Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version
Expanded class Up

    broader class

          Up       persons born in 2nd millennium CE
          Upo            persons born in 11th century
          Uposw                      persons born in 1048; Omar Khayyam
          Upp            persons born in 12th century
          Uppqu                      persons born in 1126; Ibn Rushd; Averroes
          Upq            persons born in 13th century
          Upqoo                      persons born in 1200; Dōgen Zenji
          Upqqt                      persons born in 1225; Thomas Aquinas
          Upqu                 persons born in 1260-1269; Dante Alighieri
          Upr            persons born in 14th century
          Upros                      persons born in 1304; Petrarch
          Uprrq                      persons born in 1332; Ibn Khaldun
          Ups            persons born in 15th century
          Upstp                      persons born in 1451; Christopher Columbus
          Upstq                      persons born in 1452; Leonardo da Vinci
          Upsvr                      persons born in 1473; Nicolaus Copernicus
          Upsvt                      persons born in 1475; Michelangelo
          Upt            persons born in 16th century
          Uptsv                      persons born in 1547; Miguel de Cervantes
          Uptus                      persons born in 1564
          Uptusd                           persons born in February 1-15, 1564; Galileo Galilei
          Uptusi                           persons born in April 16-30, 1564; William Shakespeare
          Uptvp                      persons born in 1571; Johannes Kepler
          Uptvv                      persons born in 1577; Peter Paul Rubens
          Uptww                      people born in 1588; Thomas Hobbes
          Uptxu                      persons born in 1596; René Descartes
          Upu            persons born in 17th century
          Upuou                      persons born in 1606; Rembrandt
          Upuqq                      persons born in 1622; Molière
          Upuqr                      persons born in 1623; Blaise Pascal
          Upurq                      people born in 1632
          Upurqq                           persons born in August 16-31, 1632; John Locke
          Upurqw                           persons born in November 16-30, 1632; Baruch Spinoza
          Upusq                      persons born in 1642; Isaac Newton
          Upusu                      persons born in 1646; Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
          Upuwt                      persons born in 1685; Johann Sebastian Bach
          Upuxs                      persons born in 1694; Voltaire
          Upv            persons born in 18th century
          Upvov                      persons born in 1707
          Upvovh                           persons born in April 1-15, 1707; Leonhard Euler
          Upvovk                           persons born in May 16-31, 1707; Carl Linnaeus
          Upvpp                      persons born in 1711; David Hume
          Upvpq                      persons born in 1712; Jean-Jacques Rousseau
          Upvqs                      persons born in 1724; Immanuel Kant
          Upvru                      persons born in 1736; Joseph-Louis Lagrange
          Upvsx                      persons born in 1749; J. W. Goethe
          Upvux                      persons born in 1769; Napoleon
          Upvvo                      persons born in 1770
          Upvvoq                           persons born in August 16-31, 1770; Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
          Upvvoy                           persons born in December 16-31, 1770; Ludwig van Beethoven
          Upvvv                      persons born in 1777; Carl Friedrich Gauss
          Upvxw                      persons born in 1798; Auguste Comte
          Upw            persons born in 19th century
          Upwox                      persons born in 1809
          Upwoxce   ⋄                               persons born on 19 January 1809; Edgar Allan Poe
          Upwoxdm                                persons born on 12 February 1809
          Upwoxdme                                     persons born on 12 February 1809 at 3 AM; Charles Darwin
          Upwoxdmh                                     persons born on 12 February 1809 at 6 AM; Abraham Lincoln
          Upwpt                      persons born in 1815; Ada Lovelace
          Upwpw                      persons born in 1818; Karl Marx
          Upwpx                      persons born in 1819; Queen Victoria
          Upwrp                      persons born in 1831; James Clerk Maxwell
          Upwrx                      persons born in 1839; Charles Sanders Peirce
          Upwtr                      persons born in 1853; Vincent van Gogh
          Upwts                      persons born in 1854; Henri Poincaré
          Upwtu                      persons born in 1856; Sigmund Freud
          Upwuq                      persons born in 1862; David Hilbert
          Upwux                      persons born in 1869; Mahatma Gandhi
          Upwvo                      persons born in 1870; Lenin
          Upwvq                      persons born in 1872; Bertrand Russell
          Upwvx                      persons born in 1879; Albert Einstein
          Upwwp                      persons born in 1881; Pablo Picasso
          Upwxs                      persons born in 1894; Norbert Wiener
          Upx            persons born in 20th century
          Upxoq                      persons born in 1902; Paul Dirac
          Upxor                      persons born in 1903
          Upxorv                           persons born in November 1-15, 1903; Konrad Lorenz
          Upxory                           persons born in December 16-31, 1903; John von Neumann
          Upxou                      persons born in 1906; Kurt Gödel
          Upxpq                      persons born in 1912; Alan Turing
          Upxpw                      persons born in 1918; Nelson Mandela
          Upxqw                      persons born in 1928; Stanley Kubrick
          Upxqx                      persons born in 1929; Martin Luther King
          Upxrp                      persons born in 1931; Michail Gorbačëv
          Upxru                      persons born in 1936; Jorge Mario Bergoglio pope Francis
          Upxso                      persons born in 1940; Pele
          Upxtt                      persons born in 1955
          Upxttɭ                           persons born in June 1-15, 1955; Tim Berners-Lee
Connected classes:
                 uUu917pwup                                    presidency of Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865  ↞ Upwoxdmh 

current: 99 



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      a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y


or insert a term  and do a new

Facets key
0  as for perspective +
1  at time            +
2  in place           +
3  by agent           +
4  opposed to         +
5  undergoing change  +
6  having property    +
7  with part          +
8  in quantity        +
9  of quality         +


ILC developing version. Expanded class Up / — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.03.06 - 2021.12.09 -