Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class a

    broader class

          aWc  information  
          aWz  phenomena; known entities  [ontology]  ≈ DDC 111  
          a  forms; structures; mathematical objects  [formal sciences; logic; mathematics]  ≈ DDC 510 160  
          a22   [a]           in neighbourhood
          a3       implied by; as a consequence of premise
          a4       with error
          a58   [ag]           through transformation; operation; function; map; morphism
          a6   [X]       property
          a60            equal to result
          a7        part; element; component
          a77   [a]           containing; ∋ member; individual
          a78   [a]           including; ⊃ subset
          a7t            elements
          a7u            subsets
          a7uc                 structure-preserving subsets
          a7ud                 divisor subsets
          a7uɭ                 lateral subsets
          a7un                 independent subsets
          a7uns                      bases  ↞ akc vector spaces
          a7us                 substructures
          a7usq                      quotient-capable substructures
          a7w            cosets
          a8   [X]       number
          a89   [X]            amount
          a9   [X]       kind
          aa       nothing
          ab       individuals; instances; particulars
          ac       classes; sets; collections; kinds; universals  [set theory]
          ac6             occasionality
          ac6o                 occasional; accidental attributes
          ac6s                 by definition; substantial; essential; intrinsical substantial classes
          ac9             intensionals; fuzzy classes  [fuzzy set theory; fuzzy logic]
          ac9b                 opposite; contrary
          ac9c                 not; other than; non-class
          ac9e                 hardly
          ac9g                 almost; about quasi-class
          ac9j                 scarcely; barely
          ac9ɭ                 little; a bit
          ac9n                 partially  
          ac9q                 quite copula
          ac9s                 definitely; just
          ac9t                 typically; stereotype; typical specimen
          ac9v                 very; extremely
          aca            the empty class; empty set
          ad       properties; characteristics
          ae       relations; correspondences  
          ae23   [a]                from domain
          ae26   [a]                to range; image
          ae28   [a]                in field
          ae33   [a]                from set of departure
          ae36   [a]                to codomain; set of destination
          ae6             relation property
          ae6h                 reflexive
          ae6j                 symmetric  
          ae6ɭ                 transitive
          ae6n                 connected
          ae6q                 equivalent  ↞ ae6h reflexive ae6j symmetric ae6l transitive   
          ae8             arity; adicity; dimension; number of arguments; places  ↞ anai 
          ae8a                 nullary
          ae8b                 unary; properties  [truth logic]
          ae8c                 binary; diadic; 2-place
          ae8d                 ternary; triadic; 3-place
          ae9             cardinality
          ae98   [a]                of argument; term
          ae9b                 one-to-one
          ae9d                 one-to-many
          ae9m                 many-to-one
          ae9n                 many-to-many
          aeb            identity  ↞ ae6q equivalent
          aeb98   [a]                     of term
          aee            equality
          aef            similarity
          aei            inequality
          aem            set membership; belonging
          aem97   [a]                     of instance
          aem98   [a]                     to class
          aep            parthood; part-whole; inclusion  [mereology]
          aep97   [a]                     of part
          aep98   [a]                     in whole
          aepp                 proper part-whole
          aept                 overlap
          aepu                 underlap
          aes            set inclusion; genus-species  
          aes97   [a]                     of species
          aes98   [a]                     in genus
          af       predications  [predicate logic]  
          af97   [a]                about object
          af98   [a]                of class; feature
          ag       operations; transformations; maps; morphisms
          ag6   [ag6]            operation property
          ag6i                 associative
          ag6m                 commutative
          ag6p                 idempotent
          ag96   [a]                equal to result
          ag98   [a]                of operand
          ag98kc                           vector spaces
          ag98kt                           topological spaces; continous functions
          ag98ɭt                           categories; functors
          agh            homomorphisms
          agh98   [a]                     of structure
          agh98ɭmm                                     monoids
          agh98ɭo                                groups
          agh98ɭr                                rings
          agh98me                                order homomorphisms; order-preserving functions
          agh98mr                                graphs
          agh98msm                                     matroids
          aghe                 epimorphisms; surjective morphisms
          aghi                 monomorphisms; injective morphisms
          aghm                 isomorphisms; bijective morphisms  ↞ aghe epimorphisms aghi monomorphisms
          aghn                 endomorphisms
          aghu                 automorphisms  ↞ aghm isomorphisms aghn endomorphisms
          agm            sum; union; addition
          agm96   [a]                     equal to sum
          agm98   [a]                     of term; addend; summand
          agm98kt                                topological spaces; topologies
          agm98me                                posets
          agm98msm                                     matroids
          agm98n                           quantities; numbers
          agm98nnr98nnq96nnt   ⋄                                    2 + 3 = 5
          agmd                 disjoint union
          agmo                 ordinal sum
          agn            difference; complement; subtraction  
          agn96   [a]                     equal to difference
          agn98   [a]                     of minuend
          agn983   [a]                          minus subtrahend
          agn98n                           quantities; numbers
          agn98nnt983nnq96nnr   ⋄                                    5 - 2 = 3
          agns                 symmetric difference; exclusive or; xor
          ago            direct-like operations
          agom                 direct sum
          agom98   [a]                          of structure
          agom98kc                                     vector spaces
          agom98msm                                     matroids
          agop                 direct product
          agop98   [a]                          of structure
          agop98ɭmm                                     monoids
          agop98ɭo                                     groups
          agop98ɭt                                     categories
          agp            product; intersection
          agp98   [a]                     of factor
          agp98n                           quantities; numbers
          agp98nnr98nnq96nnu   ⋄                                    3 x 2 = 6
          agpc                 Cartesian product; cross product
          agpc98   [a]                          of structure
          agpc98kt                                     topological spaces; Cartesian topologies
          agpc98me                                     posets
          agpc98mr                                     graphs
          agpe                 semidirect product
          agq            quotient; division; partition
          agqe                 Euclidean division; division with remainder
          agqe96   [an]                          equal to quotient
          agqe966   [an]                               with remainder
          agqe98   [an]                          of dividend
          agqe983   [an]                               by divisor
          agqe98oss983nr   ⋄                                    44 / 3
          agqs                 quotient structure
          agqs98   [a]                          of
          agqs98kt                                     topological spaces; topologies
          agt            tensor-like operations
          agtp                 tensor product
          agtp98   [a]                          of structure
          agtp98mr                                     graphs
          agu            lexicographic product
          agu98   [a]                     of structure
          agu98mr                                graphs
          agw            exponentiation; power
          agw98   [a]                     of base
          agw983   [a]                          raised to the power exponent
          agw98n                           quantities; numbers
          agw98nnq983nnr96nnw   ⋄                                    23 = 8
          agx            nth root
          agx983   [a]                          -th
          agx983nnq                                     square
          agx983nnr                                     cube
          agx98nnx983nnq96nnr   ⋄                                    √9 = 3
          agy            logarithm
          agy98   [a]                     of
          agy983   [a]                          to; base
          agy983nnq                                     2; binary logarithm
          agy983nnqU                                     e; natural logarithm
          agy983nop                                     10; common logarithm
          agy98nous983nnq96nnu   ⋄                                    log264 = 6
          aiWj       discrete structures  [discrete mathematics; combinatorics]  
          ai       statements; propositions  [classical logic]  
          ai9            truth value
          ai9d                 contradictory; paradoxical
          ai9f                 false
          ai9t                 true
          aii            implication  
          aii96   [a]                     is consequence
          aii98   [a]                     of premise  
          aiq            equivalence  
          ais            subjective propositions  [modal logic]
          aj       formal languages; theories
          ajo            recursively enumerated languages; type 0 languages
          ajp            context-sensitive languages; type 1 languages
          ajq            context-free languages; type 2 languages
          ajr            regular languages; type 3 languages
          ajt            formal theories
          ak       spaces; mathematical spaces  
          akc            vector spaces
          akc7t                      vectors
          akc7uc                           subspaces of vector spaces; hyperplanes
          akcɭ                 algebras
          ake            tensor spaces
          akf            affine spaces
          akn            unitary spaces
          akt            topological spaces
          akt7t                      elements of topological spaces; points
          akt7u                      subspaces of topological spaces
          aktd                 discrete topological spaces  [discrete topology]
          aktm                 metric spaces
          aktp                 compact spaces
          akts                 separable spaces
          aktso                      T0 spaces; Kolmogorov spaces
          aktsp                      T1 spaces; Fréchet spaces
          aktsq                      T2 spaces; Hausdorff spaces
          aktsr                      T3 spaces; regular spaces
          aktss                      T4 spaces; regular Hausdorff spaces
          aktw                 manifolds
          aktwd                      differentiable manifolds
          aktwds                           smooth manifolds
          aktwr                      Riemannian manifolds
                 algebraic structures  [algebra; abstract algebra]  ≈ DDC 512  
          aɭb            general algebraic systems  [universal algebra]
          aɭgWy            group-like structures
          aɭg            non-closed group-like structures; non-total group-like structures
          aɭge                 semigroupoids
          aɭgp                 groupoids
          aɭi            non-associative group-like structures
          aɭim                 magmas
          aɭiq                 quasigroups
          aɭiu                 loops
          aɭm            non-commutative group-like structures
          aɭme                 semigroups
          aɭmi                 inverse semigroups
          aɭmm                 monoids
          aɭmm7t                           monoid elements
          aɭmm7u                           submonoids
          aɭo            groups  [group theory]
          aɭo7t                      group elements
          aɭo7u                      subgroups
          aɭob                 Abelian groups
          aɭoc                 cyclic groups
          aɭoe                 symmetric groups
          aɭog                 alternating groups
          aɭoh                 dihedral groups
          aɭom                 simple groups
          aɭoms                      sporadic groups
          aɭor                 free groups
          aɭos                 solvable groups
          aɭou                 Lie groups  
          aɭow                 topological groups  ↞ ams families of sets
          aɭr            ring-like structures
          aɭr7t                      ring elements
          aɭr7u                      subrings
          aɭr7ud                           divisor subsets
          aɭr7uɭ                           lateral subsets
          aɭre                 semirings
          aɭrj                 non-associative rings  [non-associative algebra]
          aɭrn                 non-unitary rings; rngs
          aɭrr                 rings  [ring theory; associative algebra]
          aɭrrc                      commutative rings  [commutative algebra]
          aɭrre                      Boolean rings
          aɭrrf                      unique factorization domains
          aɭrri                      principal ideal domains
          aɭrrk                      division rings; skew fields
          aɭrrn                      noetherian rings
          aɭrrr                      Artinian rings
          aɭrru                      Lie rings
          aɭrrx                      fields; polynomials  [field theory]
          aɭrrxn                           number fields
          aɭrrxt                           cyclotomic fields
          aɭt            categories  [category theory]  ↞ ac classes alg non-closed group-like structures
          aɭt7u                      category subsets
          aɭtao                      objects
          aɭtar                      morphisms; arrows
          aɭtc                 pre-additive categories
          aɭtdWy                 additive categories
          aɭte                 pre-Abelian categories
          aɭtɭ                 Abelian categories
          aɭtx                 exact categories
          am       combinatorial structures  [combinatorics]
          ame            posets; partially ordered sets  [order theory]
          ame7t                      poset elements; vertices; nodes
          ame7u                      subposets
          ame9p                      inverse posets; dual posets; dual operation
          ame9r                      linear extension of posets
          ame9v                      vertically-indecomposable poset component
          ame9x                      poset intervals
          amed                 total orders
          amei                 series-parallel posets
          amek                 graded posets
          amer                 reduced posets
          amev                 vertically irreducible posets
          amɭ            lattice-like structures
          amɭj                 join-semilattices
          amɭm                 meet-semilattices
          amɭt                 lattices
          amɭtc                      complete lattices
          amɭtm                      modular lattices
          amɭts                      distributive lattices
          amr            graph-like structures
          amr5Df                           strong product of graphs  ↞ agp product
          amr5Dg                           zigzag product of graphs  ↞ agp product
          amr5Dh                           rooted product of graphs  ↞ agp product
          amr7Dr                           edges; arcs; lines
          amr7Dv                           vertices; nodes; points
          amr7Dw                           graph bridges
          amr7Dx                           connected component of graphs
          amr7Dy                           graph clique
          amr7u                      subgraphs
          amrd                 directed graphs  ↞ ae relations
          amrdo                      oriented graphs
          amrdot                           tournaments
          amrn                 undirected graphs
          amrns                      simple graphs  ↞ ae6j symmetric   
          amry                 undirected hypergraphs
          ams            families of sets  ↞ amry undirected hypergraphs
          amse                 Sperner families
          amsh                 Helly families
          amsm                 matroids
          amsm6d                           dual matroids
          amsm6s                           independent sets of matroids
          amsm7t                           matroid elements
          an       quantities; amounts; numbers  ≈ DDC 513  
          an6e                 primes
          an6g                 even numbers  ↞ annq two
          an8            numerals; decimal digits
          an89                 quantifiers
          an89b                      negative  ↞ anb negative quantities
          an89c                      no  ↞ anc none
          an89d                      single
          an89e                      very few; very little
          an89f                      few; little
          an89i                      middle; average
          an89m                      some; a few; several; positive plural
          an89q                      quite; enough; fairly; rather
          an89u                      many; much
          an89v                      very many; many many; very much
          an89y                      all; the totality
          an8e                 -9
          an8f                 -8
          an8g                 -7
          an8h                 -6
          an8i                 -5
          an8j                 -4
          an8k                 -3
          an8ɭ                 -2
          an8m                 -1
          an8n                 -0  
          an8o                 0
          an8p                 1
          an8q                 2
          an8r                 3
          an8s                 4
          an8t                 5
          an8u                 6
          an8v                 7
          an8w                 8
          an8x                 9
          an9i                 integer  [arithmetic; number theory]
          an9k                 exponential rational; Q
          an9r                 real; R; continuum
          an9t                 imaginary
          an9u                 complex
          an9w                 transcendent
          an9x                 transfinite
          anb            negative quantities
          anbd                 negative tens of billions or more; -10>9
          anbdx   [an8]                     negative hundreds of billions; -1011
          anbdy   [an8]                     negative tens of billions; -1010
          anbe   [an8]                negative billions; -109
          anbf   [an8]                negative hundreds of millions; -108
          anbg   [an8]                negative tens of millions; -107
          anbh   [an8]                negative millions; -106
          anbi   [an8]                negative hundreds of thousands; -105
          anbj   [an8]                negative tens of thousands; -104
          anbk   [an8]                negative thousands; -103
          anbɭ   [an8]                negative hundreds; -102
          anbm   [an8]                negative tens; -101
          anbmj   ⋄                     -4 tens
          anbmjɭ   ⋄                          -42
          anbn   [an8]                negative units; -100
          anbne                      -9
          anbnf                      -8
          anbng                      -7
          anbnh                      -6
          anbni                      -5
          anbnj                      -4
          anbnjɭ   ⋄                          -4.2
          anbnk                      -3
          anbnɭ                      -2
          anbnm                      -1; minus one
          anbnn                      -0
          anc            none; no; zero
          andWy            positive quantities
          and            less than billionths; 10-(>9)
          andw   [an8]                trillionths; pico-; p-; 10-12
          andx   [an8]                10-11
          andy   [an8]                10-10
          ane   [an8]           billionths; nano-; n-; 10-9
          anf   [an8]           10-8
          ang   [an8]           10-7
          anh   [an8]           millionths; micro-; μ-; 10-6; 0.00000
          ani   [an8]           10-5; 0.0000
          anj   [an8]           10-4; 0.000
          ank   [an8]           thousandths; milli-; m-; 10-3; 0.00
          anɭ   [an8]           hundredths; centi-; c-; 10-2; 0.0
          anm   [an8]           tenths; deci-; d-; 10-1; 0.
          anms   [an8]  ⋄                0.4
          ann   [an8]           units; 100
          anno                 no unit; 0
          annp                 one; a; single; 1
          annq                 two; a pair; a couple; 2
          annqU                      e; base of natural logarithm; 2.71828...
          annr                 three; 3
          annrU                      π; pi; 3.14...
          anns                 four; 4
          annt                 five; 5
          annu                 six; 6
          annv                 seven; 7
          annw                 eight; 8
          annx                 nine; 9
          ano            tens; deca-; da-; 10¹
          anoX   [an8]                 number of tens
          anoo                 no ten; less than ten
          anop                 one ten
          anopX   [an8]                      number of units beside one ten  
          anopo                      10; ten
          anopp                      11; eleven
          anopq                      12; twelve
          anopr                      13; thirteen
          anops                      14; fourteen
          anopt                      15; fifteen
          anopu                      16; sixteen
          anopv                      17; seventeen
          anopw                      18; eighteen
          anopx                      19; nineteen
          anoq                 two tens
          anoqo                      20; twenty
          anoqp                      21
          anoqq                      22
          anoqr                      23
          anoqs                      24
          anoqt                      25
          anoqu                      26
          anoqv                      27
          anoqw                      28
          anoqx                      29
          anor                 three tens
          anos                 four tens
          anot                 five tens
          anou                 six tens
          anov                 seven tens
          anow                 eight tens
          anox                 nine tens
          anp            hundreds; hecto-; h-; 10²
          anpX   [an8]                 number of hundreds
          anpp                 one hundred
          anppq   ⋄                     one hundred and two tens
          anppqo   ⋄                          one hundred twenty; 120
          anpq                 two hundreds
          anpqo   ⋄                     two hundreds and zero tens
          anpqoo   ⋄                          200
          anpqooo   ⋄                               200.0
          anpqos   ⋄                          204
          anpqost   ⋄                               204.5
          anq            thousands; kilo-; K-; 10³
          anqp                 one thousand
          anr            tens of thousands; myria-; 104
          ans            hundreds of thousands; 105
          ant            millions; mega-; M-; 106
          anu            tens of millions; 107
          anv            hundreds of millions; 108
          anw            billions; giga-; G-; 109
          anx            more than billions; 10>9
          anxb                 tens of billions; 1010
          anxc                 hundreds of billions; 1011
          anxd                 trillions; tera-; T-; 1012
          anxg                 quadrillions; peta-; P-; 1015
          anxj                 quintillions; exa-; E-; 1018
          anxk                 1019
          anxɭ                 1020
          any            infinity; ∞
          aq       functions; equations  [calculus; analysis]  ≈ DDC 515  
          aq96   [an]                having values; range output
          aq98   [an]                at x =; domain input
          aqb            constants  
          aqc            real functions  [real analysis]
          aqd            integrals  [measure; integration]
          aqe            functions of a complex variable
          aqf            potential  [potential theory]
          aqg            several complex variables; analytic spaces
          aqh            special functions
          aqi            ordinary differential equations; ODEs
          aqj            partial differential equations; PDEs
          aqk            dynamical systems  [ergodic theory]  ↞ cp processes
          aqɭ            difference equations; functional equations
          aqm            sequences; series; summability
          aqn            approximations; expansions
          aqo            sinusoidal basis functions  [Fourier analysis]
          aqo9t                      Fourier transform
          aqp            basic waves  [abstract harmonic analysis]
          aqq            integral transforms  [operational calculus]
          aqr            integral equations
          aqs            spaces of functions  [functional analysis]
          aqt            operators  [operator theory]
          aqv            variations  [calculus of variations; optimal control]
          at       algorithms  [numerical analysis]  ≈ DDC 518
          at98   [aq]                by equation
          at98i                      ordinal differential equations
          au       probabilities  [probability theory; statistics]  ≈ DDC 519
          au88   [an]                among sample size; n
          au96   [an8]                 value 0.
          au96t   ⋄                     0.5; 50%
          au98   [a]                of event
          aw       systems; wholes; networks  [general systems theory; cybernetics]  ≈ DDC 003
          aw2            in environment
          aw4            disorders
          aw5            system dynamics
          aw5e                 passive reaction
          aw5i                 active action
          aw5n                 change in attitude
          aw6            mechanicity
          aw6c                 reductionistic; mechanical
          aw6r                 emergent
          aw6y                 holistic
          aw7            organs; differentiated parts; sublevels  
          aw79                 constituents; interchangeable parts
          aw7i                 isolated organs; disintegrative levels
          aw7ɭ                 links; ties; bonds  
          aw9            order states
          aw9d                 order
          aw9h                 chaos
          aw9m                 complexity
          aw9o                 organization
          awg            aggregates  
          awi            integrates  
          awi1   [51]                integration stages
          awi1e                      integrands
          awi1v                      disintegrands
          awi1x                      remains
          awɭ            levels  
          awɭ38   [a]                     emerging from; originated by; produced after; overformed on; depending on lower level  [dynamic ontology; process ontology]
          awɭ5m                      emergence
          awɭ6                 having emergent property
          awɭɭ                 layers; overformed levels; integrative levels
          awɭs                 strata; overbuilt levels  
          qo{acqua}   ⋄                               the word acqua
Connected classes:
                 0  [A] as for; seen from; in light of; modelled in perspective; aspect; bias; viewpoint; model; relativity; interpretation; thirdness; phase relationship; dimension γ  ↞ ae 
                 008  [an]           as in KB document size
                 068  [an89]            theory applicability
                 086  [an89]           occurring
                 088  [an]            probability; likelihood  ↞ au 
                 11  [an]      at; ranked rank; ordinal number, place in classification
                 20  [A]      in; within situation; condition; context  ↞ ae 
                 21  [an]      in position; rank; spatial sequence
                 248  [an89]            centrality
                 286  [an8]           at altitude Km; orthogonal relative position  ↞ j99 
                 51      developed through; by history; evolution  ↞ ag 
                 52  [an89]       dynamicity
                 525  [an89]            dynamicity change
                 527  [an89]            standard deviation
                 528  [an]            dynamicity measure
                 529  [an89]            stability
                 566  [an]           tending towards; regulating to equilibrium value; homeostasis; health  ↞ cpoh 
                 58  [os]      through; by activity; mechanism; dynamics  ↞ ag 
                 619  [an]            age
                 65  [an89]       stability; regularity; continuity
                 668  [an89]            quality
                 67  [aw6]       mechanicity
                 74  [an89]       integration; consistency
                 748  [an89]            continuity
                 77       element; subsystem; component  ↞ aw 
                 78  [an89]       complexity; structure; degree of organization
                 785  [an89]            structure change
                 81  [an89]       span measure; sequentual extent; duration; average life
                 82  [an89]       size; magnitude; extent
                 84  [ac9]       intensionality
                 85  [an89]      getting changed quantity
                 86  [an89]      amounting to quantity; amount; intensity; pattern; degree; extent; quantifier
                 87  [an89]       fraction; proportion
                 878  [ann]            numerical fraction
                 88  [an]       number; numerical quantity; cardinality
                 98  [X]      of; for; qualified by; defined by; relative to quality; relation; kind; differentia; function  ↞ ae8c 
                 a22  [a]           in neighbourhood
                 a58  [ag]           through transformation; operation; function; map; morphism
                 a77  [a]           containing; ∋ member; individual
                 a78  [a]           including; ⊃ subset
                 a7uns                     bases  ↞ akc 
                 ae23  [a]                from domain
                 ae26  [a]                to range; image
                 ae28  [a]                in field
                 ae33  [a]                from set of departure
                 ae36  [a]                to codomain; set of destination
                 ae6q                equivalent  ↞ ae6h ae6j ae6l 
                 ae8            arity; adicity; dimension; number of arguments; places  ↞ anai 
                 ae98  [a]                of argument; term
                 aeb           identity  ↞ ae6q 
                 aeb98  [a]                     of term
                 aem97  [a]                     of instance
                 aem98  [a]                     to class
                 aep97  [a]                     of part
                 aep98  [a]                     in whole
                 aes97  [a]                     of species
                 aes98  [a]                     in genus
                 af97  [a]                about object
                 af98  [a]                of class; feature
                 ag6  [ag6]            operation property
                 ag96  [a]                equal to result
                 ag98  [a]                of operand
                 agh98  [a]                     of structure
                 aghm                isomorphisms; bijective morphisms  ↞ aghe aghi 
                 aghu                automorphisms  ↞ aghm aghn 
                 agm96  [a]                     equal to sum
                 agm98  [a]                     of term; addend; summand
                 agn96  [a]                     equal to difference
                 agn98  [a]                     of minuend
                 agn983  [a]                          minus subtrahend
                 agom98  [a]                          of structure
                 agop98  [a]                          of structure
                 agp98  [a]                     of factor
                 agpc98  [a]                          of structure
                 agqe96  [an]                          equal to quotient
                 agqe966  [an]                               with remainder
                 agqe98  [an]                          of dividend
                 agqe983  [an]                               by divisor
                 agqs98  [a]                          of
                 agtp98  [a]                          of structure
                 agu98  [a]                     of structure
                 agw98  [a]                     of base
                 agw983  [a]                          raised to the power exponent
                 agx983  [a]                          -th
                 agy98  [a]                     of
                 agy983  [a]                          to; base
                 aii96  [a]                     is consequence
                 aii98  [a]                     of premise
                 aɭow                topological groups  ↞ ams 
                 aɭt           categories  [category theory]  ↞ ac alg 
                 amr5Df                          strong product of graphs  ↞ agp 
                 amr5Dg                          zigzag product of graphs  ↞ agp 
                 amr5Dh                          rooted product of graphs  ↞ agp 
                 amrd                directed graphs  ↞ ae 
                 amrns                     simple graphs  ↞ ae6j 
                 ams           families of sets  ↞ amry 
                 an6g                even numbers  ↞ annq 
                 an89b                     negative  ↞ anb 
                 an89c                     no  ↞ anc 
                 anbdx  [an8]                     negative hundreds of billions; -1011
                 anbdy  [an8]                     negative tens of billions; -1010
                 anbe  [an8]                negative billions; -109
                 anbf  [an8]                negative hundreds of millions; -108
                 anbg  [an8]                negative tens of millions; -107
                 anbh  [an8]                negative millions; -106
                 anbi  [an8]                negative hundreds of thousands; -105
                 anbj  [an8]                negative tens of thousands; -104
                 anbk  [an8]                negative thousands; -103
                 anbɭ  [an8]                negative hundreds; -102
                 anbm  [an8]                negative tens; -101
                 anbn  [an8]                negative units; -100
                 andw  [an8]                trillionths; pico-; p-; 10-12
                 andx  [an8]                10-11
                 andy  [an8]                10-10
                 ane  [an8]           billionths; nano-; n-; 10-9
                 anf  [an8]           10-8
                 ang  [an8]           10-7
                 anh  [an8]           millionths; micro-; μ-; 10-6; 0.00000
                 ani  [an8]           10-5; 0.0000
                 anj  [an8]           10-4; 0.000
                 ank  [an8]           thousandths; milli-; m-; 10-3; 0.00
                 anɭ  [an8]           hundredths; centi-; c-; 10-2; 0.0
                 anm  [an8]           tenths; deci-; d-; 10-1; 0.
                 anms  [an8]  ⋄                0.4
                 ann  [an8]           units; 100
                 anoX  [an8]                 number of tens
                 anopX  [an8]                      number of units beside one ten
                 anpX  [an8]                 number of hundreds
                 aq96  [an]                having values; range output
                 aq98  [an]                at x =; domain input
                 at98  [aq]                by equation
                 au88  [an]                among sample size; n
                 au96  [an8]                 value 0.
                 au98  [a]                of event
                 awɭ38  [a]                     emerging from; originated by; produced after; overformed on; depending on lower level  [dynamic ontology; process ontology]
                 bzbX       dimensionality  ↞ an 
                 c spacetime; space-time; events; pacha  [special relativity]  ↞ bg alo 
                 cb81  [an]                lasting s duration
                 cbX  [an]            time years
                 ccX           dimensions  ↞ ann 
                 ccb82  [an]                     long m length
                 ccc82  [an]                     large m² area
                 cccX  [an]                 number of sides; edges
                 cccb98  [aq]                          with equation  [differential geometry; differential topology]
                 cccs  [an]                polygons with more than 17 edges
                 ccd82  [an]                     amounting to m³; big/small size; volume
                 ccd827  [an]                          wide m width
                 ccd8277  [an]                               high m height
                 ccd8278  [an]                               deep m depth
                 cpe           states; properties  ↞ ae8c 
                 d58  [an]            brightness; intensity; amplitude
                 d81  [an]           lasting s average lifetime
                 d858  [an]                 speed m/s
                 d96  [an89]           with spin
                 d969  [an]                with isospin; isotopic spin; isobaric spin
                 d98  [an89]           with charge
                 e83  [an]            atomic mass
                 e836  [an]                weighing standard atomic weight; relative atomic mass; Ar
                 e837  [an]                dense g/cm3 density
                 e838  [an]                 atomic number; Z  ↞ dvt 
                 e85  [an]           with A; ampere electric current; I  ↞ d6l 
                 e98  [an8]            charge; ionization; ion
                 e985  [an]                conducing S/m electrical conductivity ; σ
                 e988  [an8]                with electronegativity in Pauling scale
                 f48  [an]           needing kJ/mol potential barrier; energy barrier; activation energy Ea
                 f52  [an]            reactivity
                 f526  [an]                 solubility  ↞ fU 
                 f55  [an]           boiling at K boiling point  ↞ gg gl 
                 f556  [an]                melting at K melting point  ↞ gl gs 
                 f57  [an]            rate of reaction
                 f58  [an]           J; joule enthalpy change; ΔH; heat of reaction
                 f83  [an]           weighing molecular weight
                 f837  [an]                dense g/cm3 density
                 f86  [an89]           quantity
                 f88  [an]           mmol
                 f96  [an89]            acidity
                 f968  [an]                 ph
                 f98  [an8]            ionization
                 fc78  [ann]                 chemical characteristic
                 g18  [an]           at time t
                 g28  [an]           at spatial coordinate x
                 g287  [an]                at spatial coordinate z
                 g288  [an]                at spatial coordinate y
                 g382  [an]                at Pa; pascal pressure; P
                 g383  [an]                subjected to N; newtons force  ↞ d93 
                 g385  [an]                performing J; joule work
                 g5258  [an]                     accelerating at m/s2 acceleration
                 g528  [an]                 velocity m/s  ↞ g7825 
                 g58  [an]           of dB; decibels intensity
                 g5nX  [an]                 frequency; pitch Hz
                 g64  [an]            entropy
                 g65  [ann]           of hardness in Mohs scale
                 g66  [an89]            temperature
                 g665  [an89]                 temperature change
                 g668  [an]                 temperature K
                 g78  [an89]            complexity degree
                 g818  [an]                 duration s
                 g825  [an89]                 growth rate
                 g827  [an89]                 length
                 g8277  [an89]                      height
                 g8278  [an]                      length m
                 g8279  [an89]                      width
                 g828  [an]                 volume m3
                 g829  [an89]                 area
                 g83  [an89]            mass; weight
                 g837  [an89]                 density; ρ
                 g838  [an]                 mass Kg
                 gt686  [an89]                      diaphaneity; transparency; pellucidity
                 h282  [an]                at distance from Earth light years
                 h52  [an]           orbiting in terrestrial days revolution period
                 h526  [an]                rotating in terrestrial days rotation period
                 h585  [an]                velocity m/s2; v; speed
                 h5855  [an]                     acceleration m/s²; a
                 h84  [an]            color index; B–V index; temperature
                 h88  [an]            absolute magnitude; Mv
                 h886  [an]                 apparent magnitude; m; vmag
                 i4X  [an8]           Richter magnitude
                 i52  [an]            radioactivity
                 i84  [an]            tenacity
                 i843  [an]                 specific gravity
                 j1X           dates; days  ↞ an 
                 j383  [an]                mm/year average precipitations  ↞ j3i 
                 j384  [an]                K average temperature  ↞ g784 
                 j82  [an]  ⋄           of Km2 surface; area
                 j83  [an8]           at altitude Km a.s.l.; terrain; relief
                 j836  [an8]                sloping tens degrees
                 jsr52  [an]                     of m3/s; cubic meters per second; cumec discharge, rate of volumetric flow, water flow
                 m48  [an89]            outcome; prognosis; course
                 m81  [an89]           aged years age
                 m827  [an89]                 length; height
                 m83  [an89]            weight
                 m838  [an]                 weighing g
                 m88  [an]            quantity
                 mU48  [an89]                 severity; seriousness; prognosis
                 mU488  [an]                      APACHE scoring system
                 mU827  [ann]                      height meters
                 mU838  [an]                     weighing Kg
                 mU84  [an89]                 humanity
                 n88  [an]            size
                 o81  [an]           lasting s; seconds duration
                 o848  [an89]                 redundancy
                 o88  [an]           of bits information content
                 p88  [an8]            valence
                 q7ss7Cu                               lengths; quantities; chronemes  ↞ an89 
                 r82  [an89]            size
                 t6g           sincerity; truth  ↞ ai 
                 t73  [an89]            wealth class  ↞ v7 
                 t75  [an89]            literacy class  ↞ sw 
                 t87  [an89]           including fraction
                 u87  [an89]            groups  ↞ u5op 
                 u88  [an]           producing $/y output
                 v82  [an89]            size
                 v88  [an]            budget $
                 v883  [an]                plus $ asset; income; price
                 v884  [an]                minus $ liability; expenditure; cost
                 w1X  [an8]           millennia
                 w1XX  [an8]                centuries
                 w1XXX  [an8]                     decades
                 w1XXXX  [an8]                          years
                 w358  [an]                 number of participants; contestants
                 w38  [an]           for number of players
                 wg57  [an]                stage
                 won           numerology  ↞ an 
                 x71  [an]            sequential part
                 x81  [an89]            duration
                 x818  [an]                 duration min
                 x82  [an89]            size
                 xm895  [ann]                      scale type; interval
                 xm897  [ann]                      number of pitch classes
                 y195  [an]                issued each days; seriality; periodicity
                 y5cs                modeling; simulation  ↞ yoeu a 
                 y71  [an]            section; part
                 y858  [an89]                 cultural diversity
                 yshg                philosophical logic  ↞ a yimb 
                 ysm           mathematics; maths  ↞ a 

current: 99 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class a / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2021.12.09 -