Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class mU7

    broader class

          mU7            human organs  [human anatomy]  ≈ DDC 611 612
          mU7d                 human digestive organs; gastrointestinal tract; GIT; digestive tract; alimentary canal; digestion tract
          mU7dbWq                      upper gastrointestinal tract
          mU7db                      human mouth
          mU7dbb                           lips
          mU7dbl                           palate
          mU7dbo                           human tongue
          mU7dbt                           human teeth
          mU7dbt(81d)                                     deciduous teeth; primary teeth; baby teeth; milk teeth  ↞ mU8i children
          mU7dbt(81p)                                     permanent teeth
          mU7dbtXXXc                                     pulp chamber
          mU7dbtXXXd                                     dentin
          mU7dbtXXXe                                     enamel
          mU7dbtXXXg                                     gums; gingivas
          mU7dbtXXXm                                     cementum
          mU7dbtXXl                                     left
          mU7dbtXXr                                     right
          mU7dbti                                incisors
          mU7dbtii                                     maxillary central incisors
          mU7dbtiil   ⋄                                    left maxillary central incisor
          mU7dbtiir   ⋄                                    right maxillary central incisor
          mU7dbtil                                     maxillary lateral incisors
          mU7dbtin                                     mandibular central incisors
          mU7dbtir                                     mandibular lateral incisors
          mU7dbtn                                canines
          mU7dbtni                                     maxillary canins
          mU7dbtnn                                     mandibular canins
          mU7dbtp                                premolars; bicuspids
          mU7dbtpi                                     maxillary first premolars
          mU7dbtpl                                     maxillary second premolars
          mU7dbtpn                                     mandibular first premolars
          mU7dbtpr                                     mandibular second premolars
          mU7dbtr                                molars
          mU7dbtrXd   ⋄                                    molar dentin
          mU7dbtri                                     maxillary first molars
          mU7dbtrl                                     maxillary second molars
          mU7dbtrm                                     maxillary third molars
          mU7dbtrn                                     mandibular first molars
          mU7dbtrr                                     mandibular second molars
          mU7dbtrt                                     mandibular third molars
          mU7dd                      pharynx
          mU7de                      esophagus
          mU7dh                      stomach
          mU7dl                      liver
          mU7do                      gallbladder; gall bladder; cholecyst
          mU7dp                      pancreas
          mU7dtWy                      lower gastrointestinal tract
          mU7dt                      intestines; bowel; gut
          mU7dtcWj                           small intestine; small bowel
          mU7dtd                           duodenus
          mU7dte                           jejunum
          mU7dti                           ileum
          mU7dtmWx                           large intestine; large bowel
          mU7dtm                           cecum; caecum
          mU7dto                           colon
          mU7dtoc                                ascending colon
          mU7dtoe                                transverse colon
          mU7dton                                descending colon
          mU7dtos                                sigmoid colon
          mU7dtr                           rectum
          mU7dtw                           anal canal
          mU7dx                      anus
          mU7e                 human respiratory organs
          mU7ec                      paranasal sinuses
          mU7ee                      nose
          mU7el                      larynx
          mU7em                      vocal folds
          mU7eq                      trachea
          mU7er                      bronchi
          mU7eu                      lungs
          mU7ex                      diaphragm
          mU7i                 human circulatory organs
          mU7ih                      human heart
          mU7ihf                           left atrium
          mU7ihh                           right atrium
          mU7ihl                           left ventricle
          mU7ihn                           right ventricle
          mU7ihp                           perdicardium; pericardial sac
          mU7il                      blood vessels
          mU7ile                           arteries
          mU7ill                           capillaries
          mU7ilv                           veins
          mU7io                      human blood
          mU7io49uc                                     hyperemia; increased blood flow
          mU7j                 immune and lymphatic systems
          mU7jb                      innate immune system; nonspecific immune system
          mU7jd                      adaptive immune system; acquired immune system
          mU7jl                      lymphatic vessels
          mU7jn                      lymph nodes; lymph glands
          mU7jt                      thymus
          mU7jw                      bone marrow
          mU7jy                      lymph
          mU7l                 human glands
          mU7n                 human nervous system
          mU7nbWk                      central nervous system; CNS
          mU7nb                      human brain
          mU7nbc                           cerebellum
          mU7nbe                           brainstem
          mU7nbed                                midbrain
          mU7nben                                pons
          mU7nbeo                                medulla oblongata
          mU7nbr                           cerebrum; telencephalon; endbrain
          mU7nbrh                                hippocampus
          mU7nbrl                                basal ganglia
          mU7nbro                                olfactory bulb
          mU7nbrx                                cerebral cortex; cerebral mantle
          mU7nbrxe                                     longitudinal fissure
          mU7nbrxf                                     frontal lobes
          mU7nbrxi                                     parietal lobes
          mU7nbrxo                                     occipital lobes
          mU7nbrxt                                     temporal lobes
          mU7nc                      spinal cord
          mU7nlWy                      peripheral nervous system; PNS
          mU7nn                      nerves
          mU7o                 human sense organs
          mU7oe                      human eyes
          mU7oe49ud                                      blindness
          mU7oec                           cornea
          mU7oei                           iris
          mU7oel                           pupil
          mU7oen                           crystalline lens
          mU7oer                           retina
          mU7oh                      human ears
          mU7oh49ud                                      deafness
          mU7ohbWc                           outer ear
          mU7ohb                           pinna
          mU7ohc                           ear canal
          mU7ohhWo                           medium ear
          mU7ohm                           tympanic cavity
          mU7oho                           ossicles
          mU7ohpWy                           inner ear
          mU7ohq                           bony labyrinth
          mU7ohs                           semicircular canals
          mU7ohu                           utricle
          mU7ohv                           saccule
          mU7ohx                           cochlea
          mU7p                 limbs
          mU7pl                      legs
          mU7plf                           feet
          mU7plft                                toes
          mU7pr                      arms
          mU7prh                           hands
          mU7prhn                                fingers
          mU7q                 human skeleton
          mU7qbWg                      axial skeleton
          mU7qcWd                      skull; cranium s.l.
          mU7qc                      cranium; neurocranium
          mU7qd                      mandible; viscerocranium; facial skeleton
          mU7qe                      vertebral column; backbone; spine
          mU7qebWh                           cervical vertebrae; cervical spine
          mU7qeiWrzq                 thoracic vertebrae; thoracic spine
          mU7qei                           first thoracic vertebra; T1
          mU7qer                           tenth toracic vertebra; T10
          mU7qerzp                           eleventh thoracic vertebra; T11
          mU7qerzq                           twelfth thoracic vertebra; T12
          mU7qesWw                           lumbar vertebrae; lumbar spine
          mU7qex                           sacrum
          mU7qey                           coccyx
          mU7qg                      rib cage; thoracic cage
          mU7qgr                           ribs
          mU7qgrb                                1st left rib
          mU7qgrc                                1st right rib
          mU7qgry                                12th right rib
          mU7qgs                           sternum
          mU7qiWy                      appendicular skeleton
          mU7qi                      pectoral girdles
          mU7ql                      upper limbs
          mU7qle                           humerus
          mU7qlr                           radius
          mU7qlu                           ulna
          mU7qlw                           wrist; carpus; carpal bones
          mU7qlx                           metacarpus; metacarpal bones
          mU7qly                           phalanges; digital bones
          mU7qp                      pelvis; pelvic girdle
          mU7qw                      lower limbs
          mU7qwf                           femur
          mU7qwh                           patella; kneecap
          mU7qwi                           tibia
          mU7qwl                           fibula
          mU7qwr                           tarsus
          mU7qws                           metatarsus
          mU7qwy                           phalanges; toe bones
          mU7r                 human muscles
          mU7s                 human reproductive organs
          mU7u                 human urinary organs; escretory system
          mU7uk                      kidneys
          mU7x                 human skin
          mU7x49oce                                     angioedema
          mU7x4l                           dermatitis; eczema
          mU7x7io49uc                                     erythema
          mU7xh                      human hair
          mU7xn                      human nails
Connected classes:
                 sfh           haircut  ↞ mU7xh 
                 sh6w                osteopathy; osteopathic medicine  ↞ mU7q 
                 sh97  [mU7]                of treated part
                 t74  [mU7]           having ill organ
                 w77  [mU7]           with symbolic body part
                 xm7a                voice; song  ↞ mU7e 
                 xm7b                body percussion  ↞ mU7 

current: 99 



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      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class mU7 / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2025.01.29 -