Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class w1p

    broader class

          w1p            1000 to 1999 AD; 1st millennium
          w1pU   [w1otWDps]                Middle Ages; post-classical period; 500 to 1499 AD  [medieval history]
          w1p_w                      1300 to 1399 AD; XIV century; 14th century; 1300s
          w1poWqs                 High Middle Ages; High Medieval Period
          w1po                 1000 to 1099 AD; XI century; 11th century; 1000s
          w1pp                 1100 to 1199 AD; XII century; 12th century; 1100s
          w1pq                 1200 to 1299 AD; XIII century; 13th century; 1200s
          w1pqtWDs                      Late Middle Ages; Late Medieval Period
          w1ps                 1400 to 1499 AD; XV century; 15th century; 1400s
          w1psxq   ⋄                          1492
          w1ptWv                 Early Modern Period
          w1ptWx                 Modern Age; industrial age
          w1pt                 1500 to 1599 AD; 16th century
          w1pu                 1600 to 1699 AD; 17th century
          w1pv                 1700 to 1799 AD; 18th century
          w1pwWt                 Renaissance
          w1pwWx                 Late Modern Period
          w1pw                 1800 to 1899 AD; 19th century
          w1px                 1900 to 1999 AD; 20th century
          w1pxo                      1900-1909
          w1pxp                      1910-1919; 1910s
          w1pxq                      1920-1929; the Twenties; 1920s
          w1pxr                      1930-1939; the Thirties; 1930s
          w1pxs                      1940-1949; the Fourties; 1940s
          w1pxso                           1940
          w1pxsp                           1941
          w1pxsq                           1942
          w1pxsr                           1943
          w1pxss                           1944
          w1pxst                           1945
          w1pxsu                           1946
          w1pxsv                           1947
          w1pxsw                           1948
          w1pxsx                           1949
          w1pxt                      1950-1959; the Fifties; 1950s
          w1pxto                           1950
          w1pxtp                           1951
          w1pxtq                           1952
          w1pxtr                           1953
          w1pxts                           1954
          w1pxtt                           1955
          w1pxtu                           1956
          w1pxtv                           1957
          w1pxtw                           1958
          w1pxtx                           1959
          w1pxu                      1960-1969; the Sixties; 1960s
          w1pxuo                           1960
          w1pxup                           1961
          w1pxuq                           1962
          w1pxur                           1963
          w1pxus                           1964
          w1pxut                           1965
          w1pxuu                           1966
          w1pxuv                           1967
          w1pxuw                           1968
          w1pxux                           1969
          w1pxv                      1970-1979; the Seventies; 1970s
          w1pxvo                           1970
          w1pxvp                           1971
          w1pxvq                           1972
          w1pxvr                           1973
          w1pxvs                           1974
          w1pxvt                           1975
          w1pxvu                           1976
          w1pxvv                           1977
          w1pxvw                           1978
          w1pxvx                           1979
          w1pxw                      1980-1989; the Eighties; 1980s
          w1pxwo                           1980
          w1pxwp                           1981
          w1pxwq                           1982
          w1pxwr                           1983
          w1pxws                           1984
          w1pxwt                           1985
          w1pxwu                           1986
          w1pxwv                           1987
          w1pxww                           1988
          w1pxwx                           1989
          w1pxx                      1990-1999; the Nineties; 1990s
          w1pxxo                           1990
          w1pxxp                           1991
          w1pxxq                           1992
          w1pxxr                           1993
          w1pxxs                           1994
          w1pxxt                           1995
          w1pxxu                           1996
          w1pxxv                           1997
          w1pxxw                           1998
          w1pxxx                           1999
Connected classes:
                 x9n           renaissance  ↞ w1pwWt 
                 x9u           modernism; avant-garde  ↞ w1pw w1px 

current: 99 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class w1p / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2021.12.09 -