Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC 1 expanded class ys

  up    ys    sciences 

down details        03  [ys3]      as studied by method
down details        031  [ys31]           as studied through step
down details        032  [ys32]           studied in environment
down details        034  [w]           using tool  « ys34
down details        04  [ys9]      according to theory
down details        053  [ys3]           by disciplinary method
down details        f03  [ys3]           studied through method
down details        f063  [ysf3]                by chemical method
down details        m05  [ysl]           studied by biological discipline
down details        np04  [yslv9]                according to evolutionary theory
down details        r04  [ysq]           studied by theory  [general linguistics]
down details        t04  [ysv9]           according to political theory
down details        u04  [ysu9]           according to economical theory
down details        ys      sciences
down details        ys3  [:]           by method, approach, research
down details        ys31  [:]                in step
down details        ys31h                     hypothesis
down details        ys31n                     analysis  « 95
down details        ys31t                     testing, checking
down details        ys31u                     result
down details        ys32  [:]                in study environment
down details        ys32f                     the field
down details        ys32i                     captivity
down details        ys32l                     laboratory
down details        ys34  [w]                using instrument, tool
down details        ys3b                observation
down details        ys3bd                     discreet observation
down details        ys3bp                     participant observation
down details        ys3c                experience, intuition
down details        ys3d                examination of physical tracks
down details        ys3e                sensing, detection, measurement, sensors, transducers
down details        ys3ea                     censusing, counting
down details        ys3em                     magnetic resonance
down details        ys3emn                          nuclear magnetic resonance, NRM
down details        ys3es                     satellite imagery
down details        ys3et                     telemetry, remote sensing
down details        ys3ett                          acoustic telemetry  « g3
down details        ys3etu                          ultrasonic telemetry
down details        ys3f                recording
down details        ys3fc                     taking pictures, photographing  « y4ip
down details        ys3fn                     sound recording  « g3
down details        ys3fv                     filming  « y4m
down details        ys3g                marking, labeling, tagging
down details        ys3h                experimentation, stimulation
down details        ys3hp                     playback
down details        ys3i                case study
down details        ys3j                interview  « p
down details        ys3k                survey, questionnaire
down details        ys3l                review of bibliographical sources  « y4
down details        ys3lt                     textual analysis, content analysis, discourse analysis  « y4
down details        ys3m                mathematical analysis, processing  « ym
down details        ys3n                probability estimation  « aip
down details        ys3o                statistical analysis  [statistics]  « yms
down details        ys3od                     descriptive statistics
down details        ys3oi                     inferential statistics
down details        ys3s                modeling, simulation  « a
down details        ys3sg                     game theoretic models
down details        ys3u                mapmaking
down details        ys3v                comparison, comparative method
down details        ys3x                classification, systematics, taxonomy
down details        ys3xn                     numerical taxonomy, phenetic
down details        ys3xp                     evolutionary analysis, phylogenetic classification
down details        ys3xq                     cladistic analysis
down details        ys9  [:]           according to general scientific view
down details        ys9b                spiritualism
down details        ys9d                vitalism
down details        ys9g                mechanism
down details        ys9m                emergentism
down details        ys9n                general systems theory including Bertalanffy, Boulding
down details        ys9s                cognitivism
down details        ys9u                hermeneutics
down details        ysd           physics  « y8d
down details        ysd3  [:]                by physical method
down details        ysd3c                     spectroscopy, spectrography
down details        ysd3h                     chromatography
down details        ysdc                classical mechanics
down details        ysdh                classical thermodynamics
down details        ysds                special relativity
down details        ysdt                general relativity
down details        ysdu                quantum theory
down details        yse           physical chemistry
down details        ysf           chemistry  « y8f
down details        ysf3  [:]                by chemical method
down details        ysf3b                     isolation, purification
down details        ysf3c                     separation
down details        ysf3e                     synthesis
down details        ysf3n                     analysis, testing
down details        ysf3p                     tests on properties, behaviour
down details        ysh           geology, petrography  « y8jc
down details        ysht                tectonics
down details        ysht9  [:]                     according to tectonic theory
down details        ysht9c                          continental drift theory
down details        ysht9p                          plate tectonics
down details        ysi           astronomy  « y8h
down details        ysic                cosmology
down details        ysic9  [:]                     according to cosmological theory
down details        ysic9b                          Big Bang theory
down details        ysj           meteorology  « y8i
down details        ysjt                climatology
down details        ysjt9  [:]                     according to climatological theory
down details        ysjt9w                          global warming theory
down details        ysl           biology  « y8kVo
down details        ysla                morphology, anatomy  « ys8m(5)
down details        yslf                physiology  « ys8m(3)
down details        yslg                genetics  « y8k
down details        yslg3  [:]                     by method  « y3l
down details        yslg3c                          expression cloning
down details        yslg3e                          PCR, polymerase chain reaction
down details        yslg3g                          gel electrophoresis
down details        yslg3l                          southern blot, southern blotting
down details        yslg3n                          northern blot, northern blotting
down details        yslg3o                          western blot, western blotting
down details        ysls                systematic biology  « ys8mX
down details        yslv                evolutionary biology  « y8n(31)
down details        yslv9  [:]                     according to evolutionary theory
down details        yslv9c                          creationism
down details        yslv9l                          lamarckism
down details        yslv9n                          darwinism, theory of natural selection
down details        yslv9ng                               phyletic gradualism
down details        yslv9nh                               sexual selection
down details        yslv9nk                               kin selection
down details        yslv9nr                               group selection
down details        yslv9ns                               species selection
down details        yslv9nu                               punctuationism, theory of punctuated equilibria
down details        ysly                ethology  « y8o
down details        yslys                     bioacoustics  « y8g(3s) y8o y8q
down details        ysq           linguistics  « y8r
down details        ysr           sociology  « y8s
down details        ysr9  [:]                according to social theory  « ys8s
down details        ysr9c                     public choice theory
down details        ysr9e                     social exchange theory
down details        ysr9ef                          affect theory of social change
down details        ysr9j                     justice theory
down details        ysr9l                     identity theory
down details        ysr9o                     social identity theory
down details        ysr9p                     theory of comparative processes
down details        ysr9r                     elementary theory
down details        ysr9s                     expectations, status, and behavior theories
down details        ysr9t                     status construction theories
down details        ysr9x                     feminism
down details        ysr9y                     legitimacy theory
down details        ysu           economics  « y8u
down details        ysu9  [:]                according to economical theory, theory of development  « ys8u
down details        ysu9c                     classical political economy, rational choice theory incl' Smith, Ricardo, Malthus  « u047e046p045y043i040
down details        ysu9cp                          Polanyi school of economic sociology
down details        ysu9cs                          social structure of accumulation approach
down details        ysu9ct                          post-Keynesian theory
down details        ysu9cv                          transaction costs analysis
down details        ysu9m                     classical Marxism  « u047e046ve045ra
down details        ysu9n                     classical theories of imperialism
down details        ysu9o                     modernization theory
down details        ysu9p                     theories of worsening terms of trade incl' Prebisch
down details        ysu9q                     dependency theories
down details        ysu9s                     institutionalism
down details        ysu9t                     action theory
down details        ysv           political sciences, politology  « y8t
down details        ysv9  [:]                according to political theory  « ys8t
down details        ysv9i                     liberalism
down details        ysv9j                     English school
down details        ysv9l                     realism
down details        ysv9s                     constructivism
down details        ysvn                theories of the state
down details        yt      techniques, applied sciences  « ys v

current: 99 



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      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  under aspect      +
1  at time           +
2  in place          +
3  through process   +
4  made of element   +
5  with organ        +
6  from origin       +
7  to destination    +
8  like pattern      +
9  of kind           +


ILC 1 expanded class ys — ISKO Italia <> : 2011.07.15 - 2011.07.19 -