Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC edition 2
Expanded class jo

    broader class

          jo /ʒo/      soils; pedosphere  [soil science; pedology; edaphology]  ↞ l bacteria m organisms   
          jo95 /ʒoɲɔlpɔ/  [joae]                undergoing pedogenetic process
          joae /ʒoɛe/                paedogenetic regimes
          joaeg /ʒoɛega/                     gleization
          joaei /ʒoɛei/                     calcification
          joaeɭ /ʒoɛela/                     laterization
          joaep /ʒoɛepa/                     podzolitation
          joah /ʒoɛɣa/                soil horizons
          joahc /ʒoɛɣaʃa/                     O horizon; organic matter
          joahh /ʒoɛɣaɣa/                     P horizon; peat; humus
          joahj /ʒoɛɣaʒa/                     A horizon; topsoil
          joahɭ /ʒoɛɣala/                     E horizon; eluvium
          joahn /ʒoɛɣana/                     B horizon; subsoil
          joahp /ʒoɛɣapa/                     C horizon; parent rock
          joahs /ʒoɛɣasa/                     D horizon
          joahu /ʒoɛɣu/                     R horizon; bedrock
          joahx /ʒoɛɣaxa/                     L horizon; limnic
          joc /ʒoʃa/           permafrost and stony soils
          jocc /ʒoʃaʃa/                cryosols; ice-affected soils; CR
          jocɭ /ʒoʃala/                leptosols; shallow or extremely gravelly soils; LP
          joe /ʒoe/           soils influenced by water
          joee /ʒoeje/                vertisols; alternating wet-dry conditions; rich in swelling clays; VR
          joef /ʒoefa/                fluvisols; floodplains; tidal marshes; FL
          joen /ʒoena/                solonetz; alkaline soils; SN
          joes /ʒoesa/                solonchaks; salt enrichment upon evaporation; SC
          joey /ʒoeɟa/                gleysols; groundwater affected soils; GL
          jof /ʒofa/           soils set by Fe/Al chemistry
          jofb /ʒofaba/                andosols; allophanes or Al-humus complexes; AN
          jofd /ʒofada/                podzols; cheluviation and chilluviation; PZ
          jofi /ʒofi/                plinthosols; PT; accumulation of Fe under hydromorphic conditions
          jofn /ʒofana/                nitisols; low-activity clay; P fixation; strongly structured; NT
          jofr /ʒofara/                ferralsols; dominance of kaolinite and sesquioxides; FR
          joi /ʒoi/           soils with stagnating water
          joip /ʒoipa/                planosols; abrupt textural discontinuity; PL
          jois /ʒoisa/                stagnosols; structural or moderate textural discontinuity; ST
          joo /ʒojo/           organic high base soils
          jooc /ʒojoʃa/                chernozems; typically mollic; CH
          jook /ʒojoka/                kastanozems; transition to drier climate; KS
          joop /ʒojopa/                phaeozems; transition to more humid climate; PH
          jos /ʒosa/           less soluble salts and non-saline soils
          josg /ʒosaga/                gypsisols; gypsum soils; GY
          josi /ʒosi/                durisols; silica soils; DU
          josɭ /ʒosala/                calcisols; calcium carbonate soils; CL
          jot /ʒota/           clay-enriched soils
          jotb /ʒotaba/                retisols; albeluvisols; albeluvic tonguing; AB; RT
          jotɭ /ʒotala/                alisols; low base status; high-activity clay soils; AL
          jotr /ʒotara/                acrisols; low base status; low-activity clay soils; AC
          jotv /ʒotava/                luvisols; high base status; high-activity clay soils; LV
          jotx /ʒotaxa/                lixisols; high base status; low-activity clay soils; LX
          jov /ʒova/           young and little profile soils
          jovb /ʒovaba/                umbrisols; soils with an acidic dark topsoil; UM
          jove /ʒove/                arenosols; sandy soils; AR
          jovm /ʒovama/                cambisols; moderately developed soils; CM
          jovr /ʒovara/                regosols; soils with no significant profile development; RG
          jox /ʒoxa/           histosols; soils with thick organic layers; HS
          joy /ʒoɟa/           soils with strong human influence
          joyn /ʒoɟana/                anthrosols; soils with long and intensive agricultural use; AT
          joyt /ʒoɟata/                technosols; soils containing many artefacts; TC
Connected classes:
  ⌕        jo95  [joae]                undergoing pedogenetic process
  ⌕        mp923  [jo]                     growing on soil substratum
  ⌕        vahos                     soil technology  ↞ jo 

current: 99 



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      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  despite disorder   +
5  with transformation+
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  as form            +
9  of kind            +


ILC edition 2. Expanded class jo / — ISKO Italia <> : 2019.09.18 - 2019.10.22 -