Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC edition 2
Expanded class mqvtg

    broader class

          mqvtg /macavataga/                     primates  [primatology]
          mqvtgbWg /macavatagabawawga/                          prosimii; lemuroidea
          mqvtgb /macavatagaba/                          tupaiidae
          mqvtgc /macavatagaʃa/                          lemuridae
          mqvtgd /macavatagada/                          indridae
          mqvtge /macavatage/                          daubentoniidae
          mqvtgf /macavatagafa/                          lorisidae
          mqvtgg /macavatagaga/                          tarsiidae
          mqvtgiWy /macavatagiwawɟa/                          anthropoidea
          mqvtgi /macavatagi/                          cebidae
          mqvtgɭ /macavatagala/                          callithricidae
          mqvtgm /macavatagama/                          Old World monkeys; cercopithecidae
          mqvtgmm /macavatagamama/                               macaques; Macaca
          mqvtgmp /macavatagamapa/                               baboons; Papio
          mqvtgo /macavatago/                          colobidae
          mqvtgq /macavatagaca/                          hylobatidae
          mqvtgu /macavatagu/                          hominids; hominidae; great apes
          mqvtguc /macavataguʃa/                               orangutans; Pongo
          mqvtgug /macavataguga/                               gorillas; Gorilla
          mqvtgui /macavatagui/                               chimpanzees; Pan
          mqvtguic /macavataguiʃa/                                    common chimpanzees; Pan troglodytes
          mqvtguin /macavataguina/                                    bonobos; Pan paniscus
          mqvtgum /macavataguma/                               Australopithecus
          mqvtguo /macavataguo/                               Homo; humans; men  [palaeoanthropology]
          mqvtguob /macavataguoba/                                    Homo habilis
          mqvtguoe /macavataguoe/                                    Homo erectus
          mqvtguon /macavataguona/                                    Neanderthals; Homo neanderthalensis
          mqvtguos /macavataguosa/                                    Homo sapiens
Connected classes:
  ⌕        mU  [mqvtguos]      human organisms; men  [biological anthropology]

current: 99 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  despite disorder   +
5  with transformation+
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  as form            +
9  of kind            +


ILC edition 2. Expanded class mqvtg / — ISKO Italia <> : 2019.09.18 - 2019.10.22 -