Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class mpwn

    broader class

          mpwn                 dilleniidae
          mpwnb                      dilleniales
          mpwnbd                           dilleniaceae
          mpwnbp                           paeoniaceae
          mpwnd                      theales
          mpwndb                           ochnaceae
          mpwndc                           sphaerosepalaceae
          mpwndd                           sarcolaenaceae
          mpwnde                           dipterocarpaceae
          mpwndf                           caryocaraceae
          mpwndh                           theaceae
          mpwndhc                                Camellia
          mpwndhcs                                     tea plant; Camellia sinensis
          mpwndi                           actinidiaceae
          mpwndj                           scytopetalaceae
          mpwndk                           pentaphylacaceae
          mpwndɭ                           tetrameristaceae
          mpwndm                           pellicieraceae
          mpwndo                           oncothecaceae
          mpwndp                           marcgraviaceae
          mpwndq                           quiinaceae
          mpwndr                           elatinaceae
          mpwnds                           paracryphiaceae
          mpwndt                           medusagynaceae
          mpwndu                           clusiaceae
          mpwnf                      malvales
          mpwnfe                           elaeocarpaceae
          mpwnfi                           tiliaceae
          mpwnfk                           sterculiaceae
          mpwnfkk                                kola nuts; Cola
          mpwnfkt                                Theobroma
          mpwnfktc                                     cacao; cocoa plants; Theobroma cacao
          mpwnfo                           bombacaceae
          mpwnfv                           malvaceae including mallow
          mpwnfvb                                baobabs; Adansonia
          mpwnfvc                                cotton plants; Gossypium
          mpwnfvh                                Hibiscus
          mpwnfvhk                                     kenaf; Hibiscus cannabinus
          mpwnfvo                                Abelmoschus
          mpwnfvok                                     okra; Abelmoschus esculentus
          mpwnfvt                                lime trees; linden; basswood; Tilia
          mpwnh                      lecythidales
          mpwnhɭ                           lecythidaceae
          mpwnj                      nepenthales
          mpwnjc                           sarraceniaceae
          mpwnjn                           nepenthaceae
          mpwnjs                           droseraceae
          mpwnɭ                      violales
          mpwnɭb                           flacourtiaceae
          mpwnɭc                           peridiscaceae
          mpwnɭd                           bixaceae
          mpwnɭe                           cistaceae
          mpwnɭf                           huaceae
          mpwnɭg                           lacistemataceae
          mpwnɭh                           scyphostegiaceae
          mpwnɭi                           stachyuraceae
          mpwnɭj                           violaceae
          mpwnɭjv                                violets; pansies; heartsease; Viola
          mpwnɭk                           tamaricaceae tamarind family
          mpwnɭɭ                           frankeniaceae
          mpwnɭm                           dioncophyllaceae
          mpwnɭn                           ancistrocladaceae
          mpwnɭo                           turneraceae
          mpwnɭp                           malesherbiaceae
          mpwnɭq                           passifloraceae
          mpwnɭr                           achariaceae
          mpwnɭs                           caricaceae
          mpwnɭt                           fouquieriaceae
          mpwnɭu                           hoplestigmataceae
          mpwnɭv                           cucurbitaceae; melons; gourds; cucurbits
          mpwnɭvc                                Cucumis
          mpwnɭvcc                                     cucumbers; Cucumis sativus
          mpwnɭvcm                                     melons; Cucumis melo
          mpwnɭvi                                Citrullus including watermelons
          mpwnɭvs                                squashes; marrows; Cucurbita including pumpkins, zucchini
          mpwnɭw                           datiscaceae
          mpwnɭx                           begoniaceae
          mpwnɭy                           loasaceae
          mpwnn                      salicales
          mpwnns                           salicaceae
          mpwnnsp                                poplars; Populus
          mpwnnsw                                willows; Salix
          mpwnp                      capparales
          mpwnpb                           tovariaceae
          mpwnpc                           capparaceae
          mpwnpi                           brassicaceae; cruciferae; crucifers; mustard family; cabbage family
          mpwnpib                                Brassica
          mpwnpibc                                     cabbages; cauliflowers; Brassica oleracea
          mpwnpibn                                     rapeseeds; Brassica napus
          mpwnpibr                                     turnips; Chinese cabbages; Brassica rapa
          mpwnpir                                radishes; Raphanus
          mpwnpis                                horseradishes; Armoracia
          mpwnpit                                stocks; Matthiola
          mpwnpix                                Arabidopsis
          mpwnpixt                                     thale cress; Arabidopsis thaliana
          mpwnpm                           moringaceae
          mpwnpr                           resedaceae
          mpwnr                      batales
          mpwnrg                           gyrostemonaceae
          mpwnrt                           bataceae
          mpwns                      ericales
          mpwnsc                           cyrillaceae
          mpwnse                           clethraceae
          mpwnsg                           grubbiaceae
          mpwnsi                           empetraceae
          mpwnsk                           epacridaceae
          mpwnsm                           ericaceae
          mpwnsmh                                heaths; heathers; Erica
          mpwnsp                           pyrolaceae
          mpwnst                           monotropaceae
          mpwnt                      diapensiales
          mpwntd                           diapensiaceae
          mpwnv                      ebenales
          mpwnvb                           sapotaceae
          mpwnve                           ebenaceae
          mpwnvep                                persimmons; Diospyros
          mpwnvepk                                     kaki; Diospyros kaki
          mpwnvs                           styracaceae
          mpwnvv                           lissocarpaceae
          mpwnvy                           symplocaceae
          mpwny                      primulales
          mpwnye                           theophrastaceae
          mpwnym                           myrsinaceae
          mpwnyp                           primulaceae
Connected classes:
                 r9ic                cotton fiber  ↞ mpwnfvc 
                 r9if                bast fibre; phloem fibre; skin fibre  ↞ mp79vb mpwnfvt 
                 sbbɭc                     cabbage; Brussels sprouts; cauliflower; broccoli; kale  ↞ mpwnpibc 
                 sbbm                cucurbits  ↞ mpwnlv 
                 sbbmp                     pumpkins; squashes; marrows; zucchini; courgettes; gourds  ↞ mpwnlvs 
                 sbvse                     tea  ↞ mpwndhcs 
                 sbvsɭ                     cola  ↞ mpwnfkk 

current: 99 



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      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class mpwn / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2021.12.09 -