Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC edition 2
Expanded class h

    broader class

          h /ɣa/ celestial bodies; celestial objects; cosmic structures; astronomical bodies  [astronomy; astrophysics; cosmology]  ↞ g continuum bodies   ≈ DDC 520 523  
          h57 /ɣalpɔjɔ/  ⋄           at evolutionary stage
          h7 /ɣajɔ/  ⋄      composed of substance
          h91 /ɣaɲɔmpɔ/  [bpa]           at evolutionary stage
          h92 /ɣaɲɔntɔ/  [jay]           at declination; dec; δ
          h95 /ɣaɲɔlpɔ/  [bv]           moving with proper motion  [celestial mechanics]
          h96 /ɣaɲɔltɔ/  [an]            color index; B–V index; temperature
          h97 /ɣaɲɔjɔ/  [ha]            structural layer
          h98 /ɣaɲɔrkɔ/  [an]            apparent magnitude; m; vmag
          h99 /ɣaɲɔɲɔ/  [an]            absolute magnitude; Mv
          hU /ɣuj/      the Earth  ↞ hpU solar planets   ≈ DDC 525
          hUa /ɣujɛ/           Earth structural layers  ↞ hpt terrestrial planets
          har /ɣɛra/           core
          has /ɣɛsa/           surface
          hat /ɣɛta/           atmosphere
          hb /ɣaba/      nebulae
          hc /ɣaʃa/      clouds; diffuse nebulae
          hce /ɣaʃe/           molecular clouds
          hcg /ɣaʃaga/           Bok globules; Thackeray's globules
          hg /ɣaga/      galaxies
          hgU /ɣaguj/           the Milky Way
          hgd /ɣagada/           dwarf galaxies
          hge /ɣage/           elliptical galaxies
          hgɭ /ɣagala/           lenticular galaxies
          hgp /ɣagapa/           spiral galaxies; disk galaxies
          hgr /ɣagara/           ring galaxies
          hgt /ɣagata/           irregular galaxies
          hgu /ɣagu/           ultra diffuse galaxies; UDGs
          hh /ɣaɣa/      galaxy associations
          hhg /ɣaɣaga/           galaxy groups
          hhɭ /ɣaɣala/           galaxy clusters  
          hhs /ɣaɣasa/           galaxy superclusters
          hk /ɣaka/      brown dwarves
           /ɣala/      stars  ↞ gf plasma   
          hɭU /ɣaluj/           the Sun  ↞ hld dwarf stars hl91n young stellar objects
          hɭb /ɣalaba/           subdwarf stars
          hɭd /ɣalada/           dwarf stars
          hɭf /ɣalafa/           subgiant stars
          hɭg /ɣalaga/           giant stars
          hɭh /ɣalaɣa/           bright giant stars
          hɭj /ɣalaʒa/           supergiant stars
          hɭk /ɣalaka/           hypergiant stars
          hp /ɣapa/      planets  [planetary science]  
          hpU /ɣapuj/           solar planets  ↞ hlU the Sun
          hpg /ɣapaga/           giant planets
          hpt /ɣapata/           terrestrial planets; telluric; rocky planets
          hq /ɣaca/      minor planets; planetoids
          hqd /ɣacada/           dwarf planets
          hqf /ɣacafa/           asteroids
          hqj /ɣacaʒa/           trojans
          hqn /ɣacana/           centaurs  ↞ hlU the Sun
          hr /ɣara/      meteoroids; meteors
          hs /ɣasa/      planetary satellites; natural satellites; moons
          hsU /ɣasuj/           the Moon
          ht /ɣata/      planetary systems; star systems; stellar systems
          htU /ɣatuj/           the Solar system  ↞ hlU the Sun
          htc /ɣataʃa/           binary stars
          htd /ɣatada/           triple star systems
          hu /ɣu/      star clusters; stellar clusters  ↞ hl stars
          huU /ɣuuj/           Pleiades
          hug /ɣuga/           globular clusters; GCs
          hui /ɣui/           intermediate star clusters
          huo /ɣuo/           open clusters
Connected classes:
  ⌕        h97  [ha]            structural layer
  ⌕        hU      the Earth  ↞ hpU 
  ⌕        hUa           Earth structural layers  ↞ hpt 
  ⌕        hɭU           the Sun  ↞ hld hl91n 
  ⌕        hpU           solar planets  ↞ hlU 
  ⌕        hqn           centaurs  ↞ hlU 
  ⌕        htU           the Solar system  ↞ hlU 
  ⌕        hu      star clusters; stellar clusters  ↞ hl 
  ⌕        it      tectonic plates  [plate tectonics]  ↞ hUal 
  ⌕        itt           plates of the Earth  ↞ hU 
  ⌕        jU      regions of the contemporary Earth  ↞ js hU 
  ⌕        jai           seasons  ↞ h958 
  ⌕        jak           weather  [meteorology]  ↞ hUap 
  ⌕        jdU           mountain ranges of contemporary Earth  ↞ hU 

current: 3 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  despite disorder   +
5  with transformation+
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  as form            +
9  of kind            +


ILC edition 2. Expanded class h / — ISKO Italia <> : 2019.09.18 - 2019.10.22 -