To the class landslides associated with rocks correspond these 2 documents.
In order to extract only those associated to another class, please click on the
corresponding term. To make the search wider try a more general class. |
j3c h J
landslides : rocks : Staffora valley and Oltrepò | Perché l'Oltrepò frana / Sergio Mussini, Claudio Trecordi = Quaderni della Sezione di Scienze naturali del civico Museo di Voghera. 4. 1-2. p 25-30 – 1981 |
wl t4 j3c h E F G H
settlings : laws : landslides : rocks : Borbera valley : Ossona valley : Grue valley : Curone valley | La sistemazione idrogeologica delle valli montane : atti del convegno : 28 maggio 1988 – Provincia di Alessandria : Alessandria : 1988~ |
Where the Apennine begins. Books and articles. Results of the search by class / Gabriele Merli, Fulvio Bisi, Claudio Gnoli : interface with the database -- <> : 2005.11 - 2008.12 -