cis                                     strongly stressed
          q7ss7Cp                                tones; pitches
          q7ss7Cpc                                     falling tone
          q7ss7Cpn                                     neutral tone
          q7ss7Cpp                                     dipping tone
          q7ss7Cpr                                     rising tone
          q7ss7Cpw                                     high tone
          q7ss7Cu                                lengths; quantities; chronemes  ↞ an89 quantifiers
          q7ss7Cuf                                     extra-short
          q7ss7Cui                                     short
          q7ss7Cum                                     long
          q7ss7Cux                                     extra-long; geminated
          q7w            writing  [graphemics; palaeography; epigraphy]
          q7wg                 logographies; hieroglyphs
          q7wgh                      Chinese characters; Han characters; sinographs; hanzi; kanji; hanja; hán tự
          q7wi                 syllabaries; syllabic writings
          q7wik                      Kana
          q7wj                 abjads
          q7wjc                      Proto-Canaanite alphabet
          q7wje                      Phoenician alphabet
          q7wjg                      Aramaic
          q7wjh                      Hebrew alphabet
          q7wjr                      Arabic alphabet
          q7wjs                      Syriac alphabet
          q7wk                 abugidas; alphasyllabaries
          q7wkd                      Devanagari
          q7wkt                      Ethiopic
          q7wɭ                 alphabets
          q7wɭg                      Greek alphabet  ↞ qveg Greek language
          q7wɭg7E{β}   ⋄                                    letter β
          q7wɭɭ                      Latin alphabet  ↞ qvei Romance languages
          q7wɭɭ7_Ev                                     cue
          q7wɭɭX                           Latin letters
          q7wɭɭXc                                uppercase Latin letters  ↞ q7wlac 
          q7wɭɭXs                                lowercase Latin letters  ↞ q7wlas 
          q7wɭɭb                           a; letter a
          q7wɭɭbc   ⋄                               uppercase a; A
          q7wɭɭbs   ⋄                               lowercase a; a
          q7wɭɭbzb                           bee; letter b
          q7wɭɭc                           cee
          q7wɭɭd                           dee
          q7wɭɭe                           e
          q7wɭɭf                           ef
          q7wɭɭg                           gee
          q7wɭɭh                           aitch; haitch
          q7wɭɭi                           i
          q7wɭɭj                           jay; jy
          q7wɭɭk                           kay
          q7wɭɭɭ                           el; ell
          q7wɭɭm                           em
          q7wɭɭn                           en
          q7wɭɭo                           o
          q7wɭɭp                           pee
          q7wɭɭr                           ar; or
          q7wɭɭs                           ess
          q7wɭɭt                           tee
          q7wɭɭu                           u
          q7wɭɭv                           vee
          q7wɭɭw                           double-u
          q7wɭɭx                           ex
          q7wɭɭy                           wy
          q7wɭɭyzd                           zed; zee
          q7wɭn                      Icelandic alphabet
          q7wɭq                      Glagolitic alphabet
          q7wɭr                      Cyrillic alphabet  ↞ qves Slavic languages
          q7wɭrr                           Russian alphabet
          q7wɭu                      Hangul
          q7wɭw                      Morse code
          q7wɭx                      fingerspelling; dactylology; manual alphabet
          q7wɭxd                           deaf-dumb alphabet  ↞ mqad97o 
          q7wɭy                      Braille alphabet
          q7wu                 numerals
          q7wum                      Roman numerals
          q7wum7Eb                                     I
          q7wum7Ec                                     V
          q7wum7Ed                                     X
          q7wum7Ee                                     L
          q7wum7Ef                                     C
          q7wum7Eg                                     D
          q7wum7Eh                                     M
          q7wur                      Hindo-Arabic numerals
          q7wur7Eo                                     zero; numeral 0
          q7wur7Ep                                     one; numeral 1
          q7wur7Er                                     three; numeral 3
          q7wur7Es                                     four; numeral 4
          q7wur7Et                                     five; numeral 5
          q7wur7Eu                                     six; numeral 6
          q7wur7Ev                                     two; numeral 2
          q7wur7Ev_                                     seven; numeral 7
          q7wur7Ew                                     eight; numeral 8
          q7wur7Ex                                     nine; numeral 9
          q7wx                 punctuation marks
          q7wxi                      positurae
          q7wxi7Ec                                     punctus
          q7wxp                      printing-press punctuation
          q7wxp7Ec                                     colon
          q7wxp7Ee                                     semicolon
          q7wxp7Ef                                     full stop; period
          q7wxp7Eh                                     parentheses
          q7wxp7Em                                     comma
          q7wxr                      computer punctuation
          q7wxr7Eb                                     at sign; @
          q7wxr7Eh                                     hash; #
          q858                  linguistic diversity
          q9        speech act  [pragmatics]
          q90            about object  [semantics]
          q90j                 regions toponyms  [toponomastics]
          q90pY                      individual people proper names  [onomastics]
          q90ro   ⋄                     agriculture
          q98   [os]            message; linguistic function; poetic function
          q98e                 warning; deictical; indexical
          q98e7g   ⋄                          warning gestures
          q98g                 aggressivity
          q98ge                      threat
          q98m                 mating
          q98mh                      courtship
          q98s                 sociality
          q98sj                      subjection; respect
          q98sm                      dominance
          q98sq                      alliance
          q9c            locutionary
          q9i            illocutionary  
          q9ie                 representative; assertive
          q9ii                 directive
          q9im                 commissive
          q9ip                 expressive
          q9ir                 declarative
          q9iy                 indirect
          q9p            perlocutionary
          q9t            metalocutionary
          qX        code
          qm       morphs  [morphology]
          qmb            stems  [lexicography; terminology]
          qmb{dog}   ⋄                          dog-
          qmf            affixes
          qmfe                 prefixes
          qmfi                 infixes
          qmfs                 suffixes; grammatical endings
          qmfu                 circumfixes
          qmq            aspects
          qms            compounds
          qo       words; lexical categories; word classes; lexical classes; parts of speech  [grammar (partim)]
          qo360y                           scientific terms
          qo79                  morphological kind  [morphological typology]
          qo79b                      isolating
          qo79e                      templatic; nonconcatenative; discontinuous; introflection
          qo79gWy                      synthetic
          qo79g                      agglutinative
          qo79n                      fusional; inflecting
          qo79p                      polysynthetic
          qoi            interjections
          qon            nouns
          qonc                 common nouns
          qonp                 proper nouns; names
          qop            pronouns
          qope                 personal pronouns
          qopf                 reflexive and reciprocal pronouns
          qoph                 possessive pronouns
          qopm                 demonstrative pronouns
          qopn                 indefinite pronouns
          qopr                 relative pronouns
          qopw                 interrogative pronouns
          qoq            verbs
          qoqo                 double transitive verbs
          qor            adjectives and adverbs
          qot            determiners; determinatives
          qotc                 articles
          qotd                 demonstratives
          qoth                 possessive determiners; possessive adjectives
          qotn                 numerals
          qott                 distributive determiners
          qotv                 quantifiers
          qotw                 interrogative determiners
          qove                 intransitive verbs
          qovh                 transitive verbs
          qovj                 ditransitive verbs
          qovu                 copular verbs
          qow            adpositions; prepositions and postpositions
          qox            conjunctions
          qo{acqua}   ⋄                               the word acqua
          qp       phrases; syntagmas; syntagmatic structures; units  [syntax; grammar]
          qp79                 word orders
          qp79cWg                      VO; verb-object
          qp79c                      SVO; subject-verb-object
          qp79e                      VSO; verb-subject-object
          qp79g                      VOS; verb-object-subject
          qp79kWq                      OV; object-verb
          qp79k                      SOV; subject-object-verb
          qp79m                      OSV; object-subject-verb
          qp79o                      OVS; object-verb-subject
          qp79q                      place-manner-time
          qp79t                      time-manner-place
          qp9C                 morphosyntactic alignments
          qp9Cc                      accusative
          qp9Ce                      ergative
          qp9Cf                      split ergative
          qp9Ci                      philippine
          qp9Ck                      active-stative
          qp9Cn                      tripartite
          qp9Cq                      inverse marking
          qp9Cs                      syntactic pivot
          qp9Ct                      theta role
          qpc            copulas
          qpd            predicates
          qpg            subjects
          qpj            direct objects
          qpn            indirect objects
          qpp            prepositional objects
          qq       clauses
          qqm            main clauses; matrix clauses; independent clauses
          qqs            subordinate clauses; embedded clauses; dependent clauses
          qs       sentences
          qsb            simple sentences
          qsd            compound sentences
          qsɭ            complex sentences
          qsn            compound-complex sentences; complex-compound sentences
          qt       texts; discourses  [text linguistics; discourse analysis]
          qtb            narrative texts; stories
          qtd            descriptive texts
          qtg            argumentative texts
          qti            instructive texts
          qtm            comparison texts; contrast; expositive texts
          qv       languages; natural languages; ordinary languages  ≈ DDC 490
          qv7c                 sign languages; signed languages
          qvU            currently prominent languages
          qvUc   [qvkccc]                Chinese; Standard Mandarin
          qvUe   [qvemi]                English
          qvUf   [qveir]                French
          qvUg   [qvemb]                German
          qvUh   [qvecnh]                Hindi; Standard Hindi
          qvUi   [qveit]                Italian
          qvUi7g   ⋄                          signed; lingua italiana dei segni; LIS
          qvUi7s   ⋄                          spoken
          qvUi7w   ⋄                          written
          qvUj   [qvjj]                Japanese
          qvUɭ   [qveib]                Latin
          qvUr   [qveser]                Russian
          qvUs   [qveii]                Spanish; Castilian
          qvUt   [qveik]                Portuguese
          qvUw   [qvbsoch]                Hebrew
          qvUx   [qvbsor]                Arabic
          qvX             language families
          qvbWw            natural languages; ordinary languages
          qvb            Afro-Asiatic languages; Hamito-Semitic languages  ≈ DDC 492 493  
          qvbb                 Berber languages
          qvbc                 Chadic languages
          qvbe                 Egyptian languages
          qvbq                 Beja language  
          qvbs                 Semitic languages
          qvbse                      East semitic languages
          qvbsek                           Akkadian; Babylonian; Assyrian
          qvbso                      West Semitic languages
          qvbsoc                           Canaanite languages
          qvbsoch                                Hebrew language
          qvbsom                           Aramaic languages
          qvbsoms                                Syriac language
          qvbsor                           Arabic languages
          qvbss                      South Semitic languages
          qvbsse                           Ethiopic languages
          qvbssem                                Amharic-Argobba
          qvbt                 Cushitic languages
          qvbu                 Omotic languages  
          qvc            Nilo-Saharan languages  ≈ DDC 496
          qvd            Niger-Congo languages; Niger-Kordofanian languages  ≈ DDC 496
          qvde                 Senegambian languages
          qvdef                      Fula language; Fulani; Fulah; Fufulde
          qvdeo                      Wolof language
          qvdn                 Bantu languages
          qvdnb                      Sawabantu languages
          qvdnbd                           Duala language
          qvdnbdm                                Mungo dialect
          qvdnh                      Northeast Bantu languages
          qvdnhs                           Swahili language
          qvdnx                      Shona languages
          qvdny                      Southern Bantu languages
          qvdnyn                           Nguni languages
          qvdnynh                                Xhosa language
          qvdnynɭ                                Zulu language
          qvdzg            Aegean languages; Tyrrhenian languages including Etruscan, Lemnian and Helvetian  
          qvdzk            Khoe languages  ≈ DDC 496  
          qvdzt            Tuu languages  ≈ DDC 496  
          qvdzx            Basque language; Euskera; Euskara
          qve            Indo-european languages  ↞ jUj Eurasia
          qvebWf                 Indo-Iranian languages
          qveb                 Anatolian languages  
          qvec                 Indo-Aryan languages
          qvecd                      Old Indo-Aryan; Sanskrit
          qvecg                      Dardic languages
          qvecgk                           Kashmiri language
          qveci                      Pahari; Northern Indo-Aryan languages
          qvecin                           Nepali language
          qveck                      Northwestern Indo-Aryan languages
          qveckp                           Punjabi languages
          qvecks                           Sindhi languages
          qvecm                      Western Indo-Aryan languages
          qvecmc                           Rajastani
          qvecmg                           Gujarati
          qvecmi                           Bhil
          qvecmr                           Romani
          qvecn                      Hindi; Madhya; Central Indo-Aryan languages
          qvecnh                           Hindustani including standard Hindi, standard Urdu
          qvecp                      Magadan; Eastern Indo-Aryan languages
          qvecps                           Bengali-Assamese
          qvecs                      Southern Indo-Aryan
          qvecsm                           Marathi-Konkani
          qvecss                           Sinhalese
          qved                 Iranian languages
          qvedb                      Proto-Iranian
          qvedd                      Old Iranian
          qvedde                           Avestan language; Zend
          qveddp                           Old Persian
          qvedm                      Middle Iranian languages
          qvedmc                           Parthian language; Arsacid Pahlavi
          qvedmi                           Middle Persian language; Pahlavi
          qvedmk                           Bactrian language
          qvedms                           Old Ossetic language; Scytho-Sarmatian
          qvef                 Nuristani languages
          qveg                 Greek language  ≈ DDC 480
          qvegh                      Ancient Greek
          qvego                      modern Greek
          qvei                 Romance languages; Italic languages
          qveib                      Latin language  ≈ DDC 470
          qveibd                           Old Latin
          qveibi                           Classical Latin
          qveibɭ                           Vulgar Latin
          qveibm                           Medieval Latin
          qveibr                           Renaissance Latin
          qveibt                           Modern Latin; New Latin
          qveic                      Corsican dialects
          qveid                      Sardinian language
          qveidc                           Sassarese dialects
          qveidg                           Gallurese dialects
          qveidɭ                           Logudorese dialects
          qveidp                           Campidanese dialects
          qveie                      Pyrenean languages
          qveien                           Navarro-Aragonese language
          qveier                           Aragonese language
          qveif                      Mozarabic dialects
          qveih                      Asturo-Leonese dialects
          qveii                      Castilian language; Spanish language  ≈ DDC 460
          qveik                      Portuguese language  ≈ DDC 469
          qveikr                           Brazilian Portuguese
          qveiɭ                      Galician language  ≈ DDC 460
          qvein                      Catalan language  ≈ DDC 449
          qveio                      Occitan language  ≈ DDC 449
          qveioe                           Auvergnat dialects
          qveiog                           Gascon dialects
          qveioi                           Limousin dialects
          qveioɭ                           Languedocien dialects
          qveiop                           Provençal dialects
          qveios                           Shuadit dialects
          qveiq                      Romanian language  ≈ DDC 459
          qveir                      French language; Langue d'oïl  ≈ DDC 440
          qveirc                           Cajun French
          qveirf                           Franco-Provençal dialects
          qveiri                           Ancient French; Ancien Français
          qveirm                           Middle French; Moyen Français
          qveirp                           Picard dialects
          qveirs                           Zarphatic dialects
          qveis                      Gallo-Italian dialects
          qveise                           Piemontese dialects
          qveisɭ                           Lombard dialects
          qveisn                           Venetian dialects
          qveisr                           Emiliano-Romagnolo dialects
          qveisu                           Ligurian dialects
          qveit                      Italian language  ≈ DDC 450
          qveiti                           Istriot dialect
          qveitn                           Napoletano-Calabrese dialects
          qveits                           Sicilian dialects
          qveitt                           Dalmatian dialects
          qveitu                           Judeo-Italian dialects
          qveiu                      Rhaetian languages
          qveiuf                           Friulian language; Furlan language
          qveiuɭ                           Ladin language
          qveiur                           Romansh language
          qveiw                      Macedo Romanian language; Aromanian language
          qveix                      Megleno Romanian language; Moglenitic; Meglenitic language
          qveiy                      Istro Romanian language
          qveɭ                 Celtic languages  ≈ DDC 491
          qveɭc                      Proto-Celtic language; Common Celtic
          qveɭe                      Lepontic language
          qveɭi                      Celtiberian language; Northeastern Hispano-Celtic; Eastern Hispano-Celtic
          qveɭk                      Northwestern Hispano-Celtic language; Western Hispano-Celtic
          qveɭɭ                      Gaulish languages
          qveɭɭg                           Galatian language
          qveɭr                      Brittonic languages; Brythonic; British Celtic
          qveɭrc                           Cumbric language
          qveɭre                           Welsh language; Cymraeg; y Gymraeg
          qveɭro                           Cornish language
          qveɭrr                           Breton language; brezhoneg
          qveɭu                      Goidelic languages
          qveɭus                           Scottish Gaelic language
          qvem                 Germanic languages
          qvemd                      Dutch language  ≈ DDC 439
          qveme                      Low Saxon dialects
          qvemf                      Frisian dialects
          qvemi                      English language  ≈ DDC 420
          qvemie                           English English
          qvemif                           Welsh English
          qvemih                           Scottish English
          qvemiɭ                           Irish English
          qvemin                           Northern Irish English
          qvemir                           American English
          qvemis                           Australian English
          qvemj                      Scots language
          qvemk                      German language  ≈ DDC 430
          qvemɭ                      Icelandic language
          qvemo                      Faroese language
          qvemq                      Danish language  ≈ DDC 439
          qvemr                      Norwegian language  ≈ DDC 439
          qvemw                      Swedish language  ≈ DDC 439
          qveo                 Armenian language
          qveq                 Tocharian languages
          qverWs                 Balto-Slavic languages
          qver                 Baltic languages
          qverj                      Latvian language
          qverɭ                      Lithuanian language
          qves                 Slavic languages
          qvese                      East Slavic languages
          qveseb                           Belarusian language; Belarusan; Belarussian; Belorussian
          qvesek                           Ukrainian language
          qveser                           Russian language
          qveses                           Rusyn language
          qveso                      West Slavic languages
          qvesob                           Sorbian languages
          qvesoɭ                           Lechitic languages
          qvesoɭɭ                                Polish language
          qvesoɭp                                Pomeranian language
          qvesoɭs                                Silesian language
          qvesoɭx                                Polabian language
          qvesoq                           Czech-Slovak languages
          qvesoqc                                Czech language
          qvesoqk                                Knaanic; Judeo Slavic
          qvesoqs                                Slovak language
          qvess                      South Slavic languages
          qvesse                           Eastern Southern Slavic languages
          qvessem                                Macedonian language
          qvesseq                                Old Church Slavonic
          qvesseu                                Bulgarian language
          qvesso                           Western South Slavic languages
          qvessob                                Serbian language
          qvessoɭ                                Slovenian language
          qvessor                                Croatian language
          qvessos                                Bosnian language
          qveu                 Albanian language
          qvf            Uralic languages  ≈ DDC 494
          qvfc                 Samoyedic languages
          qvff                 Finno-Ugric languages
          qvffh                      Ugric; Ugrian languages including Hungarian
          qvffi                      Finno-Permic; Baltic-Finnic languages including Sami, Estonian, Finnish
          qvffie                           Permic language
          qvffim                           Sami languages
          qvffit                           Baltic-Finnic languages
          qvffitf                                Finnish language
          qvffitk                                Karelian language
          qvffitt                                Estonian language
          qvffitv                                Livonian language
          qvg            Turkic languages  ≈ DDC 494
          qvgg                 Oghuz languages; Southwestern Common Turkic
          qvggi                      Turkish language
          qvggr                      Azerbaijani language; Azeri
          qvggu                      Turkmen language
          qvgk                 Kipchak languages; Northwestern Common Turkic
          qvgkk                      Kazakh language
          qvgkr                      Kyrgyz language
          qvgr                 Karluk languages; Southeastern Common Turkic
          qvgrb                      Uzbek language
          qvgs                 Siberian languages; Northeastern Common Turkic
          qvgzg            Tungusic languages
          qvgzi            Mongolic languages
          qvgzk            Northwest Caucasian languages; West Caucasian; Abkhazo-Adyghean; Circassic; Pontic
          qvgzm            Northeast Caucasian languages; North Caspian
          qvgzo            Hurro-Urartian languages  
          qvgzq            Kartvelian languages; South Caucasian languages
          qvgzqg                 Georgian languages
          qvgzqn                 Zan languages
          qvgzqs                 Svan language
          qvgzs            Yeniseian languages
          qvgzu            Chukotko-Kamchatkan languages
          qvgzy            Yukaghir languages
          qvh            Korean language  ≈ DDC 495
          qvi            Dravidian languages  ≈ DDC 494
          qvid                 South Dravidian languages
          qvidc                      Tamil language
          qvide                      Malayalam language
          qvidk                      Kannada language
          qvig                 South-Central Dravidian languages
          qvigt                      Telugu language
          qvik                 Central-Dravidian languages
          qvin                 North Dravidian languages
          qvizd            Andamanese languages
          qvj            Japonic languages; Japanese-Ryukyuan languages  ≈ DDC 495
          qvjj                 Japanese language; Nihongo
          qvjzb            Buyeo languages; Puyo; Fuyu languages  
          qvk            Sino-Tibetan languages  ≈ DDC 495
          qvkc                 Chinese languages; Sinitic
          qvkcc                      Mandarin Chinese language
          qvkccc                           Standard Chinese language; Modern Standard Mandarin
          qvkcf                      Wu languages
          qvkck                      Cantonese languages
          qvkcm                      Min languages
          qvkcmt                           Taiwanese language
          qvkcu                      Gan languages
          qvkcx                      Xiang languages
          qvkcy                      Hakka languages
          qvkt                 Tibeto-Burman languages
          qvkzm            Hmong-Mien languages
          qvɭ            Tai-Kadai languages; Kra–Dai; Daic; Kadai
          qvɭb                 Ong-Be languages
          qvɭf                 Kra languages
          qvɭk                 Kam-Sui languages
          qvɭo                 Hlai languages
          qvɭt                 Tai languages; Zhuang–Tai
          qvɭti                      Siamese language
          qvɭtɭ                      Lao language
          qvm            Austroasiatic languages; Mon–Khmer
          qvmd                 Munda languages
          qvmi                 Vietic languages
          qvmiv                      Vietnamese language
          qvmr                 Khmer language; Cambodian
          qvn            Austronesian languages
          qvp            Papuan languages  
          qvq            Native American languages; Amerindian languages; indigenous languages of the Americas  ≈ DDC 497 498  
          qvs            Australian aboriginal languages  ≈ DDC 499
          qvx            modern planned languages; constructed; artificial languages; conlangs  ≈ DDC 499
          qvxeWg                 engineered languages; engelangs
          qvxe                 philosophical languages; early-modern a-priori universal languages
          qvxej                      Dalgarno's Ars signorum
          qvxek                      Wilkins's Characteristica universalis
          qvxeɭ                      Leibniz's Lingua generalis
          qvxg                 logical languages
          qvxgg                      Loglan
          qvxgj                      Lojban
          qvxi                 auxiliary languages; auxlangs; IALs  ↞ qaxu 
          qvxid                      Volapük
          qvxie                      Esperanto
          qvxif                      Ido
          qvxii                      Interlingua
          qvxt                 art languages; fantasy languages
          qvxtk                      Klingon
          qvxtq                      Quenya
Connected classes:
                 005  [qv]           in language
                 0053  [qv]                translated from original language
                 0055  [qv]                paraphrased from original language
                 0056  [q69]                 style; rhetorical strategy
                 05  [q9]      conveying communicative function; act
                 p968  [q388]                 wealth class
                 q31  [q]           deriving from original linguistic element  [etymology; philology]
                 q32  [q]           within linguistic context
                 q77  [q]           with element
                 q7wɭg                     Greek alphabet  ↞ qveg 
                 q7wɭɭ                     Latin alphabet  ↞ qvei 
                 q7wɭɭXc                               uppercase Latin letters  ↞ q7wlac 
                 q7wɭɭXs                               lowercase Latin letters  ↞ q7wlas 
                 q7wɭr                     Cyrillic alphabet  ↞ qves 
                 qvUc  [qvkccc]                Chinese; Standard Mandarin
                 qvUe  [qvemi]                English
                 qvUf  [qveir]                French
                 qvUg  [qvemb]                German
                 qvUh  [qvecnh]                Hindi; Standard Hindi
                 qvUi  [qveit]                Italian
                 qvUj  [qvjj]                Japanese
                 qvUɭ  [qveib]                Latin
                 qvUr  [qveser]                Russian
                 qvUs  [qveii]                Spanish; Castilian
                 qvUt  [qveik]                Portuguese
                 qvUw  [qvbsoch]                Hebrew
                 qvUx  [qvbsor]                Arabic
                 qvxi                auxiliary languages; auxlangs; IALs  ↞ qaxu 
                 r production; extraction; primary and secondary sectors  [technology]  ↞ q m g 
                 t communities; civil society; complex society; institutions; groups; people  [sociology]  ↞ q oss 
                 t6pw                conversational rules  [proxemics]  ↞ q 
                 t95  [qv]            ethnicity; language
                 u7v           diplomacy; diplomatic missions; foreign missions  ↞ qv 
                 u95  [qv]           speaking official language
                 w95  [qv]           of ethnicity; language speakers
                 wbg           greeting and parting customs; salutations  ↞ q7g 
                 x95  [qv]           in language
                       literature  [philology; literary theory; literary criticism]  ↞ poi q 
                 xɭm           myths; legends; stories  [mythology]  ↞ qtb 
                 xn      dances  [choreology]  ↞ wb q7g 
                 y2n           national research organizations  ↞ qv 
                 y3133  [qv]                     translated from original language
                 y95  [qv]           among speakers of language
                 yoc           concepts; notions  [concept theory]  ↞ po qo 
                 ysw           philology  ↞ yd q 

current: 99 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class q / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2021.12.09 -