Integrative Levels Classification project ILC2 schedules developing schedules how it works people references

ILC developing version. Class details

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hierarchical chain (BT, NT):
      main classes
   u   polities
   uU   contemporary political divisions
   uUu   United States of America   ☛
   uUuX   states of the USA
   uUub   Missouri
   uUuc   Illinois
   uUud   Indiana
   uUue   Ohio
   uUuezk   Kentucky
   uUuf   Tennessee
   uUug   Arkansas
   uUugzo   Oklahoma
   uUuh   Kansas
   uUui   Nebraska
   uUuizi   Iowa
   uUuj   Minnesota
   uUuk   Wisconsin
   uUul   Michigan
   uUulzm   Maine
   uUulzn   New Hampshire
   uUulzv   Vermont
   uUum   Massachusetts
   uUumzr   Rhode Island
   uUumzu   Connecticut
   uUun   New York State
   uUuo   Pennsylvania
   uUuoze   New Jersey
   uUuozh   Delaware
   uUuozm   Maryland
   uUuozo   District of Columbia
   uUuozq   West Virginia
   uUuozr   Virginia
   uUuozt   North Carolina
   uUuozu   South Carolina
   uUup   Georgia
   uUuq   Florida
   uUuqzb   Alabama
   uUuqzm   Mississippi
   uUuqzu   Louisiana
   uUur   Texas
   uUus   New Mexico
   uUut   Colorado
   uUuu   Utah
   uUuuzi   Arizona
   uUuuzn   Nevada
   uUuv   California
   uUuvze   Oregon
   uUuvzh   Washington
   uUuvzi   Idaho
   uUuvzj   Wyoming
   uUuvzm   Montana
   uUuvzs   South Dakota
   uUuvzt   North Dakota
   uUuw   Alaska
   uUux   Hawaii
   uUuy   territories of the USA

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defined foci:
verbal caption:United States of America
synonyms (UF):USA
description synonyms:
discipline (RT):
semantic factors (RT):
special facets:u [] polities
u17 [w1] in fiscal year
u27 [uU] in region
u3 [] by political group
u31 [uU] derived from previous polity
u35 [U] ruled by ruler
u39 [] party platform
u4 [] committing crime
u43 [uU] against enemy polity
u49 [] subjected to sanction
u5 [] procedure
u579 [] step in policy cycle
u6 [] regime
u63 [wt] inspired to religion
u66 [p6] promoting principle
u69 [] law type
u7 [] department
u72 [uU] regional subdivision
u87 [an89] groups
u88 [an] producing $/y output
u91 [w1] founded in foundation time
u917 [w1] office start
u919 [ty] of historical period
u92 [uU] in capital place
u922 [jU] of territory
u927 [uU] in jurisdiction
u94 [uU] related to related polity
u943 [uU] influenced by dominant polity
u949 [uU] cooperating with cooperating polity
u95 [qv] speaking official language
uU [] contemporary political divisions
uUu [] United States of America
scope note (SN):
ILC2 map:ttu United States of America
DDC map:
record updated:2023-01-15 10:42:14

The entry 'United_States_of_America' in Wikipedia:    — or look at synonyms search results

ILC developing version. Class details — ISKO Italia <> : 2006.04.03 - 2021.04.02 -