Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class q7sf

    broader class

          q7sf                 phonemes  [phonology]
          q7sfX                      manners of articulation
          q7sfXX                           points of articulation
          q7sfXXX                                phonation
          q7sfXXXX                                     airstream
          q7sfXXXc                                     click; lingual ingressive; velaric ingressive
          q7sfXXXi                                     implosive; glottalic ingressive
          q7sfXXXk                                     ejective; glottalic egressive
          q7sfXXXp                                     pulmonic
          q7sfXXc                                voiceless
          q7sfXXe                                breathy voice; murmur; whispery voice; soughing; susurration
          q7sfXXg                                slack voice; lax voice
          q7sfXXh                                half voiced; partially voiced
          q7sfXXm                                voiced; modal voice
          q7sfXXs                                stiff voice
          q7sfXXv                                creaky voice
          q7sfXXy                                glottal closure
          q7sfXbWd                           labial
          q7sfXb                           bilabial
          q7sfXc                           labiodental
          q7sfXd                           dentolabial
          q7sfXgWɭ                           coronal
          q7sfXg                           linguolabial
          q7sfXi                           interdental
          q7sfXj                           dental
          q7sfXɭ                           alveolar
          q7sfXmWo                           postalveolar
          q7sfXm                           palato-alveolar
          q7sfXn                           alveo-palatal
          q7sfXo                           retroflex
          q7sfXp                           prepalatal
          q7sfXq                           labio-palatal; rounded front
          q7sfXr                           palatal; front
          q7sfXs                           labioprevelar; rounded central
          q7sfXt                           prevelar; central
          q7sfXu                           labiovelar; rounded back
          q7sfXv                           velar; back
          q7sfXw                           uvular
          q7sfXxWy                           laringeal; guttural
          q7sfXx                           pharingeal; epiglottal
          q7sfXy                           glottal
          q7sfas                           aspirated; aspiration
          q7sfbWe                      occlusives
          q7sfbWj                      consonants
          q7sfb                      stops; plosives
          q7sfbbc                                /p/
          q7sfbbm                                /b/
          q7sfbɭc                                /t/
          q7sfbɭm                                /d/
          q7sfboc                                /ʈ/
          q7sfbom                                /ɖ/
          q7sfbqc                                /k/
          q7sfbqm                                /g/
          q7sfbrc                                /c/
          q7sfbrm                                /ɟ/
          q7sfbwc                                /q/
          q7sfc                      nasals
          q7sfcb                           /m/
          q7sfcɭ                           /n/
          q7sfe                      affricates
          q7sfebc                                /pf/
          q7sfeɭq                                /dʒ/
          q7sfeɭs                                /tʃ/
          q7sffWy                      continuants
          q7sff                      fricatives; spirants
          q7sffaɭ                                lateral fricatives
          q7sffas                                sibilants
          q7sffcc                                /f/
          q7sffcm                                /v/
          q7sffɭc                                /s/
          q7sffɭm                                /z/
          q7sfhWi                      rhotics
          q7sfhWɭ                      liquids
          q7sfh                      flaps; taps
          q7sfi                      trills
          q7sfiɭ                           /r/
          q7sfɭWo                      approximants
          q7sfɭWy                      vocoids
          q7sfɭ                      laterals
          q7sfɭɭ                           /l/
          q7sfo                      semivowels; glides
          q7sfoɭ                           /j/
          q7sfoq                           /w/
          q7sfqWy                      vowels
          q7sfq                      closed vowels
          q7sfqr                           /i/
          q7sfqu                           /u/
          q7sfs                      half-closed vowels
          q7sfsr                           /e/
          q7sfsu                           /o/
          q7sfsv                           /ø/
          q7sfu                      medium vowels
          q7sfut                           /ɘ/
          q7sfvq                           /y/
          q7sfvv                           /ɯ/
          q7sfw                      half-open vowels
          q7sfwr                           /ɛ/
          q7sfwt                           /ʌ/
          q7sfwu                           /ɔ/
          q7sfwv                           /œ/
          q7sfy                      open vowels
          q7sfyr                           /a/
          q7sfyt                           /ɑ/
Connected classes:

current: 99 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class q7sf / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2021.12.09 -