ISKO Italia

7' Incontro ISKO Italia

Bologna : 20 aprile 2015 ore 10-18

Università di Bologna
Dipartimento di Matematica
piazza di Porta San Donato 5, Bologna [mappa]

Some 30 people participated in the seventh biennial meeting of the Italian chapter of ISKO. The meeting was organized thanks to collaboration with the Università di Bologna — held to be the oldest one in the world! The proceedings will be published online in Bibliotime, n.s., 18 (2015), n. 2.

The morning was devoted to the presentation of technological and practical applications of KO. Koraljka Golub gave a video keynote lecture reviewing methods for assessing the effectiveness of automatic subject indexing; Luca Rosati discussed KO in the new perspective of the Internet of things; and various speakers from CNR and the University of Calabria presented recent activities in terminology and knowledge management.

In the afternoon, discussion moved to more theoretical aspects of KO. Luca Giusti emphasized how faceted approaches better suit local knowledge and its dialogue with general KOSs; Michele Santoro offered a wide rewiew of logical, historical and anthropological assumptions of KO; Marco Gigante discussed the relationship between power and knowledge in Foucault; Riccardo Ridi and Claudio Gnoli debated on subjective vs objective aspects of KO, which started a public discussion also involving Pino Buizza, Alberto Cheti and others.

As usual, discussions and exchanges continued in an informal way during lunch and the aperitif, both in the lively historical centre of the city.

Interventi = Participants

Dotazione = Equipment

L'aula dispone di circa 100 posti a sedere, computer e videoproiettore.

Comitato organizzatore = Organizing committee

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6' Incontro ISKO Italia : Bologna : 20 aprile 2015 = (ISKO Italia) — <> : 2015.01.15 - 2015.07.21 -