Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version. Class details

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hierarchical chain (BT, NT):
      main classes
   x   creative arts
   x9      ☛
   x90   for
   x91   typical of
   x92   typical of
   x93   created by
   x95   in
   x9i   classical antiquity
   x9j   romanesque
   x9k   gothic
   x9m   humanism
   x9n   renaissance
   x9o   baroque
   x9p   rococo
   x9q   neoclassicism
   x9r   romanticism
   x9s   realism
   x9t   art nouveau
   x9tzd   art deco
   x9u   modernism
   x9v   postmodernism

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defined foci:
verbal caption:
synonyms (UF):
description synonyms:art movement; artistic movement
discipline (RT):
semantic factors (RT):
special facets:x [] creative arts
x18 [w1] in historical period
x2 [] in special place
x27 [uU] in region
x3 [X] by art tool
x35 [U] performed by performer
x36 [t7] for audience
x4 [] aesthetic limitation
x45 [s4] damaged by damaging factor
x5 [] creation
x6 [] genre
x61 [ty] set in epoch
x62 [uU] set in place
x63 [o] set after antecedents
x65 [o] narrating plot
x66 [y84] fictionality
x67 [U] with character
x674 [U] opposed by evil character
x675 [U] for beneficiary character
x677 [U] helped by friend character
x678 [U] with hero
x68 [o] aiming at mission
x7 [] art component
x71 [an] sequential part
x73 [xm7] with musical instrument
x77 [su] on device
x8 [X] pace
x81 [an89] duration
x818 [an] duration min
x82 [an89] size
x86 [] number of elements
x88 [] quantity of elements
x89 [X] mode
x9 [] style
x91 [w1] typical of time
x92 [uU] typical of country
x93 [U] created by artist
x95 [qv] in language
x{} [] work entitled
scope note (SN):
ILC2 map:xas styles
DDC map:
record updated:2021-01-20 13:37:39

The entry '' in Wikipedia:

ILC developing version. Class details — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.04.03 - 2021.04.02 -