Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC edition 2
Expanded class jay

    broader class

          jay /ʒɛɟa/           latitude degrees; primes  ↞ bcdyau spherical surfaces
          jayU /ʒɛɟuj/  [jaybbb]                North Pole
          jayX /ʒɛɟaxaw/                 subdivisions of 10° stripes  
          jayXX /ʒɛɟaxawxaw/                      subdivisions of 30' stripes
          jayXb /ʒɛɟaxawba/                     30'
          jayXc /ʒɛɟaxawʃa/                     29'
          jayXy /ʒɛɟaxawɟa/                     6'
          jayXyzb /ʒɛɟaxawɟazaba/                     5'
          jayXyzc /ʒɛɟaxawɟazaʃa/                     4'
          jayXyzd /ʒɛɟaxawɟazada/                     3'
          jayXyze /ʒɛɟaxawɟaze/                     2'
          jayXyzf /ʒɛɟaxawɟazafa/                     1'
          jaybWj /ʒɛɟabawawʒa/                in northern hemisphere; boreal
          jayb /ʒɛɟaba/                90 to 80 degrees north
          jayc /ʒɛɟaʃa/                80 to 70 degrees north
          jayd /ʒɛɟada/                70 to 60 degrees north
          jaydU /ʒɛɟaduj/                     Arctic Circle; 66°33' N
          jaye /ʒɛɟe/                60 to 50 degrees north
          jayf /ʒɛɟafa/                50 to 40 degrees north
          jayfb /ʒɛɟafaba/                     50 00' to 49 30' N
          jayfc /ʒɛɟafaʃa/                     49 30' to 49 00' N
          jayfd /ʒɛɟafada/                     49 00' to 48 30' N
          jayfe /ʒɛɟafe/                     48 30' to 48 00' N
          jayff /ʒɛɟafafa/                     48 00' to 47 30' N
          jayfg /ʒɛɟafaga/                     47 30' to 47 00' N
          jayfh /ʒɛɟafaɣa/                     47 00' to 46 30' N
          jayfi /ʒɛɟafi/                     46 30' to 46 00' N
          jayfj /ʒɛɟafaʒa/                     46 00' to 45 30' N
          jayfk /ʒɛɟafaka/                     45 30' to 45 00' N
          jayfɭ /ʒɛɟafala/                     45 00' to 44 30' N
          jayfm /ʒɛɟafama/                     44 30' to 44 00' N
          jayfn /ʒɛɟafana/                     44 00' to 43 30' N
          jayfo /ʒɛɟafo/                     43 30' to 43 00' N
          jayfp /ʒɛɟafapa/                     43 00' to 42 30' N
          jayfq /ʒɛɟafaca/                     42 30' to 42 00' N
          jayfr /ʒɛɟafara/                     42 00' to 41 30' N
          jayfs /ʒɛɟafasa/                     41 30' to 41 00' N
          jayft /ʒɛɟafata/                     41 00' to 40 30' N
          jayfu /ʒɛɟafu/                     40 30' to 40 00' N
          jayg /ʒɛɟaga/                40 to 30 degrees north
          jayh /ʒɛɟaɣa/                30 to 20 degrees north
          jayhU /ʒɛɟaɣuj/  [jayhol]                     Tropic of Cancer; Northern Tropic
          jayi /ʒɛɟi/                20 to 10 degrees north
          jayj /ʒɛɟaʒa/                10 to 0 degrees north
          jayju /ʒɛɟaʒu/                     Equator
          jaykWt /ʒɛɟakawawta/                in southern hemisphere; austral
          jayk /ʒɛɟaka/                0 to 10 degrees south
          jayɭ /ʒɛɟala/                10 to 20 degrees south
          jaym /ʒɛɟama/                20 to 30 degrees south
          jaymU /ʒɛɟamuj/  [jaymhn]                     Tropic of Capricorn; Southern Tropic
          jayn /ʒɛɟana/                30 to 40 degrees south
          jayo /ʒɛɟo/                40 to 50 degrees south
          jayp /ʒɛɟapa/                50 to 60 degrees south
          jayq /ʒɛɟaca/                60 to 70 degrees south
          jayqU /ʒɛɟacuj/                     Antarctic Circle; 66°33' S
          jayr /ʒɛɟara/                70 to 80 degrees south
          jays /ʒɛɟasa/                80 to 90 degrees south
          jaysu /ʒɛɟasu/                     89 30' to 90 00 S
          jaysuy /ʒɛɟasuɟa/                          South Pole
Connected classes:
  ⌕        289  [jay]           at latitude degrees
  ⌕        h92  [jay]           at declination; dec; δ
  ⌕        j98  [jay]           at latitude
  ⌕        jayU  [jaybbb]                North Pole
  ⌕        jayhU  [jayhol]                     Tropic of Cancer; Northern Tropic
  ⌕        jaymU  [jaymhn]                     Tropic of Capricorn; Southern Tropic

current: 99 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  despite disorder   +
5  with transformation+
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  as form            +
9  of kind            +


ILC edition 2. Expanded class jay / — ISKO Italia <> : 2019.09.18 - 2019.10.22 -