Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class ys

    broader class

          ys       disciplines; fields; bodies of knowledge; forms of knowledge; domains  
          ys9   [X]            tradition; school
          ysc            philosophy; wisdom  ≈ DDC 100
          ysc9                  philosophical school  ≈ DDC 180
          ysc90   ⋄                     of problem; topic
          ysc93njl                                     Plato
          ysc93nkfj                                     Aristotle
          ysc93pqqt                                     Thomas Aquinas; Tommaso d'Aquino
          ysc93ptxug                                     Descartes; René Descartes; Cartesius
          ysc93purqq                                     Locke; John Locke
          ysc93purqw                                     Spinoza; Baruch Spinoza; Benedictus de Spinoza
          ysc93pusun                                     Leibniz; Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
          ysc93pvppj                                     Hume; David Hume
          ysc93pvqsi                                     Kant; Immanuel Kant
          ysc93pvvoq                                     Hegel; Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
          ysc93pvxwc                                     Comte; Auguste Comte
          ysc93pwrxr                                     Peirce; Charles Sanders Peirce
          ysc93pxoqo                                     Popper; Karl Raimund Popper
          ysc9g                      Greek philosophy
          ysc9ge                           pre-Socratic philosophy  ≈ DDC 182
          ysc9gg                           pythagoreanism
          ysc9gh                           sophism  ≈ DDC 183
          ysc9gj                           cynicism  ≈ DDC 183
          ysc9gl                           Platonism including Plato  ≈ DDC 184
          ysc9gm                           Aristotlelism including Aristotle  ≈ DDC 185
          ysc9go                           Pyrrhonian skepticism  ≈ DDC 186
          ysc9gr                           Epicureanism  ≈ DDC 187
          ysc9gs                           stoicism  ≈ DDC 188
          ysc9gv                           neoplatonism  ↞ ysc9gl Platonism   ≈ DDC 186
          ysc9m                      modern Western philosophy  ≈ DDC 190 140
          ysc9md                           rationalism including Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz
          ysc9me                           empiricism including Hobbes, Hume
          ysc9mh                           Enlightenment philosophy
          ysc9mi                           German idealism including Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel  ≈ DDC 141 142
          ysc9mm                           dialectical materialism; historical materialism; socialism; communism including Marx, Engels  ≈ DDC 146
          ysc9mn                           utilitarianism including Bentham, Mill
          ysc9mo                           existentialism including Kierkegaard, Sartre
          ysc9mp                           phenomenology including Husserl
          ysc9mq                           hermeneutics including Heidegger, Gadamer
          ysc9mr                           logicism including Frege
          ysc9ms                           logical positivism incl Vienna Circle, logical atomism, Wittgenstein
          ysc9mt                           structuralism
          ysc9mu                           critical theory including Habermas, Frankfurt School, Foucault
          ysc9mw                           continental philosophy
          ysc9mx                           postmodernism
          ysc9my                           analytic philosophy
          ysce                 epistemology  ↞ po cognition   ≈ DDC 120 121
          yscg                 philosophical logic  ↞ a forms yseb mathematical logic   ≈ DDC 160 161
          yscm                 metaphysics; ontology  ≈ DDC 110 111
          yscr                 moral philosophy; ethics  ↞ t6    ≈ DDC 170 171
          ysct                 political philosophy  ↞ u polities
          yscx                 aesthetics  ↞ x creative arts
          yse            mathematics; maths  ↞ a forms
          yse93                      by mathematician
          yse93nk                                Euclid
          yse93pvovh                                     Euler; Leonhard Euler
          yse93pvvvi                                     Gauss; Carl Friedrich Gauss
          yse93pwppu                                     Galois; Évariste Galois
          yse93pwuqc                                     Hilbert; David Hilbert
          yse93pxoui                                     Gödel; Kurt Gödel
          yse93pxuul                                     Perelman; Grigori Perelman
          yseb                 mathematical logic; foundations
          ysee                 algebra
          yseg                 geometry
          ysel                 calculus
          ysen                 numerical analysis
          yses                 mathematical statistics
          ysg            natural sciences; empirical sciences; pure sciences  ≈ DDC 507
          ysg9   [X]                 scientific school
          ysgd                 physics  ↞ b quantum fields c spacetime d particles e atoms g bulk matter
          ysgd93pusqy                                     Newton; Isaac Newton
          ysgd93pwrpl                                     Maxwell; James Clerk Maxwell
          ysgd93pwsse                                     Boltzmann; Ludwig Boltzmann
          ysgd93pwvxf                                     Einstein; Albert Einstein
          ysgd93pxoqp                                     Dirac; Paul Dirac
          ysgd93pxpwj                                     Feynman; Richard Feynman
          ysgdc                      classical mechanics
          ysgdh                      thermodynamics
          ysgdm                      electromagnetism
          ysgdo                      optics
          ysgds                      special relativity
          ysgdt                      general relativity
          ysgdu                      quantum theory
          ysge                 physical chemistry
          ysgf                 chemistry  ↞ f molecules
          ysgf93puqvc                                     Boyle; Robert Boyle
          ysgf93pvvup                                     Avogadro; Amedeo Avogadro
          ysgf93pxope                                     Pauling; Linus Pauling
          ysgfg                      general chemistry
          ysgfi                      inorganic chemistry
          ysgfo                      organic chemistry
          ysgh                 astronomy  ↞ h celestial objects
          ysgh93opoo                                     Ptolemy; Claudius Ptolemy
          ysgh93psvr                                     Copernicus; Nicolaus Copernicus; Mikołaj Kopernik
          ysgh93ptusd                                     Galileo; Galileo Galilei
          ysgh93ptvpy                                     Kepler; Johannes Kepler
          ysgh93pwwxw                                     Hubble; Edwin Hubble
          ysghc                      cosmology
          ysgi                 meteorology  ↞ j19 in j3 weather
          ysgit                      climatology  ↞ j39 climates
          ysgk                 geology; petrography  ↞ i rocks
          ysgk93pvqul                                     Hutton; James Hutton
          ysgk93pvxvv                                     Lyell; Charles Lyell
          ysgke                      tectonics
          ysgkm                      geomorphology
          ysgn                 palaeontology  ↞ m8y fossil
          ysgo                 biology  ↞ k genes l cells m organisms n populations o agency
          ysgoe                      genetics  ↞ k genes
          ysgoe5Fc                                     expression cloning
          ysgoe5Fe                                     PCR; polymerase chain reaction
          ysgoe5Fg                                     gel electrophoresis
          ysgoe5Fl                                     southern blot; southern blotting
          ysgoe5Fn                                     northern blot; northern blotting
          ysgoe5Fo                                     western blot; western blotting
          ysgoe93pwqqo                                     Mendel; Gregor Mendel
          ysgoe93pxqom                                     Jacob; François Jacob
          ysgoe93pxqwh                                     Watson; James D. Watson
          ysgof                      physiology  ↞ m5 
          ysgom                      morphology; anatomy  ↞ m7 
          ysgom93pvuxq                                     Cuvier; Georges Cuvier
          ysgos                      systematic biology  ↞ np phylogenetic lineages
          ysgos5cxn                                     phenetics; numerical taxonomy
          ysgos5cxq                                     cladistics; phylogenetic systematics
          ysgou                      evolutionary biology
          ysgou93pvssp                                     Lamarck; Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck
          ysgou93pwoxd                                     Darwin; Charles Darwin
          ysgou93pxosn                                     Mayr; Ernst Mayr
          ysgou93pxspr                                     Gould; Stephen Jay Gould
          ysgoy                      ethology  ↞ o agency
          ysgoy93pxorv                                     Lorenz; Konrad Lorenz
          ysgoy93pxovh                                     Tinbergen; Nikolaas Tinbergen
          ysgoy93pxqwl                                     Eibl-Eibesfeldt; Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt
          ysgoys                           bioacoustics  ↞ ou communication g5n sound
          ysgq                 ecology  ↞ n populations
          ysh            technologies; applied sciences  ↞ ysg natural sciences r production s services
          yshg                 agronomy  ↞ rl farms
          yshm                 management; organizational sciences  ↞ u polities s services
          yshn                 engineering  ↞ r production
          yshn93pstq                                     Leonardo; Leonardo da Vinci
          yshn93pwsvd                                     Edison; Thomas Alva Edison
          yshn93pwtun                                     Tesla; Nikola Tesla
          yshr                 architecture  ↞ sde buildings x creative arts
          yshy                 library and information science; documentation; LIS  ↞ yd documents sx cultural services
          ysm            medicine; health sciences  ↞ sh healthcare
          ysm93njhn                                     Hippocrates
          ysm93opqx                                     Galeno
          ysm93pxqqv                                     Christiaan Barnard
          ysme                 epidemiology
          ysmh                 pathology
          ysmi                 toxicology
          ysmn                 internal medicine
          ysmp                 pharmacology
          ysms                 surgery
          ysmt                 anesthesiology
          ysp            psychology  ↞ p consciousness
          ysp93pwtuj                                     Freud; Sigmund Freud
          ysp93pwvto                                     Jung; Carl Gustav Jung
          ysp93pwxup                                     Piaget; Jean Piaget
          ysp93pxook                                     Fromm; Erich Fromm
          ysp93pxoph                                     Lacan; Jacques Lacan
          ysps                 psychoanalysis
          yss            social sciences
          yssc                 sociology  ↞ t civil society
          ysse                 economics  ↞ r production s services v legal entities
          ysse93pvqr                                     Adam Smith
          ysse93pwwrl                                     Keynes; John Maynard Keynes
          yssp                 political sciences; politology  ↞ u polities
          yssp9                       theories of the state
          yssu                 cultural anthropology; ethnography  ↞ w customs
          yssu93pwvri                                     van Gennep; Arnold van Gennep
          yssu93pwwsh                                     Malinowski; Bronisław Malinowski
          yssu93pxpxo                                     Goody; Jack Goody
          yssx                 pedagogy  ↞ y5t education
          ysuWy            humanities
          ysu            linguistics  ↞ q language
          ysu93pwtvw                                     Saussure; Ferdinand de Saussure
          ysu93pwxut                                     Jakobson; Roman Jakobson
          ysu93pxqwx                                     Chomsky; Noam Chomsky
          ysuf                 phonology
          ysuh                 morphology
          ysum                 semantics
          ysup                 pragmatics
          ysus                 syntax
          ysut                 linguistic typology
          ysuw                 historical linguistics; philology  ↞ yd documents q language
          ysv            history  ↞ ty civilizations u polities
          ysv93njfj                                     Herodotus; Herodotus of Halicarnassus
          ysv93njhn                                     Thucydides
          ysv93nmji                                     Sima Qian; Ssu-ma chen; Ssi-ma chen
          ysv93prrq                                     Ibn Khaldun
          ysv93pwwun                                     Bloch; Marc Bloch
          ysv93pxpvl                                     Hobsbawm; Eric Hobsbawm
          ysx            arts criticism  ↞ x creative arts   ≈ DDC 807
Connected classes:
                 06  [ysc9]      according to general theory; world view; Weltanschauung
                 07  [ys]      studied in discipline; field
                 m09x                cladistics; phylogenetic taxonomy   ↞ ysgos9Fl 
                 tywn                Age of Enlightenment; Age of Reason; scientific revolution  ↞ ysg 
                 y5cm                mathematical analysis; processing  ↞ yse 
                 y5co                statistical analysis  ↞ yses 
                 ysc9gv                          neoplatonism  ↞ ysc9gl 
                 yscg                philosophical logic  ↞ a yseb 
                 ysh           technologies; applied sciences  ↞ ysg r s 

current: 99 



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      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class ys / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2025.01.29 -