Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class s

    broader class

          s  services; deliverables; goods; tertiary sector  ↞ j landforms m organisms u polities   ≈ DDC 600
          s1   [X]      at stage
          s167   [j19]                in season
          s2   [X]      in facility; infrastructure
          s3   [X]      by special tool; equipment; utensil; instrument
          s33   [U]           provided by worker
          s35   [v7]           by factor of production; resource; input
          s36   [t7]           for customer; patron; consumer; buyer
          s37   [r3]           using tool; equipment; device
          s39             system
          s39p                 private
          s39r                 partly public  ↞ u polities
          s39s                 public; social insurance  ↞ u polities
          s4   [X]       failure
          s5   [X]       operation
          s55   [r5]           working by technology
          s6   [X]       service property
          s69            conforming to regulation; guideline; technical norm; standard procedure  ↞ u6 
          s69g                 sustainable; green; ecological  ↞ ny ecosystems
          s69i                 partially sustainable; integrated
          s69p                 typical regional production
          s69q                 quality certification; management; certification
          s7   [X]       special material
          s75   [r7]            division; compartment; branch
          s76m   ⋄                management
          s77   [X]            special resource
          s8        access
          s8b            free of charge
          s8h            paid; charged  ↞ v5k trade
          s9   [X]       service kind
          s90            for function
          s90sh   ⋄                     health care
          s90xm   ⋄                     music
          s91   [w1]           of period
          s92   [uU]           of; adopted in; spread in region
          s94   [X]           dealing with pest; disease; problem
          s96   [X]           for beneficiary
          s98   [X]           of kind
          s988   [X]                of kind measure
          sbWe       hospitality industry
          sb       food and drink; prepared food; dishes  [gastronomy]  ↞ osk feeding   ≈ DDC 641
          sb2b                 household home cuisine
          sb2e                 catering
          sb2k                 take-out; carry-out; to-go; takeaway; grab-n-go; parcel
          sb2o                 cafeterias; canteens
          sb2p                 coffee bars; coffee shops; cafés
          sb2r                 restaurants
          sb3            by food tool
          sb33                 by cook; chef
          sb3c                 cookware; bakeware  ↞ sb5o cooking
          sb3cf                      frying pans; frypans; skillets
          sb3d                 dishware; tableware; dinnerware  ≈ DDC 642
          sb3dd                      drinkware; beverageware; cups; drinking vessels  ↞ sbv drinks
          sb3do                      bowls
          sb3dp                      plates
          sb3dt                      cutlery
          sb3dtk                           table knives  ↞ r3ck knife
          sb3dtr                           forks
          sb3dts                           spoons
          sb4             food service failure
          sb4r                 rotten food; spoiled; unsanitary
          sb5             food preparation  [cooking; cookery; culinary arts]
          sb5f                 fermentation
          sb5fs                      secondary fermentation
          sb5g                 seasoning; aging
          sb5l                 leavening
          sb5m                 marinating; pickling; sousing
          sb5n                 smoking
          sb5o                 cooking
          sb5ok                      baking
          sb5or                      roasting
          sb5os                      steaming
          sb5oy                      frying
          sb5r                 carbonating
          sb5s                 dressing; flavouring
          sb5v                 serving; presenting
          sb6             diet
          sb6v                 vegetarian cuisine
          sb6w                 vegan cuisine
          sb77   [m]                made of ingredient
          sb92d                      French
          sb92f                      Italian
          sb97   [sb]                with dressing; condiment; seasoning; flavouring; sauce
          sb99                  taste type
          sb99t                      sweet
          sb99v                      savory
          sbb            vegetables  ↞ mpw flowering plants
          sbbg                 legumes  ↞ mpwrcf fabaceae
          sbbgb                      beans  ↞ mpwrcfp beans
          sbbgbg                           green beans; French beans; string beans; snap beans; haricots vert
          sbbgp                      peas  ↞ mpwrcfqp peas
          sbbgs                      chickpeas; chick peas  ↞ mpwrcfs Cicer
          sbbl                 leaf vegetables; leafy greens; salad greens; pot herbs  ↞ mp7l leaves
          sbblc                      cabbage; Brussels sprouts; cauliflower; broccoli; kale  ↞ mpwnpibc cabbages
          sbbll                      lettuce  ↞ mpwtwcls lettuce
          sbbls                      spinach  ↞ mpwkcpss spinach
          sbbm                 cucurbits  ↞ mpwnlv cucurbitaceae
          sbbmp                      pumpkins; squashes; marrows; zucchini; courgettes; gourds  ↞ mpwnlvs squashes
          sbbn                 eggplants; aubergines; brinjals  ↞ mpwtdhse eggplants
          sbbp                 peppers  ↞ mpwtdhp peppers
          sbbq                 edible seaweed  ↞ mo red algae mpb chlorophytes mpc charophytes
          sbbr                 root vegetables  ↞ mp7f roots mp7g stem
          sbbrc                      carrots  ↞ mpwrxpdc carrot
          sbbrm                      maniocs; cassavas; yucas  ↞ mpwrousms cassava
          sbbrp                      potatoes  ↞ mpwtdhsp potatoes
          sbbrp5oy                                      fried potatoes; chips; French fries
          sbbrs                      sweet potatoes
          sbbsb                      bulbs
          sbbsbg                           garlic  ↞ mpwberlg garlic
          sbbsbo                           onions  ↞ mpwberlo onions
          sbbt                 tomatoes  ↞ mpwtdhst tomatoes
          sbbu                 edible fungi  ↞ mn fungi
          sbbv                 table olives  ↞ mpwtoeo olive trees
          sbc            fruit  ↞ mp7s seeds
          sbcb                 bananas  ↞ mpwbymk Musa
          sbcc                 pome fruits
          sbccm                      apples  ↞ mpwrbtm apples
          sbccp                      pears  ↞ mpwrbtp pears
          sbcd                 stone fruits; drupes  ↞ mpwrbtr Prunus
          sbcdc                      peaches; nectarines  ↞ mpwrbtrc peaches
          sbcde                      apricots  ↞ mpwrbtre apricots
          sbcdg                      plums  ↞ mpwrbtrg plums
          sbcdh                      cherries  ↞ mpwrbtrh cherries
          sbcdm                      mangoes  ↞ mpwrupm mango
          sbcg                 grapes  ↞ mpwrrvv grapes
          sbci                 citrus fruits  ↞ mpwruxc Citrus
          sbcil                      lemons  ↞ mpwruxcl lemon trees
          sbcim                      mandarin oranges  ↞ mpwruxcm mandarin orange trees
          sbcio                      oranges  ↞ mpwruxco sweet orange trees
          sbcip                      grapefruits  ↞ mpwruxcp grapefruit trees
          sbcp                 podocarps  ↞ mprppe podocarpaceae
          sbcs                 berries; soft fruit
          sbcsb                      bramble fruits  ↞ mpwrbtd Rubus
          sbcsbb                           blackberries
          sbcsbr                           raspberries
          sbcsl                      blueberries; Vaccinium
          sbcss                      strawberries  ↞ mpwrbtf strawberries
          sbcu                 nuts
          sbcu77pwhojc   ⋄                                    pecan nuts
          sbcuc                      chestnuts  ↞ mpwhufc chestnuts
          sbcuh                      hazelnuts  ↞ mpwhuuh hazels
          sbcui                      pistachio  ↞ mpwruppv pistachio
          sbcul                      walnuts  ↞ mpwhojj walnuts
          sbcum                      almonds  ↞ mpwrbtrb almonds
          sbcup                      peanuts; groundnuts; goobers; monkey nuts  ↞ mpwrcfrp peanut
          sbcus                      cashew nuts  ↞ mpwrupco cashew
          sbcv                 dried fruit; dry fruit
          sbcvg                      dried grapes  ↞ mpwrrvv grapes
          sbcx                 fruit preserves
          sbcxc                      conserves; whole fruit jams
          sbcxj                      jams
          sbcxl                      fruit jellies
          sbd            cereal grains  ↞ mpwbtg grasses
          sbde                 rice  ↞ mpwbtge rice
          sbdm                 maize  ↞ mpwbtgm maize
          sbe            breads  ↞ mpwbtg grasses
          sbe5l                       leavened breads
          sbee                 yeast breads
          sbeeg                      baguettes
          sbeel                      cottage loaves
          sbeeo                      boules
          sbeer                      brioches
          sbef                 flatbreads
          sbefc                      chapati; roti; safati; shabaati; phulka; roshi
          sbeff                      focaccia
          sbefi                      pizza
          sbefi2r                                 pizzeria
          sbefn                      piadina
          sbefp                      pita; pitta
          sbei                 crispy breads
          sbeic                      crackers
          sbel                 sweet breads
          sbelp                      panettone
          sbeq                 quick breads
          sbeqc                      cornbreads
          sbes                 sourdoughs
          sbf            noodles
          sbfp                 pasta
          sbg            sweets; sweet desserts
          sbgc                 cakes
          sbgcb                      butter cakes
          sbgcf                      sponge cakes; foam cakes
          sbgcp                      pancakes; hotcakes; griddlecakes; flapjacks
          sbgcpp                           crêpes
          sbge                 pies
          sbge99t                                sweet pies
          sbge99v                                savory pies
          sbgef                      filled pies
          sbgeo                      top-crust pies
          sbget                      two-crust pies
          sbgf                 fried dough foods
          sbgi                 pastries
          sbgm                 meringues
          sbgr                 ice creams
          sbgrg                      gelato
          sbgrs                      sorbets
          sbh            honey  ↞ mqriqxx honey bees
          sbi            dairy products; milk products; lacticinia  [dairy science]  ↞ mqvt mammals rj pastoralism   ≈ DDC 637
          sbi77qUo                                     cattle
          sbi77qUr                                     goat
          sbi77qUs                                     sheep
          sbib                 milk
          sbic                 cream
          sbie                 soured milk
          sbih                 cheese
          sbir                 butter
          sbiy                 yogurt
          sbj            eggs  ↞ mqvo birds
          sbj77qUc                                     chicken eggs  ↞ mqvogslg chickens
          sbm            meat and fish  ↞ mqv chordates rh hunting ri fisheries rj pastoralism
          sbmf                 seafood; fish and shellfish s.l.  ↞ mqm mollusca mqrh crustaceans mqveWi fish ri fisheries
          sbmfb                      lobster  ↞ mqrh crustaceans
          sbmfc                      crayfish; prawns; shrimps  ↞ mqrh crustaceans
          sbmff                      finfish; fish s.s.  ↞ mqveWi fish
          sbmfh                      shellfish s.s.  ↞ mqml bivalves
          sbmfhm                           mussels
          sbmfo                      octopus  ↞ mqmpy octopuses
          sbmfq                      squids  ↞ mqmps squids
          sbmfr                      roe; hard roe
          sbmi                 insect food  ↞ mqr arthropoda
          sbmp                 poultry  ↞ mqvo birds
          sbmpc                      chicken  ↞ mqvogslg chickens
          sbmt                 meat s.s.; mammalian meat  ↞ mqvt mammals
          sbmtb                      beef; bovine meat  ↞ mqvtuvbt cattle
          sbmtbe                           steaks
          sbmtbi                           short ribs
          sbmtbj                           beef jerky
          sbmtbo                           corned beef
          sbmto                      sheep; ovine meat  ↞ mqvtuvsd domestic sheep
          sbmts                      pork; swine meat; pig  ↞ mqvtudssd domestic pigs
          sbmtsg                           gammon
          sbmtsh                           ham
          sbmtso                           bacon
          sbmtss                           pork sausages
          sbo            cooking oils  ↞ smc3o 
          sbog                 peanut oil; groundnut oil; arachis oil  ↞ mpwrcfrp peanut
          sboo                 olive oil  ↞ mpwtoeo olive trees
          sbop                 palm oil  ↞ mpwbp palmae
          sbos                 soybean oil  ↞ mpwrcffx soybean
          sbs            seasonings; spices and culinary herbs
          sbsb                 table salt  ↞ ffdd sodium chloride
          sbsg                 garden parsley
          sbsl                 bay laurel; sweet bay; Grecian laurel  ↞ mpwdcll bay laurels
          sbsm                 rosemary
          sbsp                 black pepper
          sbsx                 spice mixtures
          sbsxc                      chili powder
          sbsxh                      harissa
          sbsxr                      curry powder
          sbu            sauces
          sbud                 salad dressing
          sbue                 bechamel; white sauce
          sbuk                 ketchup
          sbum                 mayonnaise  ↞ sbj eggs
          sbup                 pesto alla genovese
          sbuq                 Worcestershire sauce
          sbus                 soy sauce
          sbut                 tomato sauces  ↞ sbbt tomatoes
          sbutr                      arrabbiata sauce
          sbv            drinks; beverages
          sbvb                 drinking water  ↞ jq aquifers js fresh water systems
          sbvb5r                           sparkling water; carbonated water
          sbvd                 soft drinks; carbonated; cool; cold; fizzy drinks; lolly water; pop; seltzer; soda; tonic; mineral
          sbvd97cio                                      orangeade
          sbvf                 fruit juice  ↞ mp7s seeds
          sbvf5r                           carbonated juice
          sbvf97cio                                     orange orange juice
          sbvh                 alcoholic drinks  ↞ fibc ethanol
          sbvhb                      beers  ↞ mpwbtg grasses
          sbvhbg                           lager beers
          sbvhbgl                                pale lager beers
          sbvhbglp                                     pilsner beers; pilsener; pils
          sbvhbgm                                amber lager beers
          sbvhbgr                                dark lager beers
          sbvhbo                           top-fermented beers
          sbvhbop                                pale ale beers
          sbvhboq                                wheat beers
          sbvhboqe                                     Weissbier
          sbvhboqi                                     Witbier
          sbvhboql                                     lambic beers
          sbvhboqr                                     Berliner Weisse beer
          sbvhboqs                                     Gose beers
          sbvhbor                                brown ale beers
          sbvhbos                                stout beers
          sbvhbv                           fruit and vegetable beers  ↞ sbb vegetables sbc fruit
          sbvhc                      cider; cyder  ↞ sbcc pome fruits
          sbvhi                      wines  ↞ mpwrrvv grapes
          sbvhi5fs                                     sparkling wines including champagne, cava, prosecco, spumante
          sbvhid                           red wines
          sbvhif                           rosé wines
          sbvhii                           white wines
          sbvhiic                                chardonnay
          sbvhiig                                sauvignon
          sbvhiii                                riesling
          sbvhiip                                pinot noir
          sbvhiit                                tokay
          sbvhik                           sake  ↞ mpwbtge rice
          sbvhiq                           fortified wines
          sbvhiqp                                port
          sbvhiqs                                sherry
          sbvhiqv                                vermouth
          sbvhiu                           fruit wines
          sbvhm                      meads; hydromel  ↞ sbh honey
          sbvhp                      pulque  ↞ mpwbe asparagales
          sbvhs                      spirits; liquors; distilled drinks
          sbvhsd                           vodka
          sbvhsg                           gin
          sbvhsh                           whisky; whiskey
          sbvhsr                           rectified spirit
          sbvs                 stimulant drinks
          sbvse                      tea  ↞ mpwndhcs tea plant
          sbvsl                      cola  ↞ mpwnfkk kola nuts
          sbvst                      coffee  ↞ mpwtrrc coffee plants
          sbvsu                      guarana
          sc       recreational drugs
          scd            depressant use; downer use
          scm            stimulant use
          scmt                 smoking  ↞ rlr77tdht tobacco
          scmtc                      cigarette smoking
          scmtp                      pipe smoking
          scu            hallucinogen use
          sd       lodging; dwellings; settlements; localities; populated places  [civil engineering; architecture; town planning]  ↞ osc sheltering
          sd2d                 home; dwelling; residing; living
          sd2e                 rented house
          sd2eg                      guesthouse; bed and breakfast; B&B
          sd2s                 hostel
          sd2t                 hotel
          sd2ti                      inn
          sd2tm                      motel
          sd3             furniture; home services  [interior architecture]  ≈ DDC 645
          sd3b                 beds; lying furniture
          sd3bc                      cabin beds; platform beds
          sd3be                      mattresses
          sd3bf                      futons
          sd3bh                      hammocks
          sd3bi                      infant beds; cribs; cradles
          sd3bn                      bunk beds
          sd3br                      Murphy beds; wall; pull down; dolf-down beds
          sd3c                 seats
          sd3cb                      stools
          sd3cc                      chairs
          sd3cn                      benches
          sd3cs                      couches; sofas; settees; divans
          sd3d                 tables; desks
          sd3g                 storage furniture; cabinets
          sd3gd                      wardrobes; armoires
          sd3gn                      nightstands; night tables; bedside cabinets
          sd3go                      bookcases; bookshelves
          sd3q                 climatization; HVAC
          sd3qh                      heating
          sd3qn                      ventilation
          sd3qt                      air conditioning
          sd3r                 warming and cooling appliances  ≈ DDC 643
          sd3re                      ovens
          sd3rf                      stoves
          sd3ro                      cooling fans
          sd3rr                      refrigeration equipment
          sd3rre                           refrigerators
          sd3rrr                           freezers
          sd3s                 handling systems; plumbing  ≈ DDC 690
          sd3sr                      water supply
          sd3ss                      sewage
          sd3t                 illumination; lighting
          sd3w                 electrical wiring
          sd90rt                           factories; manufacturing plants
          sd90sm                           fortifications; castles
          sd90wt                           religious buildings
          sd90wtt   ⋄                               churches
          sd90wtu   ⋄                               mosques
          sd92                 located in place
          sdc            camping
          sdce                 tents
          sdcr                 caravans; travel trailers; campers; tourers; roulottes
          sde            buildings; edifices; houses  ≈ DDC 720
          sdec                 huts
          sdeg                 bungalows  
          sdej                 courtyard houses
          sdep                 palaces
          sdh            hamlets
          sdl            villages
          sdo            towns
          sdq            cities
          sdt            metropoles
          sdt92b   ⋄                          UK London
          sdt92h   ⋄                          Turkey Istanbul; Constantinople; Byzantium
          sdu            conurbations; metropolitan areas; urban areas; agglomerations
          sdu92pb   ⋄                               NCR Metropolitan Manila
          se       cleaning
          se3            by cleaning equipment
          se3b                 brush
          se3g                 sponge
          se3m                 washing machine
          seh            washing
          sehl                 laundry
          ser            drying
          sf       clothing; attire; personal adornment  ↞ oss social interactions
          sf33                 by tailor; dressmaker
          sf6             textile kind
          sf6h                 crochet
          sf6k                 knotted textiles
          sf6m                 macramé
          sf6r                 tatted textiles; chiacchierino
          sf6t                 felts
          sf6v                 nonwoven fabric
          sf6x                 braids
          sf77   [r9]                made of textile; fabric; cloth; material  ≈ DDC 646 685 687
          sf77i                      fiber
          sf77io                           wool
          sf77l                      leather
          sfe            wears; cloths; dresses; garments; attires; apparels  ↞ l5m metabolism
          sfec                 coats
          sfee                 shirts
          sfef                 dresses; frocks; gowns
          sfei                 underwear; undergarments; intimates; lingerie
          sfeip                      panties
          sfeir                      bras; brassieres
          sfek                 skirts
          sfeo                 shorts
          sfep                 pants; trousers
          sfer                 socks
          sfes                 shoes; footwear
          sfesn                      sandals
          sfest                      boots
          sfet                 gloves
          sfeu                 headgear; headwear; headdress
          sfeuc                      hat
          sfeuh                      helmet
          sfeut                      turban
          sfh            haircut  ↞ mU7xh human hair
          sfh2k                      hair salon
          sfj            fingernail modification
          sfm            makeup; cosmetics
          sfm2k                      beauty salon
          sfn            body painting
          sfo            body modification
          sfop                 body piercing
          sfot                 tattoos
          sfp            perfuming
          sfw            jewellery; jewelry
          sfwc                 necklaces
          sfwd                 pendants
          sfwe                 earrings
          sfwi                 rings
          sfwl                 bracelets
          sfwr                 brooches
          sfwu                 cufflinks
          sg       personal services
          sgc            childcare  ↞ t7i children
          sge            elderly care  ↞ t7v old people
          sgs            spas
          sgx            sexual services  ↞ osm mating
          sh       healthcare; health services; healing; medical treatments; assistance; therapies  [medicine]  ↞ mU4 affected by   ≈ DDC 610
          sh2             assistance place
          sh2b                 outside
          sh2d                 patient home
          sh2f                 physician's office; doctor's office
          sh2g                 gymnasium; gym
          sh2h                 hospital
          sh2he                      emergency room
          sh2i                 clinic
          sh2n                 nursing home; skilled nursing facility; SNF; rest home
          sh2s                 hospice
          sh3            by medical equipment
          sh33                 by assistant; physician; doctor; nurse
          sh3d                 diagnostic equipment
          sh3de                      stethoscope
          sh3dl                      medical ultrasound
          sh3dm                      magnetic resonance imaging; MRI
          sh3dp                      positron emission tomography; PET
          sh3dt                      CT scan
          sh3dx                      X-ray machines
          sh3i                 medical monitors
          sh3ib                      blood pressure control
          sh3ic                      electrocardiography; ECG
          sh3ie                      electroencephalography; EEG
          sh3l                 life support equipment
          sh3le                      medical ventilators
          sh3lh                      heart-lung machines
          sh3li                      incubators
          sh3lm                      ECMO; ECLS
          sh3ln                      anaesthetic machines
          sh3ls                      dialysis machines
          sh3n                 treatment equipment
          sh3ni                      infusion pumps
          sh3nl                      medical lasers
          sh3r                 medical laboratory equipment
          sh3t                 physical therapy machines
          sh5             healing stage
          sh5b                 prevention
          sh5c                 check up
          sh5d                 first aid; rescue
          sh5e                 physical examination
          sh5f                 laboratory examination; test
          sh5i                 diagnosis
          sh5p                 prognosis; prospect
          sh5r                 prescription
          sh5t                 treatment
          sh6             medical tradition; school; approach
          sh6d                 ayurveda  ↞ tyi Ancient India
          sh6f                 Siddha medicine
          sh6i                 traditional Tibetan medicine  ↞ tyjb Tibetan civilization
          sh6j                 traditional Chinese medicine; TCM  ↞ tykc Chinese civilization
          sh6jp                      acupuncture
          sh6k                 traditional Korean medicine  ↞ tykk Korean civilization
          sh6s                 allopathic medicine; biomedicine; Hyppocratic tradition  ↞ tyw modern Western civilization
          sh6u                 herbalism; herbal medicine; phytotherapy  [herbology; botanical medicine]  ↞ mp plants
          sh6w                 osteopathy; osteopathic medicine  ↞ mU7q human skeleton
          sh6x                 alternative medicine; complementary medicine
          sh6xh                      homeopathy; homoeopathy
          sh6xn                      natural medicine; naturopathic medicine; naturopathy
          sh7            by drug; pharmaceutical; medication; medicine  ≈ DDC 615  
          sh70                 by therapy
          sh70mp                           plants
          sh70mq                           animals
          sh70mqUh                                     horses hippotherapy
          sh70xm                           music music therapy
          sh7d                 alimentary and metabolic drugs  ↞ mq7d digestive organs
          sh7db                      stomatological preparations
          sh7dc                      drugs for acid related disorders
          sh7de                      anabolic agents for systemic use
          sh7dg                      drugs for functional gastrointestinal disorders
          sh7dh                      antiemetics and antinauseants
          sh7di                      bile and liver therapy
          sh7dk                      drugs for constipation
          sh7dn                      antidiarrheals, intestinal agents
          sh7do                      antiobesity preparations
          sh7dq                      digestives
          sh7ds                      drugs used in diabetes
          sh7dt                      vitamins
          sh7du                      mineral supplements
          sh7dv                      tonics
          sh7dx                      appetite stimulants
          sh7e                 respiratory drugs  ↞ mq7e respiratory organs
          sh7eg                      cough and cold preparations
          sh7eh                      antihistamines for systemic use
          sh7i                 cardiovascular drugs  ↞ mq7i circulatory organs
          sh7ic                      cardiac drugs
          sh7ie                      antihypertensives
          sh7ig                      diuretics
          sh7ii                      peripheral vasodilators
          sh7ik                      vasoprotectives
          sh7il                      beta blocking agents
          sh7in                      calcium channel blockers
          sh7ip                      lipid modifying agents
          sh7ir                      agents acting on the renin–angiotensin system
          sh7j                 blood drugs  ↞ mq7j blood, immune and lymphatic systems
          sh7jb                      antithrombotic agents
          sh7jh                      antihemorrhagics
          sh7jn                      antianemic preparations
          sh7l                 systemic hormonal preparations  ↞ mq7l glands
          sh7n                 neurological drugs  ↞ mq7n nervous system
          sh7ne                      anesthetics
          sh7ng                      analgesics
          sh7o                 sensory drugs  ↞ mq7o sense organs
          sh7q                 antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellent
          sh7r                 musculo-skeletal drugs  ↞ mq7q skeleton mq7r muscles
          sh7ri                      anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic products
          sh7s                 genito-urinary drugs  ↞ mq7s reproductive organs mq7u urinary organs
          sh7t                 antiinfectives for systemic use
          sh7tb                      antibacterials
          sh7tbi                           antibiotic
          sh7tm                      antimycotics
          sh7to                      antimycobacterials
          sh7tv                      antivirals
          sh7tx                      vaccines
          sh7u                 antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents
          sh7v                 immunotherapy; biological therapy
          sh7vt                      activation immunotherapy
          sh7vu                      suppression immunotherapy
          sh7x                 dermatological drugs  ↞ mq7x skin
          sh90v(7b)                                occupational therapy
          sh90xw                           sport medicine
          sh94   [mq4]                healing condition; disease; infirmity
          sh942   [mq4]                     with concurrent concomitant condition
          sh943   [m]                     caused by organic pathogen
          sh9430                           caused by pathogen
          sh946   [mU49]                     showing symptom; clinical or laboratory finding
          sh947   [mq4]                     complicated by complication; sequela; secondary effect
          sh94b                      wellness; well-being; quality of life
          sh94h                      haemodynamic disorders
          sh94hi                           ischaemia
          sh94i                      immunological disorders  [immunology]
          sh94ipl   ⋄                               allergy
          sh94ipl9430                                     caused by allergene
          sh94n                      neoplasia
          sh94nr                           cancer  [oncology]
          sh96   [t7]                for patient  ≈ DDC 618
          sh96Xx                           male
          sh96Xy                           female
          sh96d                      childbirth  [obstetrics; midwifery]
          sh96e                      newborn  [neonatology]
          sh96i                      children  [pediatrics]
          sh96p                      adults
          sh96px                           men
          sh96py                           women
          sh96r                      old people; elderly; seniors  [geriatrics; gerontology]
          sh97   [mU7]                of treated part
          sh97d                      digestive system  [gastroenterology]
          sh97dbt                                teeth  [dentistry]
          sh97e                      respiratory system  [pneumology]
          sh97i                      circulation  [cardiology]
          sh97ih                           heart
          sh97j                      blood, immune and lymphatic systems
          sh97jb                           blood  [haematology]
          sh97jl                           lymphatic system
          sh97l                      endocrine system  [endocrinology]
          sh97n                      nervous system  [neurology]
          sh97o                      eye and ear
          sh97oe                           eye  [ophthalmology]
          sh97oh                           ear  [otology; otorhinolaryngology]
          sh97r                      musculoskeletal system  [orthopedics]
          sh97s                      reproductive system  [gynecology; andrology]
          sh97u                      urinary system  [nephrology]
          sh97x                      skin  [dermatology]
          sh98   [mU48]                 severity
          sh988   [mU488]                      APACHE scoring system
          shc            medical advice; consultation
          she            physical exercise prescription
          shef                 flexibility exercises
          shefs                      stretching
          shei                 aerobic exercises
          sheik                      walking  ↞ omk terrestrial locomotion
          sheis                      running
          sheisj                           jogging
          shen                 anaerobic exercises
          shene                      weight training
          shens                      sprinting
          shg            massage; rubdown
          shh            physical therapy
          shi            diet prescription
          shl            drug administering; pharmacological therapy  [pharmacology]  ↞ sh7 by
          shlc                 oral intake; consumption
          shlh                 suppository insertion
          shlj                 injection; shot; hype
          shlp                 drip; phleboclysis
          shn            nursing
          shni                 illness and disability support
          shq            emergency services; rescue services
          shqb                 ambulances; emergency medical service
          shqf                 fire and rescue services; firefighters
          shr            non-critical hospitalization
          shs            intensive care; critical care
          sht            resuscitation
          shu            surgery
          shy            mental health care; psychotherapy  [psychiatry; applied psychology]  ↞ p4 
          shy6Df                           psychoanalysis; Freudian psychology
          shy6Dh                           hypnotherapy  ↞ pli trance
          shy94D   [p4]                          against mental disorder
          shyg                 group therapy; group psychotherapy
          sj       welfare; social services; assistance  ≈ DDC 361
          sje            unemployment support  ↞ v7bp employment
          sjr            veteran support  ↞ sm combat
          sk       funeral services; death care
          sk2h                 funeral homes
          sk2m                 cemeteries; burial grounds; gravesites; graveyards; necropolis
          skb            burial; internment
          skbb                 natural burial; green burial
          skbe                 embalming; mummification
          skbs                 shroud burial
          skbv                 vault burial
          ske            cremation
          sl       prisons; penitentiaries; detention centres; jails; gaols; correctional facilities; remand centres
          sl36Xy                           women's prisons
          sl36l                      youth detention facilities
          sl90sm                           military prisons; prisoner-of-war camps
          sl90t                      political prisons
          sm       combat; fight; defense
          sm3            weapons; arms; armaments  ↞ osgi fight   ≈ DDC 683  
          sm3c                 trauma weapons
          sm3cc                      clubs
          sm3ce                      maces
          sm3e                 pointed weapons
          sm3ee                      spears
          sm3ep                      pikes
          sm3g                 edged weapons
          sm3gd                      swords
          sm3gk                      fighting knives
          sm3gr                      daggers
          sm3i                 siege engines
          sm3ib                      lithobolos; stone trowers
          sm3ic                      catapults
          sm3ict                           trebuchets
          sm3il                      ballistas
          sm3j                 bow and arrows  [archery]
          sm3l                 blowpipes; blowguns; blow tubes
          sm3n                 guns
          sm3nlWn                      firearms
          sm3nl                      long guns
          sm3nlr                           rifles
          sm3nm                      machine guns
          sm3nn                      handguns
          sm3nnp                           pistols
          sm3nnv                           revolvers
          sm3nr                      artillery guns
          sm3nrc                           cannons
          sm3p                 explosive devices
          sm3pb                      bombs
          sm3pbu                           atomic bombs
          sm3r                 chemical weapons  ↞ f molecules
          sm3u                 radiological weapons  ↞ d particles
          sm3x                 biological weapons  ↞ l cells
          smd            hand-to-hand combat
          smdl                 melee; pell-mell
          smm            military combat
          smmc                 combat roles
          smmci                      infantry; foot soldiers
          smmf                 combat support roles
          smmj                 combat service support roles
          sms            security
          srWw       tertiary sector; service sector
          sr       retail shops
          sr90                 selling commodities
          sr90sb                            food shops
          sr90sh(7)                                pharmacies; drugstores; chemists
          srd            itinerant peddlers
          srk            retail markets
          srs            retail stores
          srt            theme parks
          sru            malls; shopping centres
          ss       waste disposal
          ssd            landfills; tips, rubbish dumps, garbage dumps, dumping grounds
          ssi            incineration plants
          st       logistics; transportation; vehicles  ↞ osi moving   ≈ DDC 629
          st2            by transport infrastructure; utility  [heavy civil engineering; hydraulic engineering]  ≈ DDC 625
          st2g                 storage; warehouses
          st2h                 harbour
          st2n                 canal  ≈ DDC 627
          st2p                 bridge  ≈ DDC 624
          st2pv                      viaduct
          st2r                 road  ≈ DDC 625
          st2s                 railroad; railway; track  ≈ DDC 625
          st2t                 tunnel; gallery; underground opening  ≈ DDC 625
          st2x                 airport
          st2y                 space station; orbital station
          st6c                 cargo; freight transportation
          st6m                 post; postal service; mail  ≈ DDC 383
          st6r                 private transportation  ↞ px persons
          st6s                 bus; omnibus; multibus; autobuses; passengers collective transportation
          st6t                 taxicab; taxi; cab; single passengers transportation
          st90                 of good
          stb            vertical travel devices
          stbi                 escalators
          stbl                 lifts; elevator
          stc            mountain vehicles
          std            heavy-duty vehicles; heavy equipments; machines; trucks; hydraulic; construction; engineering equipments
          stdc                 tractors  ↞ sc recreational drugs
          stde                 excavators
          stdm                 material handlers
          stdmc                      cranes
          stdp                 paving vehicles
          ste            road vehicles  ↞ sus broadcasting   ≈ DDC 388
          stec                 carts
          stei                 bicycles
          stem                 motorcycles; motorbikes
          ster                 cars
          stet                 trucks
          sti            trains; railway vehicles  ↞ sus broadcasting   ≈ DDC 385
          stif                 funiculars
          stig                 cog railways; rack railways
          stir                 trams; streetcars or trolleys
          stiu                 rapid transits; heavy rails; metros; subways; tubes; U-Bahn; underground
          stl            vessels; watercrafts  ↞ js fresh water systems jy seas     ≈ DDC 386 387
          stlb                 boats
          stlh                 ships
          stm            submarines  ↞ jy seas
          str            aircrafts  ↞ hU7t atmosphere   ≈ DDC 387
          stre                 aerostats
          strp                 airplanes; aeroplanes; planes
          strr                 rotorcrafts; rotary-wing aircrafts
          strrh                      helicopters
          sts            spacecrafts
          su       communication; information exchange; media  ↞ ou communication
          su7   [X]            part; component
          suc            tablets
          suf            papyrus
          suh            parchments
          sui            handwritten paper  ≈ DDC 091
          suk            printed paper  [bibliology]  ≈ DDC 686
          sukb                 books  ≈ DDC 002 094
          sukbb                      incunabula  ≈ DDC 093
          sukd                 brochures; depliants; flyers; feuilles
          suke                 leaflets
          suki                 dossiers
          sukp                 posters
          sum            films
          sumf                 microfilms
          sump                 photographic slides; transparencies; reversal films
          sumq                 slideshows; diaporamas
          sumv                 movies; moving pictures; motion pictures
          sup            phonographs; gramophones; vinyl records
          suq            magnetic tapes
          suqs                 compact cassettes
          suqv                 VHS; video home system
          sus            broadcasting
          susb                 public address systems
          susr                 radio
          sust                 television; TV
          sut            telephones
          sutc                 cable telephones
          sutm                 mobile phones  ↞ suu computers
          sutm36   ⋄                          suitable for user class
          sutm36v                                old people
          suts                 smartphone
          suu            computers  [computer science; information technology]  ≈ DDC 004 005 006
          suu7hWo                      hardware
          suu7i                      input devices
          suu7ib                           keyboard
          suu7im                           mouse
          suu7is                           scanner
          suu7m                      memory storage
          suu7mf                           floppy disk
          suu7mfb                                8 inch floppy disk
          suu7mfd                                5 1/4 inch floppy disk
          suu7mff                                3 1/2 inch floppy disk
          suu7mg                           zip disk
          suu7mh                           hard disk; HD
          suu7mi                           compact disk; CD
          suu7mj                           digital video disk; DVD
          suu7mp                           USB stick; pen
          suu7o                      output devices
          suu7oe                           screen; monitor
          suu7op                           printer
          suu7s                      software
          suv            computer networks  [telematics]
          suvU                 the Internet; the Net
          suvb                 LAN; local area networks
          suvc                 WAN; wide area networks
          suve                 e-mail; electronic mail
          suvel                      electronic mailing lists
          suvf                 FTP; file transfer protocol
          suvl                 telnet
          suvp                 Gopher
          suvs                 the Web; World Wide Web; WWW; websites
          suvsf                      Web forums
          suvsh                      webchats; Web chat sites
          suvsk                      wikis
          suvso                      blogs; weblogs
          suvss                      social network systems; SNS  
          sw       schools; education services; teaching  [didactics; pedagogy]  ↞ y scholarship
          sw2            in education facility
          sw2d                 home
          sw2r                 classroom
          sw2w                 online; distance learning
          swn            nursery schools  ↞ t7i children
          swp            primary schools  ↞ t7i children   ≈ DDC 372
          sws            secondary schools  ≈ DDC 373
          swt            high schools  ↞ t7l adolescents
          swtf                 folk high schools
          swu            universities  ↞ t7n youth   ≈ DDC 378
          swu92begu   ⋄                                    Oxford
          swu92fkl   ⋄                                    Bologna
          swug                 undergraduate degree schools; bachelor
          swum                 master schools
          swup                 doctorate schools; Ph.D.
          swuq                 post-doc schools
          swv            academies; research organizations
          swv92d   ⋄                          CNRS; Centre national de la recherche scientifique
          swv92f   ⋄                          CNR; Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche
          swx            adult schools  ↞ t7p adults   ≈ DDC 374
          sx       cultural services; documentation services; GLAM  ↞ y scholarship
          sxb            publishing
          sxc            news; journalism
          sxe            interpreting and translation services
          sxh            archives  [archive science]
          sxiWl            library and information services  [library and information science; LIS]  ≈ DDC 020
          sxi            information services  [information science; documentation]
          sxl            libraries  [library science]
          sxl90swu                                     academic; university
          sxli                 public libraries
          sxln                 national libraries  ↞ ut modern nation states
          sxls                 special libraries
          sxm            exhibitions
          sxme                 temporary exhibitions
          sxmf                 serial exhibitions
          sxmn                 botanical gardens  ↞ mp plants
          sxmo                 zoos; zoological gardens  ↞ mq animals
          sxmr                 galleries  ↞ xf paintings
          sxmu                 museums  [museology]  ≈ DDC 069
          sxr            digital repositories; digital libraries  ↞ suvU the Internet
          uUdl(91px)s                                     Basse Normandie
Connected classes:
                 0007  [sx]                as collected in document collection
                 0074  [s4]                corrupted by damage
                 037  [s]           using research tool
                 076  [s]           applied to activity field; sphere; domain; application
                 mq433  [sb]                     sensitive to food pathogen
                 nyx           urban environment  ↞ sw 
                 rt77i                     fiber and textiles  ↞ smc3i 
                 rt77r                     paper  ↞ smc3s 
                 sb3c                cookware; bakeware  ↞ sb5o 
                 sb3dd                     drinkware; beverageware; cups; drinking vessels  ↞ sbv 
                 sb97  [sb]                with dressing; condiment; seasoning; flavouring; sauce
                 sbo           cooking oils  ↞ smc3o 
                 sbum                mayonnaise  ↞ sbj 
                 sbut                tomato sauces  ↞ sbbt 
                 sbvhbv                          fruit and vegetable beers  ↞ sbb sbc 
                 sbvhc                     cider; cyder  ↞ sbcc 
                 sbvhm                     meads; hydromel  ↞ sbh 
                 shɭ           drug administering; pharmacological therapy  [pharmacology]  ↞ sh7 
                 sjr           veteran support  ↞ sm 
                 stdc                tractors  ↞ sc 
                 ste           road vehicles  ↞ sus 
                 sti           trains; railway vehicles  ↞ sus 
                 sutm                mobile phones  ↞ suu 
                 sxr           digital repositories; digital libraries  ↞ suvU 
                 t70  [s]           occupied in job; occupation
                 t75  [an89]            literacy class  ↞ sw 
                 t925  [sw]                including inhabitants of settling
                 tywd                Age of Discovery; Age of Exploration ~1400-1800 CE  ↞ stlh 
                 tywsd                     Information Age; Computer Age; Digital Age; New Media Age  ↞ suu 
                 u49n                detention  ↞ sl 
                 u5w           war  ↞ smm 
                 u69m                military law  ↞ sm 
                 u7ji                ministry of interior  ↞ sms 
                 u7jk                ministry of defense  ↞ smm u7t 
                 u7ju                ministry of education  ↞ sw 
                 u7s           police; constabulary; civil guard; protective services; cops  ↞ sms 
                 u7t           military; armed forces; defense  [military science]  ↞ smm 
                 u7td                gendarmerie; gendarmery  ↞ sms 
                 u7tn                navy  ↞ stl 
                 u7tr                air force  ↞ str 
                 uk      city-states; polis; communes  ↞ sdq 
                 v legal entities; legal persons; juridical persons; companies; owners  [law]  ↞ p6 s 
                 v7ik                buildings capital  ↞ sde 
                 vqbep                     postal savings banks  ↞ st6m 
                 w2v           video videogames  ↞ suu 
                 w2vo                online  ↞ suvU 
                 w5b           dressing up; masquerading  ↞ sf 
                 w7c           clothes  ↞ sf 
                 wbo           toasts  ↞ sbv 
                 wbp           banquets  ↞ sb 
                 wgw           cycle sport; bicycling; biking  ↞ stei 
                 wgwb                road bicycle racing  ↞ st2r 
                 wgx           motor sports  ↞ ste 
                 wmx           mourning; grief; funeral rites  ↞ sk m8x 
                 wre           fetishism  ↞ s 
                 x45  [s4]           damaged by damaging factor
                 x77  [su]           on device
                 xm7           for instrument; medium  ↞ s 
                 y scholarship; public knowledge; common knowledge; learning; sciences; episteme  ↞ su sw po 
                 y23  [sx]           from; by documentation service; library; archive
                 y25  [sw]           in school
                 y5t           education; teaching  [didactics; pedagogy]  ↞ sw 
                 y5x           indexing; organizing; cataloguing  ↞ sx 
                 y77  [su]           recorded in; testified in; presented as carrier; medium
                 yd      documents; recorded information resources; instantiations; knowledge items  ↞ x su 
                 ydind                     dissertations; theses  ↞ swu 
                 ysh           technologies; applied sciences  ↞ ysg r s 
                 yshm                management; organizational sciences  ↞ u s 
                 yshr                architecture  ↞ sde x 
                 yshy                library and information science; documentation; LIS  ↞ yd sx 
                 ysm           medicine; health sciences  ↞ sh 
                 ysse                economics  ↞ r s v 

current: 99 



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or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class s / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2025.01.29 -