Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC 1 expanded class t1j

  up    t1j    1900 to 1999 AD 

down details        t1j  [ann]           1900 to 1999 AD, 20th century
down details        t1ja                1900-1909
down details        t1jb                1910-1919
down details        t1jc                1920-1929, the Twenties
down details        t1jd                1930-1939, the Thirties
down details        t1je                1940-1949, the Fourties
down details        t1jf                1950-1959, the Fifties
down details        t1jg                1960-1969, the Sixties
down details        t1jh                1970-1979, the Seventies
down details        t1ji                1980-1989, the Eighties
down details        t1jia                     1980
down details        t1jib                     1981
down details        t1jic                     1982
down details        t1jid                     1983
down details        t1jie                     1984
down details        t1jif                     1985
down details        t1jig                     1986
down details        t1jih                     1987
down details        t1jii                     1988
down details        t1jij                     1989
down details        t1jj                1990-1999, the Nineties
down details        t1jja                     1990
down details        t1jjb                     1991
down details        t1jjc                     1992
down details        t1jjd                     1993
down details        t1jje                     1994
down details        t1jjf                     1995
down details        t1jjg                     1996
down details        t1jjh                     1997
down details        t1jji                     1998
down details        t1jjj                     1999

current: 99 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  under aspect      +
1  at time           +
2  in place          +
3  through process   +
4  made of element   +
5  with organ        +
6  from origin       +
7  to destination    +
8  like pattern      +
9  of kind           +


ILC 1 expanded class t1j — ISKO Italia <> : 2011.07.15 - 2011.07.19 -