00 []
as attested in; testified; witnessed; recorded; reported in document; carrier; medium; specimen; knowledge item; dimension δ |
000 []
as kept in knowledge context; collection theme; dimension ε |
0000 []
as relevant to information need; dimension ζ |
00000 []
as accessed by people; dimension η ↞ t civil society |
as known by cognitive ability |
000003 []
as accessed by people class |
0007 []
as collected in document collection |
libraries |
museums |
001 []
produced in; published in publication time |
002 []
produced in; published in publication region |
003 []
by author; creator |
0032 []
distributed by distributor |
0033 []
published by publisher |
00337 []
printed by printer; typographer |
0035 []
translated by translator |
0036 []
presented to; Festschrift for honoured author |
0037 []
with contribution by contributing author |
0038 []
edited by editor |
003ptuse ⋄
William Shakespeare |
004 []
commenting on commented resource |
0043 []
building on; developing on; continuing basic resource |
0044 []
criticizing; opposing; against criticized resource |
0045 []
answering answered resource |
0046 []
commenting favourably; propaganda of |
0047 []
summarizing summarized resource |
0048 []
reviewing reviewed resource |
005 []
in language |
0053 []
translated from original language |
0055 []
paraphrased from original language |
0056 []
style; rhetorical strategy |
0058 []
in literary form |
006 []
treated for target; public |
0061 []
for school level |
007 []
as in document format |
0074 []
corrupted by damage |
008 []
as in KB document size |
Connected classes: |