Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version. Class details

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hierarchical chain (BT, NT):
      main classes
   t   communities
   ty   civilizations
   tyr   Mediterranean civilization of the Classical period
   tyrr   ancient Rome civilization
   tyrrt   Roman Empire civilization
   tyrrtp   Valentinian dynasty   ☛

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defined foci:
verbal caption:Valentinian dynasty
synonyms (UF):
description:364-392 CE
description synonyms:
discipline (RT):
semantic factors (RT):
special facets:t [] communities
t35 [U] led by leader
t36 [t7] for beneficiary
t4 [] troubled by social issue
t43 [U] perturbed by rebel
t46 [t6] discouraging deviance
t5 [] social event
t6 [] precept
t63 [wt] following religion
t68 [mU689] skin colour
t7 [] age group
t73 [wt] religious adherence
t74 [an89] health condition
t76 [an89] literacy class
t78 [an89] wealth class
t79 [] gender identity
t87 [an89] including fraction
t9 [] decision structure
t91 [w1] formed in origin time
t92 [uU] based in site
t925 [sw] including inhabitants of settling
t93 [jU] originated from original region
t95 [qv] ethnicity
ty [] civilizations
tyr [] Mediterranean civilization of the Classical period
scope note (SN):
ILC2 map:syrrtp Valentinian dynasty
DDC map:
record updated:2022-12-28 10:57:22

The entry 'Valentinian_dynasty' in Wikipedia:

ILC developing version. Class details — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.04.03 - 2021.04.02 -