Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class mpwt

    broader class

          mpwt                 asteridae
          mpwtb                      gentianales
          mpwtbc                           loganiaceae
          mpwtbe                           retziaceae
          mpwtbg                           gentianaceae
          mpwtbi                           saccifoliaceae
          mpwtbp                           apocynaceae
          mpwtbs                           asclepiadaceae
          mpwtd                      solanales
          mpwtdd                           duckeodendraceae
          mpwtdf                           nolanaceae
          mpwtdh                           solanaceae
          mpwtdhb                                belladonna; deadly nightshade; Atropa
          mpwtdhp                                peppers; Capsicum
          mpwtdhs                                Solanum including nightshades, horsenettles
          mpwtdhse                                     eggplants; aubergines; brinjals; Solanum melongena
          mpwtdhsp                                     potatoes; Solanum tuberosum
          mpwtdhst                                     tomatoes; Solanum lycopersicum
          mpwtdht                                tobacco plants; Nicotiana
          mpwtdɭ                           convolvulaceae
          mpwtdn                           cuscutaceae
          mpwtdq                           menyanthaceae
          mpwtds                           polemoniaceae
          mpwtdu                           hydrophyllaceae
          mpwtdx                           retziaceae
          mpwtf                      lamiales
          mpwtfɭ                           lennoaceae
          mpwtfo                           boraginaceae
          mpwtfv                           verbenaceae
          mpwtfy                           lamiaceae
          mpwtfys                                Salvia including common sage
          mpwti                      callitrichales
          mpwtih                           hippuridaceae
          mpwtiɭ                           callitrichaceae
          mpwtiy                           hydrostachyaceae
          mpwtɭ                      plantaginales
          mpwtɭp                           plantaginaceae
          mpwto                      scrophulariales
          mpwtob                           buddlejaceae
          mpwtoe                           oleaceae olive family
          mpwtoef                                ashes; Fraxinus
          mpwtoej                                jasmines; Jasminus
          mpwtoeɭ                                lylacs; Syringa
          mpwtoeo                                olive trees; Olea
          mpwtoh                           scrophulariaceae
          mpwtok                           globulariaceae
          mpwtom                           myoporaceae
          mpwtoo                           orobanchaceae
          mpwtoq                           gesneriaceae
          mpwtos                           acanthaceae
          mpwtou                           pedaliaceae
          mpwtov                           bignoniaceae
          mpwtox                           mendonciaceae
          mpwtoy                           lentibulariaceae
          mpwtq                      campanulales
          mpwtqc                           pentaphragmataceae
          mpwtqf                           sphenocleaceae
          mpwtqi                           campanulaceae
          mpwtqɭ                           stylidiaceae
          mpwtqo                           donatiaceae
          mpwtqr                           brunoniaceae
          mpwtqu                           goodeniaceae
          mpwtr                      rubiales
          mpwtrr                           rubiaceae
          mpwtrrc                                coffee plants; Coffea
          mpwtrt                           theligonaceae
          mpwts                      dipsacales
          mpwtsc                           caprifoliaceae
          mpwtso                           adoxaceae
          mpwtsv                           valerianaceae
          mpwtsy                           dipsacaceae
          mpwtu                      calycerales
          mpwtuc                           calyceraceae
          mpwtw                      asterales
          mpwtwc                           asteraceae; compositae
          mpwtwcb                                Ambrosia
          mpwtwcc                                chicory; Cichorium
          mpwtwcd                                Dahlia
          mpwtwce                                Dendranthema
          mpwtwcf                                Argyranthemum
          mpwtwcg                                Gerbera
          mpwtwch                                Helianthus
          mpwtwchf                                     sunflowers; Helianthus annuus
          mpwtwcht                                     Jerusalem artichoke; Helianthus tuberosus
          mpwtwci                                Zinnia
          mpwtwcj                                Artemisia
          mpwtwcjb                                     absinthe; Artemisia absinthium
          mpwtwcjd                                     tarragon; Artemisia dracunculus
          mpwtwck                                knapweed; Centaurea
          mpwtwcɭ                                Lactuca
          mpwtwcɭs                                     lettuce; Lactuca sativa
          mpwtwcm                                Smallanthus
          mpwtwcms                                     yacón; Smallanthus sonchifolius
          mpwtwcn                                Senecio
          mpwtwcnv                                     groundsel; Senecio vulgaris
          mpwtwco                                goldenrod; Solidago
          mpwtwcp                                Calendula
          mpwtwcq                                safflower; Carthamus tinctorius
          mpwtwcr                                Chrysanthemum
          mpwtwcs                                ragwort; Senecio jacobaea
          mpwtwct                                dandelion; araxacum
          mpwtwcu                                tagetes
          mpwtwcy                                globe artichoke; Cynara scolymus
Connected classes:
                 sbbɭɭ                     lettuce  ↞ mpwtwcls 
                 sbbn                eggplants; aubergines; brinjals  ↞ mpwtdhse 
                 sbbp                peppers  ↞ mpwtdhp 
                 sbbrp                     potatoes  ↞ mpwtdhsp 
                 sbbt                tomatoes  ↞ mpwtdhst 
                 sbbv                table olives  ↞ mpwtoeo 
                 sboo                olive oil  ↞ mpwtoeo 
                 sbvst                     coffee  ↞ mpwtrrc 

current: 99 



Move to another main class:
      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class mpwt / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2021.12.09 -