Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version. Class details

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hierarchical chain (BT, NT):
      main classes
   j   landforms
   jU   landmasses of the contemporary Earth   ☛
   jUb   Antarctica
   jUbzc   Chiloé Island
   jUbzd   Magdalena Island
   jUbzf   Campana Island
   jUbzg   Wellington Island
   jUbzi   Riesco Island
   jUbzj   Desolación Island
   jUbzk   Santa Inés Island
   jUbzl   Dawson Island
   jUbzm   Aracena Island
   jUbzn   Navarino Island
   jUbzo   Hoste Island
   jUbzq   South Georgia
   jUbzr   East Falkland
   jUbzs   West Falkland
   jUbzt   Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego
   jUbzu   São Luís Island
   jUbzv   Ilha Grande de Gurupá
   jUbzx   Marajó
   jUbzy   Caviana
   jUc   South America
   jUczd   Trinidad
   jUcze   Tobago
   jUczg   Grenada
   jUczh   Barbados
   jUczj   Saint Vincent
   jUczl   Saint Lucia
   jUczm   Martinique
   jUczn   Dominica
   jUczp   Guadalupe
   jUczq   Antigua
   jUczy   Puerto Rico
   jUd   Hispaniola
   jUdzj   Jamaica
   jUdzr   Grand Cayman
   jUe   Cuba
   jUezt   Grand Bahama
   jUezu   Nassau
   jUf   North America
   jUfzb   Isabela Island
   jUfzc   Hawai'i Big Island
   jUfzd   Vancouver Island
   jUfze   Cape Breton Island
   jUfzf   Newfoundland
   jUfzg   Southampton Island
   jUfzh   Prince Charles Island
   jUfzi   Baffin Island
   jUfzj   Banks Island
   jUfzk   Prince Patrick Island
   jUfzl   Melville Island
   jUfzm   Victoria Island
   jUfzn   King William Island
   jUfzo   Prince of Wales Island
   jUfzp   Somerset Island
   jUfzq   Bathurst Island
   jUfzr   Ellef Ringnes Island
   jUfzs   Devon Island
   jUfzt   Axel Heiberg Island
   jUfzu   Ellesmere Island
   jUfzv   Greenland
   jUfzw   Iceland
   jUg   Ireland
   jUgzl   Lewis and Harris
   jUgzs   Skye
   jUh   Great Britain
   jUhzb   Nordaustlandet
   jUhzc   Edgeøya
   jUhzd   Spitsbergen
   jUhze   Hinnøya
   jUhzf   Senja
   jUhzg   Öland
   jUhzh   Gotland
   jUhzi   Saaremaa
   jUhzj   Zealand
   jUhzk   Fyn
   jUhzl   Vendsyssel
   jUhzn   Ibiza
   jUhzo   Mallorca
   jUhzr   Corsica
   jUhzs   Sardinia
   jUi   Sicily
   jUizl   Malta
   jUizo   Euboea
   jUizr   Crete
   jUizs   Lesbos
   jUizv   Rhodes
   jUizy   Cyprus
   jUj   Eurasia
   jUk   Africa
   jUkzd   Madeira
   jUkzf   Tenerife
   jUkzn   Gran Canaria
   jUkzo   Fuerteventura
   jUkzq   Bioko
   jUkzs   Sao Tome and Principe
   jUl   Madagascar
   jUlzc   Mauritius
   jUlze   Reunion
   jUlzm   Grande Comore
   jUlzn   Zanzibar
   jUlzp   Pemba
   jUlzs   Socotra
   jUm   Sri Lanka
   jUn   Sumatra
   jUo   Java
   jUoze   Sumbawa
   jUozf   Flores
   jUozm   Timor
   jUozs   Seram Island
   jUozu   Halmahera
   jUozw   Sulawesi
   jUp   Borneo
   jUpzh   Hainan
   jUq   Taiwan
   jUr   Luzon
   jUs   Mindanao
   jUt   New Guinea
   jUtzc   Manus
   jUtzd   New Britain
   jUtze   New Ireland
   jUtzf   Bougainville Island
   jUtzg   Choiseul Island
   jUtzh   New Georgia
   jUtzi   Santa Isabel
   jUtzj   Guadalcanal
   jUtzk   Malaita
   jUtzl   Makira
   jUtzm   Espiritu Santo
   jUtzn   Malakula
   jUtzo   Viti Levu
   jUtzp   Vanua Levu
   jUtzq   New Caledonia
   jUtzr   Fraser Island
   jUtzu   Stewart Island
   jUtzv   Tasmania
   jUtzw   Kangaroo Island
   jUtzx   Melville Island
   jUtzy   Groote Eylandt
   jUu   Australia
   jUv   South Island
   jUw   North Island
   jUx   Kyushu
   jUxzs   Shikoku
   jUy   Honshu
   jUyzd   Hokkaido
   jUyzh   Sakhalin
   jUyzk   Kotelny Island
   jUyzo   October Revolution Island
   jUyzs   Severny Island
   jUyzu   Yuzhny Island

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defined foci:
verbal caption:landmasses of the contemporary Earth
synonyms (UF):continents, microcontinents
description synonyms:
discipline (RT):
semantic factors (RT):js hU
special facets:j [] landforms
j1 [] on month-day
j13 [i1] formed in era
j159 [] on week day
j169 [] at lunar phase
j179 [] at day time
j189 [] at time
j19 [] in season
j28 [hp] on planet
j3 [] weather
j37 [j7] from cardinal direction
j383 [an] mm/year average precipitations
j384 [an] K average temperature
j39 [] climates
j5 [] modelling process
j7 [] cardinal directions
j79 [] basin part
j8 [] latitude degrees
j82 [an] of Km2 surface
j83 [an8] at altitude Km a.s.l.
j836 [an8] sloping tens degrees
j89 [] longitude degrees
j92 [uU] of region
jU [] landmasses of the contemporary Earth
scope note (SN):divided by drainage basins sorted by Pfafstetter rules
ILC2 map:jU regions of the contemporary Earth
DDC map:
record updated:2020-03-20 14:17:15

The entry 'landmasses_of_the_contemporary_Earth' in Wikipedia:    — or look at synonyms search results

ILC developing version. Class details — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.04.03 - 2021.04.02 -