Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version. Class details

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hierarchical chain (BT, NT):
      main classes
   m   organisms
   mU   human organisms
   mU7   human organs   ☛
   mU7d   human digestive organs
   mU7e   human respiratory organs
   mU7i   human circulatory organs
   mU7j   immune and lymphatic systems
   mU7l   human glands
   mU7n   human nervous system
   mU7o   human sense organs
   mU7q   human skeleton
   mU7r   human muscles
   mU7s   human reproductive organs
   mU7u   human urinary organs
   mU7x   human skin

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defined foci:
verbal caption:human organs
synonyms (UF):
description synonyms:
discipline (RT):human anatomy
semantic factors (RT):
special facets:m [] organisms
m25 [ny] in habitat
m37 [X] symbiont
m4 [X] affected by disease
m42 [] correlated with risk factor
m439 [] acquired from pathogen
m45 [_] pathogenesis
m47 [m4] with complication
m48 [an89] outcome
m49 [X] showing symptom
m5 [] function
m58 [l5] metabolic process
m6 [X] trait
m7 [X] organ
m78 [lu] cell type
m79 [X] tissue
m8 [] growth stage
m81 [an89] aged years age
m827 [an89] length
m83 [an89] weight
m838 [an] weighing g
m88 [an] quantity
m9 [] sex
m91 [i1] lived in era
m92 [jU] distributed in range
m93 [m] descendant of ancestor taxon
m938 [m] son of parent
m97 [X] with qualifying organ
m974 [X] without missing organ
mU [mqvtguos] human organisms
mU4 [] affected by human disease
mU48 [an89] severity
mU488 [an] APACHE scoring system
mU49 [] with feature
mU6 [] sex
mU689 [] skin colour
mU7 [] human organs
mU827 [ann] height meters
mU838 [an] weighing Kg
mU84 [an89] humanity
scope note (SN):
ILC2 map:mUao human organs
DDC map:611 612
record updated:2020-04-29 17:49:01

The entry 'human_organs' in Wikipedia:

ILC developing version. Class details — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.04.03 - 2021.04.02 -