Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class q7

    broader class

          q7        transmission system; channel  ↞ ou5 
          q77   [q]           with element
          q79   [X]            structural type
          q7cWo            nonverbal communication
          q7d            interpersonal distance  [proxemics]  
          q7db                 public distance >360 cm
          q7dɭ                 social distance 120-360 cm
          q7dp                 personal distance 45-120 cm
          q7dt                 intimate distance <45 cm
          q7g            gestures; visual-manual signs; body motion; body language  [kinesics]  
          q7gc                 touch  [haptics]
          q7gcb                      slap
          q7gcc                      pat; caress
          q7gcg                      hug
          q7gch                      hand-shaking
          q7gci                      holding hands
          q7gck                      kiss
          q7ge                 body orientation
          q7gf                 posture; posturing
          q7gh                 chest gesture; thorax gesture
          q7ghb                      chest bending
          q7gho                      bowing; stooping
          q7ghs                      chest swelling
          q7gi                 pelvis gesture
          q7gm                 arm gesture
          q7gn                 hand gesture; manual gesture
          q7gne                      emblem; quotable gesture; symbolic gesture
          q7gnef                           clenched fist; raised fist
          q7gneh                           handwave
          q7gnen                           namaste; añjali mudrā
          q7gneo                           okay; OK; ring gesture
          q7gnep                           applause
          q7gner                           horn sign
          q7gnet                           thumbs up
          q7gneu                           thumbs down
          q7gnev                           V sign; victory hand
          q7gnex                           crossed fingers
          q7gni                      pointing; deictic; indexical gesture
          q7gnm                      beats; motor gestures
          q7gnx                      lexical gesture; iconic gesture; depicting gesture
          q7gt                 head gesture
          q7gtn                      nod
          q7gu                 gaze; glance; visual contact
          q7guf                      eyebrow flash
          q7gx   [pe]                facial expression  
          q7gxc                      fear expression
          q7gxf                      surprise expression
          q7gxi                      sad expression
          q7gxɭ                      disgust expression
          q7gxo                      angry expression
          q7gxu                      joy expression
          q7gxus                           smile
          q7o            non-verbal vocalization; non-lexical utterance
          q7oc                 cry
          q7og                 laugh
          q7oi                 sigh
          q7om                 vocal segregate; hmm
          q7s            speaking; speech s.s.; spoken language; orality
          q7se                 phones; segments  [phonetics]
          q7seX                      manners of articulation  
          q7seXX                           points of articulation  
          q7sebbm   ⋄                               [b]
          q7sf                 phonemes  [phonology]
          q7sfX                      manners of articulation
          q7sfXX                           points of articulation
          q7sfXXX                                phonation
          q7sfXXXX                                     airstream
          q7sfXXXc                                     click; lingual ingressive; velaric ingressive
          q7sfXXXi                                     implosive; glottalic ingressive
          q7sfXXXk                                     ejective; glottalic egressive
          q7sfXXXp                                     pulmonic
          q7sfXXc                                voiceless
          q7sfXXe                                breathy voice; murmur; whispery voice; soughing; susurration
          q7sfXXg                                slack voice; lax voice
          q7sfXXh                                half voiced; partially voiced
          q7sfXXm                                voiced; modal voice
          q7sfXXs                                stiff voice
          q7sfXXv                                creaky voice
          q7sfXXy                                glottal closure
          q7sfXbWd                           labial
          q7sfXb                           bilabial
          q7sfXc                           labiodental
          q7sfXd                           dentolabial
          q7sfXgWɭ                           coronal
          q7sfXg                           linguolabial
          q7sfXi                           interdental
          q7sfXj                           dental
          q7sfXɭ                           alveolar
          q7sfXmWo                           postalveolar
          q7sfXm                           palato-alveolar
          q7sfXn                           alveo-palatal
          q7sfXo                           retroflex
          q7sfXp                           prepalatal
          q7sfXq                           labio-palatal; rounded front
          q7sfXr                           palatal; front
          q7sfXs                           labioprevelar; rounded central
          q7sfXt                           prevelar; central
          q7sfXu                           labiovelar; rounded back
          q7sfXv                           velar; back
          q7sfXw                           uvular
          q7sfXxWy                           laringeal; guttural
          q7sfXx                           pharingeal; epiglottal
          q7sfXy                           glottal
          q7sfas                           aspirated; aspiration
          q7sfbWe                      occlusives
          q7sfbWj                      consonants
          q7sfb                      stops; plosives
          q7sfbbc                                /p/
          q7sfbbm                                /b/
          q7sfbɭc                                /t/
          q7sfbɭm                                /d/
          q7sfboc                                /ʈ/
          q7sfbom                                /ɖ/
          q7sfbqc                                /k/
          q7sfbqm                                /g/
          q7sfbrc                                /c/
          q7sfbrm                                /ɟ/
          q7sfbwc                                /q/
          q7sfc                      nasals
          q7sfcb                           /m/
          q7sfcɭ                           /n/
          q7sfe                      affricates
          q7sfebc                                /pf/
          q7sfeɭq                                /dʒ/
          q7sfeɭs                                /tʃ/
          q7sffWy                      continuants
          q7sff                      fricatives; spirants
          q7sffaɭ                                lateral fricatives
          q7sffas                                sibilants
          q7sffcc                                /f/
          q7sffcm                                /v/
          q7sffɭc                                /s/
          q7sffɭm                                /z/
          q7sfhWi                      rhotics
          q7sfhWɭ                      liquids
          q7sfh                      flaps; taps
          q7sfi                      trills
          q7sfiɭ                           /r/
          q7sfɭWo                      approximants
          q7sfɭWy                      vocoids
          q7sfɭ                      laterals
          q7sfɭɭ                           /l/
          q7sfo                      semivowels; glides
          q7sfoɭ                           /j/
          q7sfoq                           /w/
          q7sfqWy                      vowels
          q7sfq                      closed vowels
          q7sfqr                           /i/
          q7sfqu                           /u/
          q7sfs                      half-closed vowels
          q7sfsr                           /e/
          q7sfsu                           /o/
          q7sfsv                           /ø/
          q7sfu                      medium vowels
          q7sfut                           /ɘ/
          q7sfvq                           /y/
          q7sfvv                           /ɯ/
          q7sfw                      half-open vowels
          q7sfwr                           /ɛ/
          q7sfwt                           /ʌ/
          q7sfwu                           /ɔ/
          q7sfwv                           /œ/
          q7sfy                      open vowels
          q7sfyr                           /a/
          q7sfyt                           /ɑ/
          q7sm                 combined sounds; sequences
          q7smd                      diphthongs
          q7smh                      hiatuses
          q7ss                 syllables
          q7ss7C                           with suprasegmental
          q7ss7CiWu                                suprasegmentals; prosodic features
          q7ss7Ci                                stress; intensity; accent
          q7ss7Cib                                     unstressed
          q7ss7Cie                                     secondarily stressed
          q7ss7Cin                                     stressed
          q7ss7Cis                                     strongly stressed
          q7ss7Cp                                tones; pitches
          q7ss7Cpc                                     falling tone
          q7ss7Cpn                                     neutral tone
          q7ss7Cpp                                     dipping tone
          q7ss7Cpr                                     rising tone
          q7ss7Cpw                                     high tone
          q7ss7Cu                                lengths; quantities; chronemes  ↞ an89 quantifiers
          q7ss7Cuf                                     extra-short
          q7ss7Cui                                     short
          q7ss7Cum                                     long
          q7ss7Cux                                     extra-long; geminated
          q7w            writing  [graphemics; palaeography; epigraphy]
          q7wg                 logographies; hieroglyphs
          q7wgh                      Chinese characters; Han characters; sinographs; hanzi; kanji; hanja; hán tự
          q7wi                 syllabaries; syllabic writings
          q7wik                      Kana
          q7wj                 abjads
          q7wjc                      Proto-Canaanite alphabet
          q7wje                      Phoenician alphabet
          q7wjg                      Aramaic
          q7wjh                      Hebrew alphabet
          q7wjr                      Arabic alphabet
          q7wjs                      Syriac alphabet
          q7wk                 abugidas; alphasyllabaries
          q7wkd                      Devanagari
          q7wkt                      Ethiopic
          q7wɭ                 alphabets
          q7wɭg                      Greek alphabet  ↞ qveg Greek language
          q7wɭg7E{β}   ⋄                                    letter β
          q7wɭɭ                      Latin alphabet  ↞ qvei Romance languages
          q7wɭɭ7_Ev                                     cue
          q7wɭɭX                           Latin letters
          q7wɭɭXc                                uppercase Latin letters  ↞ q7wlac 
          q7wɭɭXs                                lowercase Latin letters  ↞ q7wlas 
          q7wɭɭb                           a; letter a
          q7wɭɭbc   ⋄                               uppercase a; A
          q7wɭɭbs   ⋄                               lowercase a; a
          q7wɭɭbzb                           bee; letter b
          q7wɭɭc                           cee
          q7wɭɭd                           dee
          q7wɭɭe                           e
          q7wɭɭf                           ef
          q7wɭɭg                           gee
          q7wɭɭh                           aitch; haitch
          q7wɭɭi                           i
          q7wɭɭj                           jay; jy
          q7wɭɭk                           kay
          q7wɭɭɭ                           el; ell
          q7wɭɭm                           em
          q7wɭɭn                           en
          q7wɭɭo                           o
          q7wɭɭp                           pee
          q7wɭɭr                           ar; or
          q7wɭɭs                           ess
          q7wɭɭt                           tee
          q7wɭɭu                           u
          q7wɭɭv                           vee
          q7wɭɭw                           double-u
          q7wɭɭx                           ex
          q7wɭɭy                           wy
          q7wɭɭyzd                           zed; zee
          q7wɭn                      Icelandic alphabet
          q7wɭq                      Glagolitic alphabet
          q7wɭr                      Cyrillic alphabet  ↞ qves Slavic languages
          q7wɭrr                           Russian alphabet
          q7wɭu                      Hangul
          q7wɭw                      Morse code
          q7wɭx                      fingerspelling; dactylology; manual alphabet
          q7wɭxd                           deaf-dumb alphabet  ↞ mqad97o 
          q7wɭy                      Braille alphabet
          q7wu                 numerals
          q7wum                      Roman numerals
          q7wum7Eb                                     I
          q7wum7Ec                                     V
          q7wum7Ed                                     X
          q7wum7Ee                                     L
          q7wum7Ef                                     C
          q7wum7Eg                                     D
          q7wum7Eh                                     M
          q7wur                      Hindo-Arabic numerals
          q7wur7Eo                                     zero; numeral 0
          q7wur7Ep                                     one; numeral 1
          q7wur7Er                                     three; numeral 3
          q7wur7Es                                     four; numeral 4
          q7wur7Et                                     five; numeral 5
          q7wur7Eu                                     six; numeral 6
          q7wur7Ev                                     two; numeral 2
          q7wur7Ev_                                     seven; numeral 7
          q7wur7Ew                                     eight; numeral 8
          q7wur7Ex                                     nine; numeral 9
          q7wx                 punctuation marks
          q7wxi                      positurae
          q7wxi7Ec                                     punctus
          q7wxp                      printing-press punctuation
          q7wxp7Ec                                     colon
          q7wxp7Ee                                     semicolon
          q7wxp7Ef                                     full stop; period
          q7wxp7Eh                                     parentheses
          q7wxp7Em                                     comma
          q7wxr                      computer punctuation
          q7wxr7Eb                                     at sign; @
          q7wxr7Eh                                     hash; #
Connected classes:
                 q7wɭɭXc                               uppercase Latin letters  ↞ q7wlac 
                 q7wɭɭXs                               lowercase Latin letters  ↞ q7wlas 
                 wbg           greeting and parting customs; salutations  ↞ q7g 
                 xn      dances  [choreology]  ↞ wb q7g 

current: 99 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class q7 / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2021.12.09 -