Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version. Class details

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hierarchical chain (BT, NT):
      main classes
   i   rocks   ☛
   i1   in
   i4   earthquakes
   ig   magma
   ii   single rocks
   ik   rock beds
   il   rock members
   im   rock formations
   io   rock subgroups
   ip   rock groups
   iq   rock supergroups
   is   crust structural zones
   it   tectonic plates

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defined foci:
verbal caption:rocks
synonyms (UF):stones
description synonyms:
discipline (RT):geology; planetary geology
semantic factors (RT):gssu
special facets:i [] rocks
i1 [] in era
i31 [hU7] from structural layer
i4 [] earthquakes
i49 [] earthquake waves
i5 [] geologic process
i52 [an] radioactivity
i68 [] colour
i69 [] fracture
i7 [] grain size
i77 [e] chemical element
i79 [] texture
i826 [cccc] lying at degrees lying angle
i84 [an] tenacity
i843 [an] specific gravity
i9 [] special quality
i91 [i1] formed in era
i92 [jU] of region
i97 [gt] containing mineral
i977 [f] containing chemical substance
uUdh(91px)i [] Midi-Pyrénées
uUdi(91px)i [] Aquitaine
scope note (SN):
ILC2 map:i rocks
DDC map:550
record updated:2024-04-18 15:05:20

The entry 'rocks' in Wikipedia:    — or look at synonyms search results

ILC developing version. Class details — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.04.03 - 2021.04.02 -